- Issues should be reported to Github.
- Before opening a new issue, search existing ones. Maybe it's already been reported.
- Next, depending on the problem type:
- Typo. Attach a screenshot, explain what's wrong in the wording and how it should be corrected. (Screenshot key is F12).
- Quest bug. Explain the problem. Attach two savegames: one where the problem can be seen right away, another one right before starting the quest. Indicate if any other mods are installed, and their versions.
- Crash. See reporting crashes.
- Something else. A savegame and anything else that you think could be helpful.
- The best way to get the issue fixed is to submit a pull request.
- One issue per problem.
- Attach the files directly on Github, don't use external file sharing sites.
- Some bugs can be better illustrated with a gif or a video, you can do that. Youtube, loom, etc.