diff --git a/README.md b/README.md index 2b5ec52..151d3bc 100644 --- a/README.md +++ b/README.md @@ -23,6 +23,7 @@ This is a mod for the [HBS BattleTech](http://battletechgame.com/) game that inc * **ExplodingBuildingFix**: Use Vector3 distance calculation instead of Unity physics collider for transformer/cooling building explosions. Hopefully no more random damage to units halfway across the map. * **EventRequirementsScopeFix**: Fixes SimGameEventOption requirements to check all appropriate scope objects (previously would ignore SecondaryMechWarrior, TertiaryMechWarrior, and SecondaryMech). * **ExtendedStats**: Allows pilots to be assigned Statistic values above the normal bounds of 1-10. +* **FactionReputationFixes**: Remove/prevent duplicate allied factions. Can now gain rep with former enemy factions without restart. * **FactionValueFix**: Fixes career FactionValues in saves when FactionValues are changed mid-career. Previously, if a FactionValue was set to "IsCareerIgnoredContractTarget": false,, that false value would persist in saves even when the actual FactionValue in Faction.json was changed, preventing that faction from appearing as a procedural contract target for that career. * **FlexibleSensorLock**: Using a Sensor Lock action does not count as movement or firing. This allows it to be combined with actions in a unit's activation. * **MaxArmorMaxesArmor**: "Max Armor" button in mechbay now sets armor to the maximum possible for the chassis; ignores available tonnage. Holding Control while clicking will use vanilla functionality (does not work well with MechEngineer armors like ferro, etc.)