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Sakurajimai#6742 edited this page Oct 2, 2020 · 25 revisions




Name Description
[] Indicates a mandatory argument, you must provide this for the command to work!
<> Indicates an optional argument, you do not need to provide this for the command to work


Command Parameters Description Example
baka User Mention Sends a random Baka gif pointing to the mentioned user m!baka [@User]
cry None Sends a random Cry gif m!cry
hug User Mention Sends a random Hug gif hugging the mentioned user m!hug <@User>
kiss User Mention Sends a random Kiss gif kissing the mentioned user m!kiss [@User]
pat User Mention Sends a random Pat gif patting the mentioned user m!pat <@User>
poke User Mention Sends a random Poke gif poking the mentioned user m!poke [@User]
slap User Mention Sends a random Slap gif slapping the mentioned user m!slap [@User]
smug None Sends a random Smug m!smug
tickle User Mention Sends a random Tickle gif tickling the mentioned user m!tickle [@User]

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Command Parameters Description Example
anime Query (Anime Title) Queries Anime on MyAnimeList to get Anime's basic Information m!anime <Seishun Buta>
animeme Configuration (Random, Reload) Sends a meme fetched from the subredit r/animemes m!anime <random / reload>
aniquote None Sends a totally random anime quote m!aniquote
anirandom None Sends a totally random anime m!anirandom
character Query (Character Name) Queries Anime Character on MyAnimeList to get Character's basic Information m!character <Mai Sakurajima>
discover Type (Anime or Manga) Get a personalized anime / manga recommendation m!discover [anime / manga]
malprofile Configuration (UserMention, set, self, update) View or set own's MAL profile to your discord account (bot-bound) m!malprofile <@User / -self / -set [Mal Username] / -set [Mal Username] -update>
manga Query (Character Name) Queries Manga on MyAnimeList. Returns up to 10 results m!manga <Seishun Buta>
mangarandom None Sends a totally random anime m!mangarandom
nextairdate Query (Anime Title) Sends the next episode's airdate if a query is provided, or returns the next three airing episodes m!nextairdate <Seishun Buta Yarou>
sauce ID (6 digit ID) NSFW WARNING! Grabs the doujin Information based on the provided ID m!sauce [5 or 6-digit number]
schedule Query (Day of the week) Returns the provided weekday's anime schedule, or today if none is provided m!schedule <Tuesday>
seiyuu Query (Seiyuu Name) Queries Voice Actress on AniList to get VA's basic Information m!seiyuu <Amamiya Sora>
waifu None Generate random waifu image m!waifu

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Command Parameters Description Example
feedback Feedback Message Sends a feedback directly to Sakurajimai#6742's inbox m!feedback [economy not working pls help]
invite None Sends the bot's invite link, support server link, the server's link (if previously set up), and/or Advertised server link m!invite
ping None Sends various ping of the bot m!ping
stats None Sends the bot's current status m!stats

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Command Parameters Description Example
cmd Command Category Sends the list of commands under selected category m!cmd [core]
help Command Name Sends the command information for the provided command name m!help <rank>
leaderboard None Sends the server xp leaderboard [Server and Channel Must be xp enabled] m!leaderboard
mai None Sends a random Mai Image
nonxpchannels None Displays the list of channels where xp is disabled [Server must be xp enabled] m!nonxpchannels
rank User Mention Displays own / mentioned user's server xp ranking [Server and channel must be xp enabled] m!rank <@User Mention>
suggest Suggestion Message Send a suggestion for the server [Requires a set suggest channel] m!suggest [add an emoji channel!]
watching None Sends the list of anime under the server's Anischedule Feature (if enabled) m!watching

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Command Parameters Description Example
bal None Checks your current wallet and/or bank balance (If you have a bank) m!bal
bank None Register yourself to the bank (If you don't have a bank yet) m!bank
beg None Beg for some coins. Don't let pride get in your way to get rich! m!beg
daily None Get daily reward from Mai. Remember to keep your streak for increased rewards m!daily
deposit Amount Deposit some of your money to the bank (If you have a bank) to prevent overflow m!deposit [15000]
find None Find some coins around m!find
register None Register yourself to the Economy System for free! m!register
transfer None Transfer some of your coins to your friend. Both parties have to be registered to a bank! m!transfer [@User] [50000]
withdraw Amount Withdraw some coins from your bank m!withdraw [15000]

More info on Economy Section of the Wiki
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Command Parameters Description Example
8ball Question Ask the magic 8ball a question m!8ball [Is the Solo Levelling going to be adapted soon?]
advice None Ask Mai for a random advice m!advice
birdfact None Generate a random fact about the birds m!birdfact
catfact None Generate a random fact about the cats m!catfact
comment Comment Replicate YouTube comment scenario m!comment [this bot is too good!]
dogfact None Generate a random fact about the dogs m!dogfact
flip Tails / Head Flips a coin m!flip tails
fortune None Ask Mai for a random fortune m!fortune
horoscope Horoscope sign View your daily horoscope m!horoscope libra
invert User Mention Inverts the avatar of the mentioned user m!invert [@User]
joke None Generate a joke. I mean, this command is a joke in itself. m!joke
meme None Generate a meme. m!meme
pandafact None Generate a random fact about the pandas m!pandafact
pokemon pokemon Get the pokedex entry of the pokemon provided m!pokemon
rate Item Get your random item appraised m!rate [Excalibur]
respect Someone / Something you paid respect to Pay your respects to someone / something m!respect <Hachiko statue>
reverse Random Text Reverses the supplied text m!reverse [This text will be reversed]
roll Maximum Number Rolls a number from 0 to the provided maximum number m!roll <100>
ship User Mention Finds ship percentage between you and the mentioned user, both of the mentioned user, or find out in the whole server whom you're most compatible with m!ship <@User> <@User>
triggered User Mention Returns with a triggered avatar Gif out of the mentioned user's avatar m!triggered <@User>
wasted User Mention returns with a wasted image out of the mentioned user's avatar m!wasted <@User>

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Command Parameters Description Example
addemoji Image URL and Emoji Name Adds an emoji to your server out of the given image url m!addemoji [https://some-useful.image/image.png] <eg_smile>
addroles Role IDs / Role Mention and User Mention Adds the mentioned roles to the mentioned user m!addroles [@User] [@Role] <@Role> <@Role> ...
ban User Mention Bans the user from the server m!ban [@User]
clear Number of Messages to be deleted (Max. 99) Deletes the messages from the channel if the message is less than 14 days old based on the supplied number m!clear [50]
hackban User ID Bans a user from the server even if the user is not on that server m!ban [627381928370453681]
kick User Mention Kicks the user out of the server m!kick [@User]
lockdown None Prevent/Allow users from messaging in the current channel. Note that this resets all the permissions for the channel m!lockdown
mute User Mention Mutes a user (gives the user the set mutedrole, see setmutedrole) m!mute [@User]
nuke None Removes all the messages from the channel (Clones the channel and deletes the original) m!nuke
removeroles User Mention Removes all the roles the User has m!removeroles [@User]
respond Message ID, Accept/Deny, Reason Responds to a user's suggestion. This requires to have the server's suggest option enabled, see setsuggestch and suggest m!respond [7263152435261723] [deny] [This suggestion violates the Discord ToS]
softban User Mention Kicks the user and deletes all his messages from the server m!softban [@User]
unban User ID Unbans any banned member from the server m!unban [627381928370453681]
unmute User Mention Unmutes a user (removes the set mutedrole from the user, see setmutedrole) m!unmute [@User]

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Command Parameters Description Example
cleanup None Clears all the list of finished/cancelled anime. see Anischedule m!cleanup
eval Arbitrary Javascript Code Executes the provided JS code m!eval [1 + 1]
fleave Server ID Forces the bot to leave the server based on the provided server ID m! fleave [6723645273066783124]
reload Command Name / Alias 🛠️ Debugger Tool: Reloads the commands with changes without restarting the bot. m!reload [cleanup]

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Command Parameters Description Example
disableanisched None Disables the Anisched feature on the server m!disableanisched
economytoggle None Toggles the economy system for the server on or off m!economytoggle
setanischedch Channel Mention Sets the mentioned channel as the Anischedule Channel for the server m!setanisched [#anime-airing!]
setinvite Invite URL and Server Description Set an invite link + description for your server to be advertised whenever the command invite is used. m!setinvite [] [This server is for blah blah... (max 1024 char)]
setmute Role ID / Role Mention Sets the provided role resolvable to the Muted Role m!setmute [@Muted]
setsuggestch Channel Mention Sets the mentioned channel as the stream for suggest channel m!suggestchannel [#suggestions]
unwatch MyAnimeList or AniList anime entry Removes an anime show from the watchlist. see Anisched m!unwatch []
watch MyAnimeList or AniList anime entry Adds an anime show to the watchlist. see Anisched m!watch []
xpenable Channel Mention(s) Enables previously XP-disabled channels. see XP m!xpenable [#Channel] <#channel> <#channel> ...
xpexcempt Channel Mention(s) Disables previously XP-enabled channels. see XP m!xpexcempt [#Channel] <#Channel> <#Channel> ...
xpreset None Resets the XP System for the server. see XP m!xpreset
xptoggle None Toggles the XP System on / off for the server. see XP xptoggle

More info on Anischedule Section of the Wiki
More info on Economy Section of the Wiki
More info on XP Section of the Wiki
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Command Parameters Description Example
avatar User Mention Displays the avatar of the Mentioned User, or yours if no parameter is provided m!avatar <@User>
color Hex code Display the color of the provided hex code, or random color if no parameter is provided m!color <#f0f0f0>
define Word Searches for the definition of the word from Urban Dictionary m!define <Bot>
emoji Custom Emoji Gives a bigger image version of the provided custom emoji m!emoji <Custom Emoji>
jisho Word Searches for the definition of the japanese word (hiragana, katakana, kanji, romaji accepted) m!jisho < 二人 >
listrole None Lists all the role the server has based on permissions m!listrole
lyrics Song Title Gives the lyrics of the provided song title m!lyrics <Kimi no Sei Romanized>
permissionsfor User Mention Gives the permissions the mentioned user has on the server m!permissionsfor [@User]
reddit Subreddit Grabs a random image from the given subreddit m!reddit <animemes>
serverinfo None Gives the server information m!serverinfo
steam Game Title Gives the information about the game from the steam library m!steam <doki doki literature club>
time City Gives the current time of the mentioned City m!time <Tokyo>
userinfo User Mention Gives the user information of the mentioned user m!userinfo <@User>

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Extra Commands


Command Description Archive Reason Location
djs Query the discord.js documentation Not Usable by normal users Here
quiz A fun quiz game for the server Currently Broken Here

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Removed Commands are v2.4.0 commands that haven't made its way to the 3.0.0 (latest) update because of some various reasons. They are either WIP (Work-in-Progress) or will be entirely forgotten.

Command category Description Removal Reason Status
anitop anime returns the top anime based on provided category (all-time, current-season)(Movie, TV, OVA) Currently Broken (v3.0.0) 🛠️
nsfw anime Generates a random nsfw image based on the given criteria No reason at all, just felt it doesn't fit with the bot ☠️
studio anime returns some of the anime the provided studio has made Unused command, API Heavy command (Calls on API multiple times to satisfy command conditions) ☠️
backdoor owner Allows the bot owner to enter the server the bot is in without the consent of the Server Owner Violates Discord ToS ☠️
execute owner Executes a specific Discord.js Event Useless Command ☠️
automessage setup Create a custom Welcome, Goodbye message for the server Currently Broken (v3.0.0) 🛠️
whois utility Grabs the user information using ID even if the user is not in the server Violates Discord ToS. Replaced with [userinfo](#Utilitiy) command ☠️
  • All of the music command from the previous version, 2.4.0, has been removed due to the hosting limitations of the bot. These commands, however, are almost complete (for the latest version) but will never be pushed unless the bot gets a proper hosting service. If you forked the latest (3.0.0) version and want to use the music feature, feel free to open an issue. I will create a branch for it if someone is interested once it is complete.

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Hello! This is the Wiki for Mai Bot made for users to easily interact with the bot. You may click the link below to navigate through the wiki easily.

Anischedule Features
Economy Features
Experience Points Features

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