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Getting Started

BeboKhouja edited this page Sep 4, 2022 · 5 revisions

This page shows how to get started with ADB GUI.

First: Installation

  • Install Java
  • Install adb
  • Configuring
  • Install ADB GUI
  1. Install Java 17.0.2 or later
    First download Java from Oracle's website:
    If you are in Ubuntu click the link above or type in this command: sudo apt-get install openjdk-17-jre
  2. Install adb
    To install adb download adb from the official Android Developers page:
    If you are in Ubuntu click the link above or type in this command: sudo apt-get install adb
  3. Configuring
    Note: This step only applies to the Windows version of ADB GUI.
    3a. Put it on the root folder "C:\adb".
    3b. Put an environment variable in PATH called "C:\adb".
    3c. Restart your computer.
    We are getting closer!
  4. Install ADB GUI

Via ZIP file

4a. Click the latest release.
4b. Scroll down and click ADB
4c. The "ADB" is saved to "C:\Users\User\Downloads".
4d. Extract the contents of the ZIP.

Via MSI file

As of now, there is also a .msi file you can download.
4e. Click the latest release.
4f. Scroll down and click setup.exe
4g. Double-click the setup.exe
4h. Follow the instructions to install ADB GUI successfully.

Congrats! You successfully know how to install and configure ADB GUI.


Java is not recognized as an internal or external command, operable program, or batch file.

You either did not install Java or have not already configured the environment variable for Java. Reinstall Java and make sure the environment variable in "path" has "C:\Program Files\Java".


Launching ADB GUI from File Explorer

Launching ADB GUI from File Explorer does not provide a debugger. This is the most common way to run any program.

Launching ADB GUI using the cmd

Launching ADB GUI from cmd provides a debugger for the code execution. It also helps me fix problems by submitting a bug report to GitHub.

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