A carddav server which provides a gateway to a number of directories using directory handler classes selected by resource path prefixes.
- JDK 17
- Maven 3
mvn clean install
Releases of this fork are published to Maven Central via Sonatype.
To create a release, you must have:
- Permissions to publish to the
groupId. gpg
installed with a published key (release artifacts are signed).
To perform a new release use the release script:
./bedework/build/quickstart/linux/util-scripts/release.sh "" "-SNAPSHOT"
When prompted, indicate all updates are committed
For full details, see Sonatype's documentation for using Maven to publish releases.
To deploy into an application server requires a deploy.properties. The path to such file can be set in your profile by defining the property
- cd bw-carddav-ear
- mvn org.bedework:bw-deploy-maven-plugin:4.0.4:deploy-ears
- First maven central release.
- Refactored to provide a common jar used for directory handler builds.
- Use post-build plugin to deploy in server.
- Fix pom for sonatype
- Further refactoring of carddav to reduce the impact on configs. Moved implementations of configs back into server module.
- Fixed version numbering - should have been set to 4 initially
- Copy some useful methods into AbstractDirHandler
- Fixes to carddav to map from /public/people to /principals/users
- Fix handling of carddav "N" property when getting user details
- Try to fix the comparison for properties. They are supposed to be in a fixed order by name - however the name of wrapped x-properties is a parameter. Use that parameter for the comparison.
- Factor out hibernate related util classes
- Upgrade jackson
- Logging changes
- Logging changes
- Dependencies
- Upgrade jackson
- Java 11 changes
- Switch to PooledHttpClient
- Upgrade jackson
- bw-util refactor
- Upgrade jackson
- Move response objects out of CalFacade so they can be used within other modules.
- Provide webdav access to WdSysIntf object. Allows prefixing of uri in error response.
- Use bedework-parent for builds.
- Update library versions
- Move a bunch of vcard related code from carddav into common utility project
- Pass class loader as parameter when creating new objects. JMX interactions were failing.
- Update bw-util version to use new exception handling. Also update for new schema build code.
- Use util-hibernate classes for hib session. Throws different exception...
- Simplify the configuration utilities.
- Fix up a bunch of introduced config errors
- Remove dependency on bw-xml deployment
- Update library versions
- Make webdavexception subclass of runtimeexception and tidy up a bit. Should be no noticable changes.
- Update library versions
- Update library versions
- Update library versions
- Update library versions
- Update library versions
- Preparing for jakarta... Update carddav and self-registration for jcache
- Move response classes and ToString into bw-base module.
- Switch to use DbSession from bw-database.
- Convert the hql queries into valid jpql. No hibernate specific terms were required (I think).