BagBoy - dex entries
Barro - Swav2Swar
Dreadwing93 on DeviantArt - backsprites
goodri63 - GenIVSpriteReplacer (which is gengfxdata, png2ncgr, gengfxicons, ncgr2png, and gengfxnarc)
Gota7 - Nitro Studio
HamsterSkull, nintendoplz, Kyle-Dove, 2and2makes5, PokeGirl4Ever, Fernandojl, Silver-Skie, TyranitarDark, Getsuei-H, Milomilotic11, Kyt66, kdiamo11, ChocoSrawloid, StyleDude, Gallanty, Gizamimi-Pichu, Kid1513 on deviantart - overworlds
KazoWAR - BTX-Editor (which is png2btx0 and btx02png)
Kingcom - armips
loadingNOW - thenewpoketext
Mikelan98 and Nomura - synthetic overlay approach and graphics compilation
nickworonekin - narchive
ProfessorDoktorGamer - wav2sav
Game Freak - amazing Pokémon games from way back when