This file contains the archived list of solutions to the 2019 Advent of Code event.
WARNING: All of these likely contain spoilers.
Solutions to AoC in AWK.
Solutions to AoC in Ada.
Solutions to AoC in Bash.
Solutions to AoC in C.
Solutions to AoC in C#.
- AnkurSheel/AdventOfCode2019
- alexchro93/AdventOfCode
- eduherminio/AoC2019
- encse/adventofcode
- sanraith/aoc2019
- sindrekjr/AdventOfCode
- tstavropoulos/AdventOfCode2019
- viceroypenguin/adventofcode
- mMosiur/AdventOfCode2019
Solutions to AoC in C++.
- TheRealMolen/adventofcode2019
- bwearley/advent-of-code-2019
- moxenseya/advent-of-code-2019
- rrrlw/advent-of-code-2019
- voivoid/advent-of-code
- jcazevedo/advent-of-code-2019
- vss2sn/advent_of_code
- RussellDash332/aoc-2019
Solutions to AoC in Clojure.
- agrison/advent-of-code-2019
- alexparlett/advent-of-code-2019
- erdos/advent-of-code-2019
- fctorial/adventofcode2019-clojure
- fdlk/advent-2019
- FelipeCortez/advent-of-code
- jdlambert/advent-of-code-2019
- mastercake10/AdventOfCode2019
- pete23/advent-2019
Solutions to AoC in Common Lisp.
Solutions to AoC in Crystal.
Solutions to AoC in D.
Solutions to AoC in Dart.
Solutions to AoC in Elixir.
- Firebain/adventofcode
- dunyakirkali/aoc.ex
- es1o/adventofcode
- jwarwick/aoc_2019
- TheAlexLichter/aoc-2019-elixir
- mreishus/aoc
- sevenseacat/advent_of_code
Solutions to AoC in Elm and Literate Elm.
Solutions to AoC in Erlang.
Solutions to AoC in F#.
Solutions to AoC in Go.
- GreenLightning/aoc19
- Ullaakut/aoc19
- chigley/advent2019
- davidaayers/advent-of-code-2019
- devries/advent_of_code_2019
- GliderGeek/adventofcode19
- hamzah-hayat/adventofcode
- hierynomus/
- howden/advent19
- kissgyorgy/adventofcode2019
- lynerist/Advent-of-code-2019-golang
- mreishus/aoc
- nlowe/aoc2019
- pancelor/advent-of-code-solutions
- sasom/adventofcode19
- sevaorlov/adventofcode2019
- thlacroix/goadvent
- williamfhe/advent-of-code-2019
- mightymatth/advent-of-code-2019
- stevotvr/adventofcode2019
- mnml/aoc
- nlowe/aoc2019
Solutions to AoC in Groovy.
Solutions to AoC in Haskell.
- bzuilhof/AdventOfCode
- ephemient/aoc2019#hs
- glguy/advent2019
- hashedone/advent-of-code-2019-hask
- nrdmn/adventofcode2019
- Rick-T/Advent-of-Code-2k19
- webbiscuit/adventofcode
- sonowz/advent-of-code-haskell
- alf239/AoC2019
Solutions to AoC in Haxe.
Solutions to AoC in Idris.
Solutions to AoC in J.
Solutions to AoC in Java.
- SimonBaars/AdventOfCode-Java
- SizableShrimp/AdventOfCode2019
- agrison/advent-of-code-2019
- StynH/Advent-Of-Code-2019-Java
- niedrist/advent-of-code-2019
- thcathy/advent-of-code
- akaritakai/AdventOfCode2019
- tmrd993/advent-of-code-solutions
- RussellDash332/aoc-2019
- shpikat/advent-of-code-2019
Solutions to AoC in JavaScript.
- jashnniloofar/adventOfCode
- StynH/Advent-of-Code-2019
- Jedi-Fullstack-Avengers/AdventOfCode
- MaxArt2501/advent-of-code-2019
- raed667/advent-of-code
- arnauddrain/advent-of-code
- atme/advent-of-code
- bureson/advent-of-code-2019
- bwearley/advent-of-code-2019
- chinesedfan/adventofcode
- countzero/advent_of_code
- danieltrost/adventofcode-2019-solutions-js
- davidmargolin/Advent-Of-Code-2019
- entibo/advent-of-code-golf-2019
- gamma032steam/advent-of-code
- gavinhenderson/advent-of-code
- imsalahdev/adventofcode-2019
- jackcutting/aoc2019
- kirans08/advent-of-code
- mdelerue/AdventOfCode
- und3f/advent-of-code-2019
- vguerrerobosch/advent-of-code-2019
- vuryss/aoc-2019
- mariotacke/advent-of-code-2019
- KonradLinkowski/AdventOfCode
- shahata/adventofcode-solver
Solutions to AoC in Julia.
- goggle/AdventOfCode2019.jl
- gsoleilhac/aoc19.jl
- kamilbeker/aoc2019.jl
- racinmat/advent_of_code_2019
- Arkoniak/advent_of_code
Solutions to AoC in Kotlin.
- 0legg/adventofcode
- daafith/advent-of-code-2019
- ephemient/aoc2019#kt
- hughjdavey/aoc-2019
- jgoerner/aoc-2019
- jorispz/aoc-2019
- mew/aoc-2019
- valerakostin/AdventOfCode-2019
- syncd010/AoC2019
Solutions to AoC in LDPL.
Solutions to AoC in Nim.
Solutions to AoC in OCaml.
Solutions to AoC in PHP.
- aran112000/Advent-of-Code-2019-PHP
- cbzink/advent-of-code-2019
- vuryss/aoc-2019
- tbali0524/advent-of-code-solutions
Solutions to AoC in Perl.
- DadaIsCrazy/adventofcode2019
- kcaran/adventofcode2019
- LubosKolouch/adventofcode_2019
- lskatz/advent-of-code
Solutions to AoC in Pony.
Solutions to AoC in Prolog.
Solutions to AoC in PowerShell.
Solutions to AoC in Python.
- 0x8b/advent-of-code-2019
- Akumatic/Advent-of-Code
- Dementophobia/advent-of-code-2019
- IanFindlay/advent-of-code
- IsaacG/Advent-of-Code
- JasonCannon/advent-of-code-2019
- JesperDramsch/advent-of-code
- Kurocon/AdventOfCode2019
- Levivig/AdventOfCode2019
- LubosKolouch/adventofcode_2019
- MeanderingProgrammer/advent-of-code
- Miccowhy/adventofcode2019
- PatMyron/advent-of-code
- RussellDash332/aoc-2019
- TristoKrempita/advent-of-code
- a-red-christmas/aoc2019-ae
- agubelu/Advent-of-Code-2019
- branislavjenco/advent2019
- chase1745/AdventOfCode2019
- daniel-dara/advent-of-code
- danielrossyamitrano/AdventOfCode
- dmies/adventOfCode
- elvinyhlee/advent-of-code-2020-python
- ephemient/aoc2019#py
- gbusch/AdventOfCode
- iownthegame/AdventofCode2019
- jeroenheijmans/advent-of-code-2019
- jromero132/advent-of-code
- juffalow/advent-of-code
- kjeliasen/AdventOfCode
- loociano/advent-of-code
- mapio/advent-of-code-2019
- mebeim/aoc
- metalim/adventofcode.2019.python
- mevdschee/AdventOfCode2019
- mjpieters/adventofcode
- mpindaro/advent-of-code-2019
- mreishus/aoc
- r0f1/adventofcode2019
- ste001/advent-of-code-2019
- vincent-vega/adventofcode
- yspreen/adventofcode
- zanmagerl/advent-of-code
- rene-d/advent-of-rust
Solutions to AoC in R.
- Cattiva/adventofcode
- EdwinTh/AoC_2019
- Morawski21/Advent-of-Code-2019-in-R
- adam-gruer/aoc2019
- akulumbeg/adventofcode
- davidmasp/adventofcode-dmp
- mpjdem/adventofcode2019
- plannapus/Advent_of_Code
- riinuots/advent2019
- rrrlw/advent-of-code-2019
Solutions to AoC in Racket.
Solutions to AoC in ReasonML.
Solutions to AoC in Red.
Solutions to AoC in Ruby.
- Kazhuu/advent-of-code-2019
- Keirua/adventofcode-rb
- jlugner/advent_of_code_2019
- gjanee/advent-of-code-2019
Solutions to AoC in Rust.
- AlexAegis/advent-of-code
- AmauryCarrade/AdventOfCode2019
- AxlLind/AdventOfCode2019
- DarthGandalf/advent-of-code
- alyti/aoc-2019
- bwearley/advent-of-code-2019
- dashed/advent-of-code
- fornwall/advent-of-code
- gr-g/advent-of-code-2019
- hashedone/advent-of-code-2019-rust
- jdlambert/advent-of-code-2019
- jurisk/advent-of-code
- meyerphi/advent-of-code
- richardwhiuk/adventofcode
- risboo6909/aoc2019-rust
- RobbieClarken/AdventOfCode2019
- ThePants999/advent-of-code-2019
- thorstel/Advent-of-Code-2019
- timvisee/advent-of-code-2019
- zsacul/AoC2019
- zargony/advent-of-code-2019
- p88h/aoc2019
- dannyvankooten/advent-of-code
- rene-d/advent-of-rust
Solutions to AoC in Smalltalk.
Solutions to AoC in Scala.
- FlorianCassayre/AdventOfCode-2019
- lupari/aoc
- matelaszlo/advent-of-code-scala
- sim642/adventofcode
- voivoid/scala-adventofcode
Solutions to AoC in Scheme.
Solutions to AoC in Swift.
- davedelong/AOC
- evilmint/AdventOfCode
- fguchelaar/AdventOfCode2019
- gernb/AdventOfCode2019
- bradleymackey/advent.of.code
- gereons/AoC2019
Solutions to AoC in TypeScript.
- AlexAegis/advent-of-code
- caderek/aoc2019
- florianfreier/AdventOfCode2019
- izexi/adventofcode2019
- webkonstantin/advent-of-code
Solutions to AoC in Unison.
Solutions to AoC in Whitespace.
Solutions to AoC in Zig.
Folks who are live streaming their process.