English | 日本語
- ibe-Wallet-API is RPC services that provides utility functions for building a wallet system on ibet-Network.
- ibet-Wallet-API runs on token contracts and DEX contracts developed in the ibet-SmartContract project.
- python3
- Version 3.12
- PostgreSQL - Version 16
- MySQL - Version 8.0
- GoQuorum
- We support the official GoQuorum node of ibet-Network.
- We use hardhat network for local development and unit testing, and we use the latest version.
- ibet-SmartContract: version 24.9
- See details.
- Need to set up a Python runtime environment.
- Need to create the DB on PostgreSQL beforehand.
- By default, the following settings are required.
- User: ethuser
- Password: ethpass
- DB: ethcache
- DB for test use: ethcache_test
- By default, the following settings are required.
- Need to deploy the following contract beforehand.
- TokenList
- PaymentGateway (optional)
- IbetExchange (optional)
- IbetEscrow (optional)
- IbetSecurityTokenEscrow (optional)
- E2EMessaging (optional)
Create virtual environment with:
$ uv venv
Install python packages with:
$ uv sync --frozen --no-install-project --no-dev --extra ibet-explorer
See the following documentation for environment variables that can be set in this system.
See DB Migration Guide.
You can start (or stop) the API server with:
$ ./bin/run_server.sh start(stop)
Open your browser at
You will see the JSON response as:
In addition, batch processes can be started with the following commands.
$ ./bin/run_indexer.sh
$ ./bin/run_processor.sh
Now go to
You will see the automatic interactive API documentation provided by Swagger UI:
And now, go to
You will see the alternative automatic documentation provided by ReDoc:
Create virtual environment with:
$ uv venv
Install packages with:
$ uv sync --frozen --no-install-project
You can run the tests with:
$ export UNIT_TEST_MODE=1
$ uv run pytest tests/
This repository is version controlled using the following flow.
ibet-Wallet-API is licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0.
Each major version is supported for one year after release. For example, v22.1 is supported until v23.1 is released.
It fixes critical problems, including critical security problems, in supported releases as needed by issuing minor revisions (for example, v22.1.1, v22.1.2, and so on).
We are committed to open-sourcing our work to support your use cases. We want to know how you use this library and what problems it helps you to solve. We have two communication channels for you to contact us:
A public discussion group where we will also share our preliminary roadmap, updates, events, and more.
A private email alias at [email protected] where you can reach out to us directly about your use cases and what more we can do to help and improve the library.
Please refrain from sending any sensitive or confidential information. If you wish to delete a message you've previously sent, please contact us.