Have you found a bug
Open an issue describing the bug, and the steps to reproduce it. If you are willing to fix the bug:
- Open a Github Pull request
- Reference the issue in the pull request (Put the name/number of the issue inside a commit or inside the pull request description).
- Make sure the PR passes checks (coverage, sonar, codacy...)
Add a new feature
If you want to add a new feature, open an issue describing the feature you want to add.
Development flow
Create a branch from master. Prefix the branch name with the type of branch you want to create. Eg: "feature/", "bugfix/", "clean/". The keywords feature, bugfix and clean are mandatory for branch name.
Do bot update the pom.xml, it will be updated accordingly to the branch name
Add new code and tests
Push code and create the pull request towards the master branch
This project currently supports English and French languages. If you are willing to add a new language, please use https://crwd.in/metarParser to register and contribute. Once a language is complete at 100%, the translation file will be added to the project.
Thank you