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Chapter 05 Kernel Layer - Block and Chain

5.1 Introduction

​ Blockchain is a growing list of blocks that are linked in chronological order containing many transactions. This data is a typical link-list structure, all blocks are linked in one blockchain. Each block includes the cryptography hash of the prior block in the blockchain, linking the two. That cryptography hash comes from hashing(SHA256) the previous blockheader and can uniquely identifies a block.


​ As blockchain only allows to link a block to the end of the chain, it is also said that it is like a stack, the first block is in the bottom and then add blocks above it in order, of course, the latest block is the top of stack. The data of blocks can be stored in relational database as well as non-relational database like LevelDB. There are some special words in blockchain, such as genesis block ( the first block of chain, also known as the bottom stack block), which is usually hard-coded and is mined by miners. The height of block: the number of blocks from genesis block to current block.


​ The block structure is similar to HTTP request, consisting of Header and Body, storing some metadata and valid data respectively. Header is just the head of block, while Body is the main part of block which normally represents a block and stores all transaction information.


​ Although each block only has one parent block, one block may have many children blocks. It is known as forks, happens when many blocks take a same block as their parent block and will be found by miners. Forks are very common, but will not exist for a long time under the blockchain consensus that ensures one chain. Because of forks, the latest few blocks in blockchain might be changed by recomputing. In Bytom, the latest 6-8 blocks might be changed, but it is almost impossible over 6 blocks. Therefore, a transaction that is confirmed by six consecutive blocks can be seen a success.


​ Generally, because of the chain structure, currencies based on blockchain are believed to be very safe compared with traditional currencies. The previous block hash field is inside the block header and thereby affects the current block’s hash. The child’s own identity changes if the parent’s identity changes. This cascade effect ensures that once a block has many generations following it, it cannot be changed without forcing a recalculation of all subsequent blocks, while such a recalculation would require enormous computation which can hardly be met.


This chapter covers:

  • Structure of the block and the chain
  • The genesis Block
  • Block validation, link to the blockchain and the difficulty target
  • Orphan block management


  • 区块和链数据结构介绍
  • 创世区块数据结构及初始化
  • 区块验证、区块上链以及区块难度的计算方式
  • 孤块管理

5.2 Block (区块)

​ Data structure is defined into two layers: types layer (protocol/bc/types) and bc layer (protocol/bc). Such as Tx is defined in both of them, and transformed by MapTx method between two layers. Layers make the data structure more specific.

  • types layer: It is for raw data and transferred between nodes
  • bc layer: It is for visual machine computing, especially for improving transactions validation.


  • types层:是原始数据结构层,用于在节点与节点之间相互传输。
  • bc层:是虚拟机计算层,专门用于提高交易验证的性能。

5.2.1 Structure of a block (区块数据结构)

​ The block is made of a header, containing metadata, and a body, storing all transactions. A block can be seen as a ledger that records transactions and has a title page for brief introduction, namely, block header. Here is the Block struct:



type Block struct {
	ID           Hash
	Transactions []*Tx

The structure of a block:

chart 5-1 The structure of a block:
Field Bytes Description
BlockHeader Variable Several fields form the block header
ID 32 Block hash which can identify a certain block
Transactions Variable The transactions recorded in this block

5.2.2 Structure of Block Header (区块头数据结构)

​ The block header consists of three parts. The first is a reference to a previous block hash, which connects this block to the previous block in the blockchain. The second part relates to mining, including the Timestamp, Noce and Bits. Miner need to compute the Nonce until it meets the Bits. The last part is the merkle tree root, a data structure used to efficiently summarize all the transactions in the block. Here is the Block Header structure:



type BlockHeader struct {
	Version               uint64
	Height                uint64
	PreviousBlockId       *Hash
	Timestamp             uint64
	TransactionsRoot      *Hash
	TransactionStatusHash *Hash
	Nonce                 uint64
	Bits                  uint64
	TransactionStatus     *TransactionStatus

The structure of a block header:

chart5-2 The structure of a block header:
Field Bytes Description
Version 8 A version number to track software/protocol upgrades
Height 8 The height of the block, counted from the genesis block
PreviousBlockId 32 A reference to the hash of the previous (parent) block in the chain
Timestamp 8 The approximate creation time of this block (seconds from Unix Epoch)
TransactionsRoot 32 A hash of the root of the merkle tree of this block’s transactions
TransactionStatusHash 32 A hash of the root of the merkle tree of validation results of this block’s transactions
Nonce 8 A counter used for the Proof-of-Work algorithm
Bits 8 The Proof-of-Work algorithm difficulty target for this block
TransactionStatus Variable The status of transaction after being validated

5.2.3 Block Identifiers (区块标识符)

​ The block identifier can identify a block uniquely. Block identifiers include block header hash and block Height.


The block header hash is made by hashing the block header twice through the SHA256 algorithm. The resulting 32- byte hash is called the block hash but is more accurately the block header hash. The SHA256 algorithm6 is a digtial signature algorithm defined by digtial signature standard, mainly used to compute the digest of message. No matter many bytes the input is, there will always be a 32- byte hash computed by the SHA256 algorithm. After receiving the message, it can be checked by this 32-byte hash. A tampered message can be catch since its 32-byte hash has been changed.


​ Features of the SHA256 algorithm:

  • No one can get the original message by the 32- byte hash
  • Messages that are different can not produce a same 32- byte hash


  • 任何人都不能从摘要信息中复原原始消息。
  • 两个不同的消息不会产生相同的消息摘要。

​ Because of the second feature, this 32-byte hash is also called digital fingerprint and identify a block uniquely.


​ Note that the block hash is not actually included inside the block’s data structure, and there will not go through all blocks from the highest and check their PreviousBlockHash . Instead, the block hash is computed by each node as the block is received from the network. The block hash is stored in a LevelDB as the key, to facilitate indexing and faster retrieval of blocks from disk, and the block is its value.


​ A second way to identify a block is by its position in the blockchain, called the block height. But unlike the block hash, the block height is not a unique identifier. That because of the blockchain forks, two or more blocks might have the same block height, competing for the same position in the blockchain. In this scenario, their heights are totally same, while the block hash differs from each other. Obviously, the height can not identify a block uniquely. Blockchain soft fork is just a temporary status, ending up being selected by the consensus algorithm. It is generally believed that in the height smaller than the highest - 6, there is not the blockchain soft forks


5.2.4 The Genesis Block (创世区块)

​ The first block in the blockchain is called the genesis block.It is the common ancestor of all the blocks in the blockchain, meaning that if you start at any block and follow the chain backward in time, you will eventually arrive at the genesis block. Every node always starts with a blockchain of at least one block because the genesis block is statically encoded within the core of the code, such that it cannot be altered.


​ The genesis block can be got by bytomcli commandline tool, here it is :


$ ./bytomcli get-block 0

  "bits": 2161727821137910500,
  "difficulty": "15154807",
  "hash": "a75483474799ea1aa6bb910a1a5025b4372bf20bef20f246a2c2dc5e12e8a053",
  "height": 0,
  "nonce": 9253507043297,
  "previous_block_hash": "0000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000",
  "size": 546,
  "timestamp": 1524549600,
  "transaction_merkle_root": "58e45ceb675a0b3d7ad3ab9d4288048789de8194e9766b26d8f42fdb624d4390",
  "transaction_status_hash": "c9c377e5192668bc0a367e4a4764f11e7c725ecced1d7b6a492974fab1b6d5bc",
  "transactions": [
  // ...
  "version": 1

​ The description of the genesis block:

  • Bits: The target. Only if the miner produces a hash that is less than the target, the block can be packaged successfully by him. Although the target of genesis block is 216172782113791050 , it is not produced by miners but statically encoded within the block, so in fact it can be written whatever.
  • Difficulty:The difficulty, computed from bits. One can estimate the amount of work it takes to succeed from the difficulty.
  • Height: The height of the block. The genesis block is height-0, which means blocks are counted from height-0.
  • Nonce: A counter used for the Proof-of-Work algorithm. It is used to vary the output of a cryptographic function to meet the bits.
  • previous_block_hash:A reference to the hash of the previous (parent) block in the chain. Since the genesis block is the first block and doesn't have a parent block, here is statically encoded with 000000...000000 by default.
  • timestamp:The approximate creation time of this block. The genesis block's is 152454960 (2018-04-24 14:00:00), namely the time of Bytom Mainnet implementation.
  • transaction_merkle_root: A hash of the root of the merkle tree of this block’s transactions. It is used to validate the integrity of transactions in this block.
  • transaction_status_hash: A hash of the root of the merkle tree of validation results of this block’s transactions.
  • transactions: The list of transactions in this block.


  • bits:目标难度值,挖矿时计算的hash之后要小于或等于该值,则矿工节点才能打包交易构建区块。创世区块的难度值为2161727821137910500,但是创世区块不是矿工节点挖出来的,而是一个硬编码的区块。所以该难度值没有任何意义,理论上是可以随便写的。
  • difficulty:难度值,由bits值计算出来,我们只看bits值是很难判断某次挖矿的难度的,而通过难度值可以比较直观的比较出两个区块在挖矿时的难度。
  • height:区块高度,创世区块高度为0,区块高度从0开始计数。
  • nonce:随机数,挖矿时矿工节点反复尝试不同的nonce值来生成小于等于bits的区块头哈希值。
  • previous_block_hash:当前区块的父区块hash值,由于创世区块是第一个块,它是不存在父区块的,因此在硬编码时,给了他一个默认的区块哈希值为000000...000000
  • timestamp:区块生成时间。创世区块的时间戳为1524549600,标准时间为2018-04-24 14:00:00,这个时间也是比原主网上线的时间。
  • transaction_merkle_root:创世区块的merkle树根节点,根据交易生成不同的merkle树根节点,用于验证当前区块的交易是否完整。
  • transaction_status_hash:区块交易状态哈希值。
  • transactions:当前块中的交易信息。

5.2.5 Generate the Genesis Block (生成创世区块)

​ When starting a node, it will firstly try to get the blocks information from local Level DB. If the node didn't get blocks, it would regard itself as a new node and initialize the local blockchain according to the statically encoded genesis block. Here is the code to generate the genesis block:



func mainNetGenesisBlock() *types.Block {
   tx := genesisTx()
   txStatus := bc.NewTransactionStatus()
   if err := txStatus.SetStatus(0, false); err != nil {
   txStatusHash, err := types.TxStatusMerkleRoot(txStatus.VerifyStatus)
   // ...

   merkleRoot, err := types.TxMerkleRoot([]*bc.Tx{tx.Tx})
   // ...
   block := &types.Block{
      BlockHeader: types.BlockHeader{
         Version:   1,
         Height:    0,
         Nonce:     9253507043297,
         Timestamp: 1524549600,
         Bits:      2161727821137910632,
         BlockCommitment: types.BlockCommitment{
            TransactionsMerkleRoot: merkleRoot,
            TransactionStatusHash:  txStatusHash,
      Transactions: []*types.Tx{tx},
   return block

mainNetGenesisBlock() function is used to generate the genesis block. Firstly, a coinbase transaction is produced by genesisTx() function and here puts additional information, Information is power. -- Jan/11/2013. Computing is power. -- Apr/24/2018., in this coinbase transaction to memorize the computer genius Aaron Swart for his innovative spirit of openning network. There are about 1.4 billion BTM in the output of this coinbase transaction bound with a lock script 00148c9d063ff74ee6d9ffa88d83aeb038068366c4c4. These 1.4 billion BTM is kept by the Bytom official, partly used to exchange tokens with the exchanges.

mainNetGenesisBlock方法用来生成创世区块。在mainNetGenesisBlock方法中首先通过genesisTx方法构造一笔coinbase交易。coinbase交易输入中附加信息为“Information is power. -- Jan/11/2013. Computing is power. -- Apr/24/2018.”。主要是为了纪念计算机天才Aaron Swartz,纪念他致力于网络信息开放的创新精神。coinbase交易的输出为140700041250000000/1e8 = 1407000412.5,大约为14亿BTM币。这些币的锁定脚本为00148c9d063ff74ee6d9ffa88d83aeb038068366c4c4。这些币是为官方预留的,部分用于与交易所兑换代币。

After building the coinbase transaction, the node will set the coinbase transaction validation status successful. Here usually has a misunderstanding, why it is successful with a `false` argument? That because Bytom uses `StatusFail` to record transaction status (succeed or fail), and setting `false` means the transaction is successful. Later, the node will generate a hash of the root of the merkle tree of the genesis block’s transactions to build the block.


5.2.6 Blocks Validation (区块验证)

​ Blocks validation is vital to ensure the blockchian doesn't have forks. If there is no validation, many forks will be produced in the process of blocks sychrolization between nodes. Forks are great threats to the safety of assets in the blockchain.


​ Usually, blocks are validated in the following situations:

  • Once a mining node successfully mines a block and submits it to the blockchain, this block will be validated firstly.
  • When users submit blocks to the blockchain by API, the node validate blocks.
  • In the process of syncing blocks, every time the node receives blocks from others, it will validate blocks and only link valid blocks to the local blockchain.
  • When mining nodes submit their work to the mining pool, the mining pool will validate the blocks they submit.


  • 挖矿节点在成功挖掘到一个区块后,向链上提交区块时,节点会先验证区块是否合法。
  • 用户通过API接口向节点提交区块到区块链时,节点也会验证区块是否合法。
  • 同步区块时,节点收到其他节点同步过来的区块,节点会先验证同步的区块是否合法,如果合法将其加入到本地链。
  • 矿池中的节点向矿池提交工作时,矿池会验证矿机提交的区块。

​ In order to improve the efficiency of blocks synchronization, Bytom offers a safe, simple also fast methond to validate blocks compared with Etherum. The blocks validation strategy of Etherum is a little complicated, which always makes machine beep when the blocks validation starts. Here is the code:



func (c *Chain) processBlock(block *types.Block) (bool, error) {
   blockHash := block.Hash()
   if c.BlockExist(&blockHash) {
      log.WithFields(log.Fields{"hash": blockHash.String(), "height": block.Height}).Info("block has been processed")
      return c.orphanManage.BlockExist(&blockHash), nil
   if parent := c.index.GetNode(&block.PreviousBlockHash); parent == nil {
      return true, nil
   if err := c.saveBlock(block); err != nil {
      return false, err
   bestBlock := c.saveSubBlock(block)
   bestBlockHash := bestBlock.Hash()
   bestNode := c.index.GetNode(&bestBlockHash)
   if bestNode.Parent == c.bestNode {
      log.Debug("append block to the end of mainchain")
      return false, c.connectBlock(bestBlock)
   if bestNode.Height > c.bestNode.Height && bestNode.WorkSum.Cmp(c.bestNode.WorkSum) >= 0 {
      log.Debug("start to reorganize chain")
      return false, c.reorganizeChain(bestNode)
   return false, nil

processBlock() function works in the following steps:

  1. Compute the block hash and check whether the block exists in the local blockchain or orphan blocks pool by its hash. If the block has been in the local blockchain, then it would be thrown away directly.

  2. Find the block's parent block in the local blockchain according to its PreviousBlockHash. If the parent block doesn't exist, this block will be put into orphan block pool.

  3. If its parent block exists in the local blockchain, link this block to the local blockchain after verifing its transactions and metadata.

  4. Check if there are blocks in orphan block pool that can be linked to the blockchain. If there are, link the blocks to the blockchain in some order and then get the highest block bestNode.

  5. If the bestNode's parent block is the highest block c.betNode before this operation, link the bestNode after c.betNode. If not, that means the bestNode is in the sidechain instead of the main blockchain.

6)If the bestNode is in the sidechain and its height is over the main blockchain, which means the work of this sidechain is more than the main blockchain, the node will reorganize the blockchain.


  1. 计算区块的哈希值,根据区块哈希值,查看本地链或孤块池中是否已经存在该区块。如果本地已经存在了相同的区块,则将区块直接丢弃。

  2. 根据区块中PreviousBlockHash从本地链中查找父区块。如果本地链中没有其父区块,则将区块加入孤块池中。

  3. 本地链中存在父区块,则将区块加入本地链。但是区块在加入本地链时,需要对区块中的交易信息和元数据进行验证。

  4. 查找孤块池中是否存在可以上链的孤块。如果存在,则将孤块池中的孤块依次上链,并得到此时链上最高块bestNode。

  5. 如果bestNode的父区块等于本次操作之前链上的最高区块c.betNode,则将bestNode连接到c.betNode之后。否则说明bestNode并不在主链上,而是被添加到了侧链上。

  6. 如果bestNode被添加到侧链上,其高度大于主链的高度,工作量之和超过了主链的工作量,节点会重组区块链。

​ In step (3), it needs to validate the block header before linking the block to the blockchain. This work covers 5 parts. Here is the code:



func ValidateBlockHeader(b *bc.Block, parent *state.BlockNode) error {
   if b.Version < parent.Version {
      // ...
   if b.Height != parent.Height+1 {
      // ...
   if b.Bits != parent.CalcNextBits() {
      // ...
   if parent.Hash != *b.PreviousBlockId {
      // ...
   if err := checkBlockTime(b, parent); err != nil {
      // ...
   if !difficulty.CheckProofOfWork(&b.ID, parent.CalcNextSeed(), b.BlockHeader.Bits) {
      // ...
   return nil

​ The block header validation includes the following work:

  • Check if the version of the block equals to the version of its parent block
  • Check if the height of the block is the height of the parent block plus 1
  • Check if the block target equals the next block target that is calculated by the parent block height.
  • Check if the block's Previous Block Hash is the hash of its parent block
  • Check that the timestamp isn't later more than one hours compared with the current time and not earlier than the intermediate time of the last 11 blocks.
  • Check if the hash of the block equals to the target.


  • 当前区块的版本号要与父区块的版本号相同。
  • 当前区块的高度只能比父区块的高度大1。
  • 当前区块的难度目标需要等于根据父区块高度计算出的下个区块的难度目标。
  • 当前区块的父区块的哈希值要等于父区块的哈希值。
  • 当前区块的时间戳不能比当前时间延后一小时,并且不能早于之前11个区块时间戳的中位数。
  • 验证区块的哈希值是否等于给定的难度目标。

5.2.7 Calculate the Next Target (计算下一个区块的难度目标)

​ Here is the code that calculates the next target according the parent block height:



func (node *BlockNode) CalcNextBits() uint64 {
   if node.Height%consensus.BlocksPerRetarget != 0 || node.Height == 0 {
      return node.Bits

   compareNode := node.Parent
   for compareNode.Height%consensus.BlocksPerRetarget != 0 {
      compareNode = compareNode.Parent
   return difficulty.CalcNextRequiredDifficulty(node.BlockHeader(), compareNode.BlockHeader())

Algorithm: If the parent block height mod consensus.BlocksPerRetarget(2016) doesn't equal 0 as well as the parent block height, the next target will be the same as the parent block's. Or the target will be adjusted. See more detials about retarget in the consensus part.


5.2.8 Orphan Block Management (孤块管理)

​ If a valid block is received and no parent is found in the existing chains, that block is considered an “orphan.” Orphan blocks are saved in the orphan block pool where they will stay until their parent is received. Once the parent is received and linked into the existing chains, the orphan can be pulled out of the orphan pool and linked to the parent, making it part of a chain.


​ Orphan blocks usually occur when two blocks that were mined within a short time of each other are received in reverse order (child before parent). Here assumes that there are three blocks and their heights are 100, 101, 102 respectively, then they are received by the node in the order of 102, 101, 100. In this situation, the node will put 102, 101 blocks into orphan block pool where they will stay until their parent is received. Once the 100 block is received and linked to the existing chain after validation, those two orphan blocks will be found by a recursive function, and linked to the parent.


​ Here is the orphan block structure:



type orphanBlock struct {
   expiration time.Time

​ The description of orphan block:

  • types.Block: The orphan block structure.
  • Expiration: The expiration of the orphan block, which means if this orphan block doesn't be linked to the blockchain before its expiration, it will be thrown away.


  • types.Block:孤块的区块结构。
  • Expiration:孤块超时时间,如果一个孤块到Expiration时间仍然没有上链,则这个孤块将会被丢弃。

​ Here is the orphan block pool structure :


type OrphanManage struct {
   orphan      map[bc.Hash]*orphanBlock
   prevOrphans map[bc.Hash][]*bc.Hash
   mtx         sync.RWMutex

​ The description of orphan block pool:

  • Orphan: Used to store orphan blocks, key is block hash and value is the block.
  • prevOrphans: Orphan block's parent block.
  • Mtx: Exclusive lock, used to ensure the consistency of map structure data in multiple concurrency.


  • Orphan:用于存储孤块,key为block hash,value为孤块结构体。
  • prevOrphans:用于孤块的父块。
  • Mtx: 互斥锁,保护map结构在多并发读写状态下保持数据一致。

​ The orphan block manager has main functions as follow:

  • BlockExist(): Check if a block is orphan
  • Add(): Add new orphan blocks into the orphan block pool
  • Delete(): Delete an orphan block from the orphan block pool
  • Get(): Get a block from the orphan block pool according to its hash
  • GetPrevOrphans(): Get all blocks that have a same specific parent block hash from the orphan block pool.
  • orphanExpireWorker(): A timer that sets the time to clean the timeout orphan blocks
  • orphanExpire(): Used to clean the timeout orphan block


  • BlockExist():判断一个区块是否是孤块。
  • Add():向孤块池中新增孤块。
  • Delete():从孤块池中删除孤块。
  • Get():根据区块哈希从孤块池中获取孤块。
  • GetPrevOrphans():从孤块池中获取所有父区块哈希值为hash的孤块。
  • orphanExpireWorker():定时器,定时清理超时孤块。
  • orphanExpire():清理超时孤块的工作方法。
  1. Here is the code that adds an orphan block into the orphan block pool:


func (o *OrphanManage) Add(block *types.Block) {
   blockHash := block.Hash()
   defer o.mtx.Unlock()
   if _, ok := o.orphan[blockHash]; ok {
   o.orphan[blockHash] = &orphanBlock{block, time.Now().Add(orphanBlockTTL)}
   o.prevOrphans[block.PreviousBlockHash] = append(o.prevOrphans[block.PreviousBlockHash], &blockHash) 

​ Adding a orphan block means not only putting the orphan block into the orphan block pool, also recording the relationship between the orphan block and its parent block, so that the orphan blocks that have the same parent can be found easily.


  1. Here is the code that deletes an orphan block from the orphan block pool:


func (o *OrphanManage) delete(hash *bc.Hash) {
   block, ok := o.orphan[*hash]
   if !ok {
   delete(o.orphan, *hash)
   prevOrphans, ok := o.prevOrphans[block.Block.PreviousBlockHash]
   if !ok || len(prevOrphans) == 1 {
      delete(o.prevOrphans, block.Block.PreviousBlockHash)
   for i, preOrphan := range prevOrphans {
      if preOrphan == hash {
         o.prevOrphans[block.Block.PreviousBlockHash] = append(prevOrphans[:i], prevOrphans[i+1:]...)

​ Accordingly,deleting an orphan block from the orphan block pool needs to delete the orphan block as well as its recorded relationship.


​ Here is the code that cleans the orphan blocks regularly:


orphanExpireScanInterval = 3 * time.Minute

func (o *OrphanManage) orphanExpireWorker() {
   ticker := time.NewTicker(orphanExpireWorkInterval) //3分钟
   for now := range ticker.C {

func (o *OrphanManage) orphanExpire(now time.Time) {
   defer o.mtx.Unlock()
   for hash, orphan := range o.orphan {
      if orphan.expiration.Before(now) { //孤块超时时间60分钟

​ Regular orphan block cleaning is for preventing a lot of useless orphan blocks keeping using memory and wasting resources. There might be some blocks that are produced by the malicious nodes and have no existed parent block, so if these blocks are not cleaned up, it will keep occupying a lot local memory. Therefore, orphan block manager starts a goroutine to clean them regularly, running a timer every 3 minutes to clean the orphan blocks that have existed over 60 minutes.


5.3 Blockchain (区块链)

​ The blockchain data structure is an ordered, back-linked list of blocks of transactions. Here are more details about blockchain data structure in the following part.


5.3.1 The Blockchain Data Structure (区块链数据结构)

​ The chain-related functions are mainly done by Chain structure. Chain offers many functions, such as initializing chain, getting the block according to a specific height or hash, getting the current blockchain height, validating the blocks, link and reorganize blocks, etc. Here is the structure of Chain:



type Chain struct {
	index          *state.BlockIndex
	orphanManage   *OrphanManage
	txPool         *TxPool
	store          Store
	processBlockCh chan *processBlockMsg

	cond     sync.Cond
	bestNode *state.BlockNode

​ The description of Chain structure:

  • Index: The index of block that is stored in the memory. It is designed to be a tree structure to seek blocks quickly.
  • orphanManage: Orphan block manager.
  • txPool: Transaction pool.
  • Store: The interface of blocks persistent storage.
  • processBlockCh: The cache of blocks that wait for validation.
  • cond: It is a structure defined in the sync package of GoLang, used as the concurrency control between goroutines.
  • bestNode: Record the highest block of the current blockchain.


  • index: 存储在内存中的区块索引,该索引被构造成一个树形结构,可以快速查找区块。
  • orphanManage: 孤块管理器。
  • txPool: 交易池。
  • store: 区块持久化存储接口。
  • processBlockCh: 待验证区块的缓存队列。
  • cond: GO语言sync包中Cond结构,用于goroutine之间并发控制。
  • bestNode: 记录当前主链的最高区块。

​ The functions of chain is the most important part in Bytom, which realize many operations, such as the transaction validation, the blocks linkage and validation, etc. Here are more details:

  • func (c *Chain) BestBlockHeight():Get the height of the main blockchain
  • func (c *Chain) BestBlockHash():Get the highest block of the current main blockchain
  • func (c *Chain) BestBlockHeader():Get the highest block's header of the current main blockchain
  • func (c *Chain) InMainChain():Check if the block is in the main blockchain
  • func (c *Chain) CalcNextSeed():Calculate the seed in Tensority algorithm
  • func (c *Chain) CalcNextBits():Calculate the next bits according to the parent block information
  • func (c *Chain) GetTransactionStatus():Get the status of all transactions in the block
  • func (c *Chain) GetTransactionsUtxo():Get UTXOs referred by all transactions in the block
  • func (c *Chain) ValidateTx():Validate transactions
  • func (c *Chain) ProcessBlock() :Process blocks. Blocks that are validated successfully will be link to the main blockchain


  • func (c *Chain) BestBlockHeight():获取主链的高度
  • func (c *Chain) BestBlockHash():获取主链目前高度最高的区块
  • func (c *Chain) BestBlockHeader():获取主链目前高度最高的区块头
  • func (c *Chain) InMainChain():判断区块是否在主链上
  • func (c *Chain) CalcNextSeed():计算Tensority算法的seed
  • func (c *Chain) CalcNextBits():根据前父区块计算下一个区块的难度值
  • func (c *Chain) GetTransactionStatus():获取区块中所有交易的状态
  • func (c *Chain) GetTransactionsUtxo():获取区块中所有交易引用的urxo
  • func (c *Chain) ValidateTx():验证交易
  • func (c *Chain) ProcessBlock() :处理区块,校验通过的区块将被连接到主链上

5.3.2 Add Blocks into the Blockchain (区块上链)

​ It is clear that the block will be linked to the blockchain after a series operations of validation mentioned in the block validation part. But there is no more details about how the blocks are store into the blockchain.

​ In this section, we will go to the details. This work is mainly done by func (c *Chain) saveBlock(block *types.Block) function in protocol/block.go, and the saveBlock() function works in the following steps.

在区块验证部分,我们讲到区块在完成一系列的验证步骤后,就会被存储到链上,但是区块具体的存储方法,我们没有详细讲解。本小节,我们将会介绍区块是怎么存储到链上的。该部分主要由protocol/block.go中的func (c *Chain) saveBlock(block *types.Block) 方法实现。saveBlock方法主要依靠以下几个步骤将区块上链。

Step 1: Store the block into the local LevelDB.

​ In the saveBlock() function of the Chain, the block will be stored into the local LevelDB by the SaveBlock() interface after being validated. Here is the code of this interface :




func (s *Store) SaveBlock(block *types.Block, ts *bc.TransactionStatus) error {
   binaryBlock, err := block.MarshalText()
   // ...
   binaryBlockHeader, err := block.BlockHeader.MarshalText()
   // ...
   binaryTxStatus, err := proto.Marshal(ts)
   // ...
   blockHash := block.Hash()
   batch := s.db.NewBatch()
   batch.Set(calcBlockKey(&blockHash), binaryBlock)
   batch.Set(calcBlockHeaderKey(block.Height, &blockHash), binaryBlockHeader)
   batch.Set(calcTxStatusKey(&blockHash), binaryTxStatus)
   return nil

​ In the SaveBlock() interface, there are three types of block information needed to be stored into the LevelDB. The first is the serialized information of the whole block, using B as its prefix of key, follwed by the block hash. The second is the serialized information of the block header, using BH as its prefix of key, follwed by the block height and hash. The third is the serialized information of all transactions is the block, using BTS as its prefix of key, follwed by the block hash.


Step 2: Delete a block from the orphan block pool that has been stored into the LevelDB.



Step 3: Update the new block into the memory of block index.


node, err := state.NewBlockNode(&block.BlockHeader, parent)
if err != nil {
   return err


​ In the memory, the BlockIndex structure is used to conduct and store the block information. In the BlockIndex structure, the index maps the block, using the hash of the block header as its key. A block can be found quickly by using its hash to match the index. Meanwhile, there is also a blockNode array to store the blocks. ???


type BlockIndex struct {

	index     map[bc.Hash]*BlockNode
	mainChain []*BlockNode

​ For a block, being store into the blockchain doesn't equal to being in the main blockchain, there are chances to be in the side chain. Therefore, when a block is add by the AddNode() function, only the block information of the index will be updated with no change in the mainChain structure.


func (bi *BlockIndex) AddNode(node *BlockNode) {
  bi.index[node.Hash] = node

5.3.3 Linking Blocks in the Blockchain (区块链接)

​ Blocks need to be connected after being add into the blockchain. This work mainly involves operations on UTXO, including marking all UTXOs in the block "spent" and removing all transactions out of the transaction pool. Here is the code:



func (c *Chain) connectBlock(block *types.Block) (err error) {
   bcBlock := types.MapBlock(block)
   if bcBlock.TransactionStatus, err =; err != nil {
      return err
   utxoView := state.NewUtxoViewpoint()
   if err :=, bcBlock.Transactions); err != nil {
      return err
   if err := utxoView.ApplyBlock(bcBlock, bcBlock.TransactionStatus); err != nil {
      return err
   node := c.index.GetNode(&bcBlock.ID)
   if err := c.setState(node, utxoView); err != nil {
      return err
   for _, tx := range block.Transactions {
   return nil

​ First of all, get all UTXOs spent by transactions of this block by the GetTransactionsUtxo() function, then put them into the UtxoViewpoint, which represents a set of UTXOs. The ApplyBlock() function is used to update the status of UTXOs, that is the UTXOs in the input will be marked "spent" if the following two conditions are met:

  • The transaction is successful and the asset in the UTXOs is BTM
  • If it is an UTXO produced by a coinbase transaction, it can only be used in a transaction after 100 blocks, which means the coinbase UTXO will be unlocked after 100 blocks.


  • 交易状态为成功,并且UTXO的资产类型为BTM资产。
  • 如果交易引用的UTXO是一个coninbae交易的输出,则该coinbase交易所在的区块高度至少要比现在小100。即coinbase交易的输出会被阻塞100个区块之后,才能正式解锁使用。

​ After the ApplyBlock() function updates the status of the UTXOs , it will store the UTXO that is produced by the coinbase transaction into the UTXOs set of the LevelDB. Apart from that, the status of the UTXOs that has been spent also needs to be updated into the UTXOs set of the LevelDB by the setState() function.


5.3.4 Reorganize the Blockchain (链重组)

​ The node adds the received block into the blockchain. The soft fork or the side chain is a forward-compatible change to the consensus rules that allows unupgraded clients to continue to operate in consensus with the new rules. The side chain also have chances to be the main chain, which all depends on the work of chain. In the processBlock function, if there is a block whose parent block is not in the main chain, the work of the main and side chains will be measured. The blockchain will be reorganized if the side chain wins. The side chain becomes the main chain. Her is the flow chart of the blockchain reorganization.


5-1 The process of block reorganization

​ The calculation algorithm of the amout of work is here:


func CalcWork(bits uint64) *big.Int {
   difficultyNum := CompactToBig(bits)
   if difficultyNum.Sign() <= 0 {
      return big.NewInt(0)
   denominator := new(big.Int).Add(difficultyNum, bigOne)
   return new(big.Int).Div(oneLsh256, denominator)

​ The formula of the amount of work:


SumPoW = 2^256 / (difficultyNum+1)

​ If the amount of work on the new side chain is over than the older best chain, this side chain will become the new main chain. To achieve that, it needs to find the detach node then cut the link with the old chain and link the following new blocks to the new main chain. All operations above are mainly made by the reorganizeChain() function.


Step 1, figure out the blocks that need to be reorganized and deleted.

​ The reorganizeChain() functions finds the detach node and records detachNodes and attachNodes. detachNodes are nodes that need to be cut when reorganization happens, while attachNodes needs to be appended to the blockchain. Here is the code:




func (c *Chain) calcReorganizeNodes(node *state.BlockNode) ([]*state.BlockNode, []*state.BlockNode) {
	var attachNodes []*state.BlockNode
	var detachNodes []*state.BlockNode

	attachNode := node
	for c.index.NodeByHeight(attachNode.Height) != attachNode {
		attachNodes = append([]*state.BlockNode{attachNode}, attachNodes...)
		attachNode = attachNode.Parent

	detachNode := c.bestNode
	for detachNode != attachNode {
		detachNodes = append(detachNodes, detachNode)
		detachNode = detachNode.Parent
	return attachNodes, detachNodes

​ The calcReorganizeNode function will start with the last block to go through the whole side chain.

calcReorganizeNodes方法首先从侧链最后节点依次向前遍历,通过NodeByHeight方法判断是否遍历到主链的一个节点attachnode(主链的这个节点attachnode就是此时的分叉点)。如果不是,则将遍历的节点加入attachNodes数组中。NodeByHeight方法会根据传入的高度从主链上查找节点返回。但是,如果传入的高度大于主链目前的高度,则NodeByHeight方法会返回一个空值。之后是从最高节点开始依次遍历主链,将主链上attachnode父节点之后的所有区块加入到detachNodes 数组中。

Step 2 , process the detachNodes.

​ Find all blocks that need to be deleted in the detachNode array and then process the status of transactions in these blocks by the DetachTransaction function. The DetachTransaction function set all UTXOs used in transactions "unspent" so that they can still be spent later. Meanwhile, the OUTPUT of these transactions will be set referred to avoid being used in the new transactions. The UTXO set is returned to the original status by operations above. Here is the code:



func (view *UtxoViewpoint) DetachTransaction(tx *bc.Tx, statusFail bool) error {
	for _, prevout := range tx.SpentOutputIDs {
		spentOutput, err := tx.Output(prevout)
		if err != nil {
			return err
		if statusFail && *spentOutput.Source.Value.AssetId != *consensus.BTMAssetID {

		entry, ok := view.Entries[prevout]
		if ok && !entry.Spent {
			return errors.New("try to revert an unspent utxo")
		if !ok {
			view.Entries[prevout] = storage.NewUtxoEntry(false, 0, false)

	for _, id := range tx.TxHeader.ResultIds {
		output, err := tx.Output(*id)
		if err != nil {
			// error due to it's a retirement, utxo doesn't care this output type so skip it
		if statusFail && *output.Source.Value.AssetId != *consensus.BTMAssetID {

		view.Entries[*id] = storage.NewUtxoEntry(false, 0, true)
	return nil

Step 3, process the attachNode

​ This step works just in the opposite of step 2. Here, the node goes through the attachNodes array to find the blocks that need to be linked to the main chain. They are linked to the chain by the ApplyBlock() function and the ApplyTransaction() function locks all transactions of the block by setting all UTXOs "spent" and instantiates the new UTXO object。


这步的操作和上一步正好有些相反。在这一步中,节点遍历attachNodes 数组中保存的需要变更到主链上的节点。通过ApplyBlock方法重新链接区块上链,ApplyTransaction方法将区块中所有交易的状态锁定。ApplyTransaction方法中,将交易中引用的UTXO状态更新为已消费。同时实例化新的UTXO对象。

Step 4, Update the UTXO set.

​ Add all UTXOs instantiated in the last step into the UTXO set. Update the chain status and change the best block to the highest block of the side chain.



5.3.5 the Status of the Main Blockchain (主链的状态)

​ At the first time to start a node, initializing the main blockchain or not depends on the blockStore key in the database. When initializing the main blockchain, the height of the blockchain is 0 and the hash is the genesis block hash. Here is the code:



type BlockStoreState struct {
	Height uint64
	Hash   *bc.Hash

​ The description of the main blockchain status:

  • Height: The biggest height of the current main blockchain.
  • Hash: The hash of the highest block in the current main blockchain.


  • Height:当前主链最高的高度。
  • Hash:当前主链最高的hash。

​ The status of the main blockchain needs to be store in persistent storage since it will be used every time the node is restarted.



blockStoreKey     = []byte("blockStore")

​ The steps of updating the main blockchain status:

  1. Update the main blockchain status at the first time the node is started.

  2. Update the main blockchain status when new blocks are linked to the main blockchain.

  3. Update the main blockchain status when reorganization happens on the main blockchain.


  1. 当节点第一次启动时,会更新主链状态。

  2. 当新的区块添加到主链的末尾,会更新主链状态。

  3. 当重组主链时,会更新主链状态。

5.4 Conclusion

​ This chapter analyzes in the detail on the structure of block and blockchain as well as their basic operations. Analysis mainly includes the genesis block, block validation, target, orphan block management, link and reorganize blocks, etc., offering a macro view of the blockchain.
