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Prism LTS Oncall Docs

What does this service do?

Prism long term storage consumes messages from specified topics and stores them in AWS S3 partitioned by topic and metric date.


Messages written to the saas-usage-metrics topic with a metric date of 6-16-18 will end up in s3://prod-prism-lts/topics/saas-usage-metrics/year=2018/month=06/day=16/saas-usage-metrics+<kafka-partition>+<kafka-offset>.avro

NOTE Kafka Message and .avro files in S3 are not 1 for 1. A .avro file in S3 may contain 1 - N messages up to 5MB of messages.

What's the impact of the service being down?

  • No other services are impacted by an outage in Prism LTS.
  • The Kafka message retension policy allows for Prism-LTS to be down for ~7 days before it starts missing messages.

Which customers need to be notified, and how should they be notified?

  • No customers need to be notified of a Prism LTS outage

What should I do to troubleshoot an outage?

  • Check the Number of Active Tasks in Grafana
    • 12/12 indicates that Prism LTS is health
    • < 12/12 indicates that tasks are dying
    • 0/12 indicates no messages are being written to S3
  • Check Prism-LTS Rest API for a Stack Trace
    • This is Much easier that searching Loggly; Sometimes errors are not logged
    • SSH into the Prod Jumpgate
    • Do a kubetl port-forward <prism-lts pod> 8083:8083 to expose the Rest API
    • Check the Status of the Tasks with curl
    • All 12 tasks should be in the RUNNING state
  • Check the logs to ensure Prism-LTS is writing and committing message offsets
    • example log message: INFO Files committed to S3. Target commit offset for ac-user-event-2 is 1839407

How do I fix common outages?

Manually Restart the Failed Tasks:

  1. SSH into the Prod Jumpgate
  2. Do a kubetl port-forward <prism-lts pod> 8083:8083 to expose the Rest API
  3. Check the Status of the Tasks with curl
  4. Restart a failed Task with curl -X POST<task-id/restart

Where is other alerting documentation located?