- Make sure "diffbot.h" is on your compiler's Include path
- Link diffbot object file "diffbot.o" OR add "diffbot.cpp" as a source file into your project
- Use Diffbot classes according to demo file
Please refer to src/demo.cpp file for usage examples.
Diffbot - the main interface to Diffbot API DiffbotResult - encapsulation of Json response from Diffbot server DiffbotException - Diffbot exception class
DIRECTORIES & FILES include/ - header files: diffbot.h src/ - source files: diffbot.cpp and demo.cpp lib/ - object files to be generated during compilation deps/ - the libraries that are required by Diffbot API client Makefile - used by "make" command to manage building and testing INSTALL - installation notes README - this file
Typical usage scenario:
Create Diffbot class instance using your Diffbot token:
Diffbot diffbot("MY_DIFFBOT_TOKEN");
Set options and parameters if required, for example:
diffbot.setTimeout(20); diffbot.setFields("meta"); diffbot.setParameter("mode", "article"); diffbot.setMethod(method ? std::string(method) : "article");
Send request, URL is of std::string type:
Parse the response:
DiffbotResult res = diffbot.parseResponse();
Explore the result:
// Get Json object Json::Value json = res.getJson();
// Get the list of keys std::vectorstd::string list = json.getMemberNames();
// Iterate over json object std::vectorstd::string::iterator i; for (i=members.begin(); i!=members.end(); i++) cout << json.get(*i, "") << " ";
Please refer to src/demo.cpp for a working example of usage.
Please refer to http://diffbot.com/products/automatic/ to get the detailed description of available Diffbot API and corresponding fields.
Diffbot classes are declared inside "diffbot" namespace. You will need either to use "diffbot::Diffbot()" syntax or "using namespace diffbot" operator.
We recommend that you review include/diffbot.h and src/demo.cpp files for better understanding how Diffbot APIs work.
-Initial commit by Anatoliy Kyrychenko-