This document explains how to use Decloud, to train models and perform inference on images.
The following steps are explained:
- Prepare images and data prior to images pre-processing,
- Sentinel images pre-processing,
- Patches sampling
We can distinguish three main kind of data to be used for the training process:
- Sentinel images: remote sensing images
- ROIs: some binary images used to select training and validation areas
- DEM: optional elevation images, used as additional input for models
The following subsections describe how the input data must be stored.
This section presents how the Sentinel images must be stored. The decloud program uses two types of images:
- Sentinel-1 SAR images, pre-processed using the S1Tiling OTB Remote Module
- Sentinel-2 optical images, as shipped from the THEIA Land Data Center (L2 level)
These images must be in GeoTIFF format and organized as follows:
- A top folder containing the images of the same type: radar or optical (e.g. S1_PREPARE and S2_PREPARE)
- Inside the top folder, subdirectories named after the Sentinel-2 tile name (e.g. T31TEJ)
- Inside the tile folder, we finally have the Sentinel products, as folder for Sentinel-2 images, and GeoTiff for Sentinel-1 images.
Below is an example for the Sentinel-1 and Sentinel-2 images:
Sentinel-1 images are just S1Tiling outputs (vv+vh) dumped in the right tile folder.
│ │ s1a_30PVT_vv_ASC_045_20170407t182729.tif
│ │ s1a_30PVT_vh_ASC_045_20170407t182729.tif
│ │ s1b_30PVT_vv_ASC_147_20200428t181838.tif
│ │ ...
│ s1b_31TEK_vv_DES_139_20200919t054329.tif
│ ...
Sentinel-2 images are just the THEIA L2 products folders dumped into the right tile folder.
│ └───SENTINEL2B_20180619-103559-594_L2A_T31TEJ_D_V1-8
│ │ SENTINEL2B_20180619-103559-594_L2A_T31TEJ_D_V1-8_FRE_B2.tif
│ │ SENTINEL2B_20180619-103559-594_L2A_T31TEJ_D_V1-8_FRE_B3.tif
│ │ SENTINEL2B_20180619-103559-594_L2A_T31TEJ_D_V1-8_FRE_B4.tif
│ │ SENTINEL2B_20180619-103559-594_L2A_T31TEJ_D_V1-8_FRE_B8.tif
│ │ ...
│ │ └───MASKS
│ │ │ SENTINEL2B_20180619-103559-594_L2A_T31TEJ_D_V1-8_CLM_R1.tif
│ │ │ ...
│ └───SENTINEL2B_20180625-105253-379_L2A_T31TEJ_D_V1-8
│ │ ...
│ └───SENTINEL2B_20180619-103349-564_L2A_T31TEK_D_V1-8
│ │ ...
The ROIs images are used to select the areas for the different datasets (e.g. train, valid, test, etc). They are binary images telling when an image patch should be used in datasets, where 0 means the patch should not be considered and 1 when the patch should. The ROI images must have a physical spacing corresponding to 64 pixels of the Sentinel-2 image, because one pixel refers to one elementary (i.e. the smallest possible) Sentinel-2 image patch, which is 64 as default in decloud.
ROIs are GeoTIFF images named after the Sentinel tile, and the dataset name (e.g. "train" or "valid").
│ T30TXQ_train.tif
│ T30TXQ_valid.tif
│ ...
Take care to name the images properly, using the Txxxxx_train.tif Txxxxx_valid.tif pattern, where xxxx is the tile ID.
We finally have to create a JSON file that summarizes the ROIs files of ROI_Example on our filesystem:
File roi_example.json:
"ROIS_ROOT_DIR": "/data/decloud/bucket/ROI/ROI_Example",
"TRAIN_TILES": ["T31TCH", "T31TCJ", "T31TCK", "T31TDH", "T31TDJ", "T31TDK", "T31TEJ", "T31TEK", "T31TFJ", "T31TFK"],
"VALID_TILES": ["T31TEJ", "T31TDH", "T31TDJ", "T31TDK"]
DEM (Digital Elevation Model) is optional. DEM must be provided for each tile, when used.
They must be stored in a single folder, in geotiff format, named after the Sentinel-2 tile name:
│ T30TXQ.tif
│ T31TEJ.tif
│ ...
This section will present the required preprocessing on the raw data. Decloud needs to pre-process Sentinel images for various reasons:
- Compress and optimize the Sentinel-1 and Sentinel-2 images,
- Collect statistics in elementary patches of images (elementary patches size is 64 as default in decloud): cloud percentage and validity.
A possible future improvement of decloud could be to avoid the Sentinel-1 and Sentinel-2 images conversion, and focus only on the statistics collect.
Pre-processing steps of one Sentinel-1 image are the following:
- merge the 'vv' and 'vh' channels
- convert the values into dB scale
- linearly stretch the dB values to exploit at best the uint16 encoding.
- Compute statistics on patches: patch validity (0: not valid, 1: valid) which creates an additional output raster.
program takes cares of this.
python3 preprocessing/ \
--input_s1_vh /home/user/SENTINEL1/T30PVT/s1a_30PVT_vh_ASC_045_20170407t182729.tif \
--out_s1_dir /data/decloud/bucket/S1_PREPARE/
- '--input_s1_vh' takes as parameter the vh image
- '--out_s1_dir' the output directory for the processed Sentinel-1 image
Pre-processing steps for Sentinel-2 images are the following:
- Concatenate channels: two rasters at 10m and 20m are produced
- Compute statistics on patches, which creates two additional output rasters:
- Cloud percentage
- Patch validity (0: not valid, 1: valid)
This is done with the
python3 preprocessing/ \
--in_image /home/user/s2_theia/T30TEJ/SENTINEL2B_20180619-103559-594_L2A_T31TEJ_D_V1-8/ \
--out_s2_dir /data/decloud/bucket/S2_PREPARE/T31TEJ
Where :
- '--in_image' takes as parameter the directory containing the Sentinel-2 product
- '--out_s2_dir' the path of the folder where preprocessed images will be saved.
Note that you also can use compressed Sentinel-2 products:
python3 preprocessing/ \
--in_image /home/user/s2_theia/T30TEJ/ \
--out_s2_dir /data/decloud/bucket/S2_PREPARE/T31TEJ
In decloud, ROIs are used to locate areas used for tranining and for validation. Decloud computes Sentinel images statistics on elementary patches of 64x64 pixels size. Thus ROIs are rasters containing 0 (out-of-ROI) or 1 (inside-ROI) for each elementary patch of Sentinel image. These ROIs rasters are hence binary images which have a pixel spacing corresponding to 64 times the original Sentinel image pixel spacing.
You can generate the ROI masks using the preprocessing/
This script generates binary images for each datasets (e.g. train, valid, test). You can consider as many datasets as you want (e.g. valid1, valid2, testN...).
Optionnaly, you can provide vector files for each dataset (e.g. train, valid or test).
Here is an example how to generate ROI for 3 datasets: train (90%), valid (5%), and test (5%):
python3 preprocessing/ \
--tiles /home/user/tiles.json \
--datasets train valid test \
--props 90 5 5 \
--output_dir /home/user/ROI
Note the you can append --rois /home/user/vectors/train.gpkg /home/user/vectors/valid.gpkg /home/user/vectors/test.gpkg
to tell the application to select patches lying inside the designated vector files. If not provided, all the locations of the patches grid will be considered.
The program will create the '.tif' files corresponding to the validation and training ROIs in the output folder:
│ T31TEJ_train.tif
│ T31TEJ_valid.tif
│ T31TEJ_test.tif
To train models in decloud, you must have at least one "train" and one "valid" dataset.
You must summarize the generated ROI files across your filesystem, in a JSON file, in the following way:
File rois.json:
"ROIS_ROOT_DIR": "/home/user/ROI",
"TRAIN_TILES": ["T31TEJ", "T31TDH", "T31TDJ", "T31TDK"],
"VALID_TILES": ["T31TEJ", "T31TDH", "T31TDJ", "T31TDK"]
TRAIN is for the training dataset, VALID is for the dataset on which the validation metrics are computed.
The second step to be performed before sampling our pre-processed images, is to describe the way we want our images, in term of acquisition layout.
An AcquisitionsLayout
describes the layout of multiple Sentinel acquisitions, relatively to one reference scene, with respect to the acquisition characteristics.
These characteristics are the minimum and maximum time between acquisition dates (relatively to the reference), the cloud coverage of
the optical image of one acquisition, the maximum gap between one optical acquisition and its SAR counterpart, etc.
It allows to describe various schemes of acquisition, enabling to sample patches in Sentinel images, which have specific acquisition layout.
Programmatically, an AcquisitionsLayout
is a dictionary composed of one or more acquisitions, one acquisition being either one S1, one S2, or one S1-S2 pair.
The highest level key corresponds to the acquisition identifier (for instance, t-1).
The AcquisitionsLayout
defines how the images are acquired in the time domain, relatively to one reference acquisition.
To specify the reference acquisition, we add the parameter timeframe_origin=True
in the reference acquisition dictionary.
The timeframe_start_hours
and timeframe_end_hours
of other acquisition are relative to the reference acquisition.
It's possible to define an acquisition layout from python code or via a JSON file.
The file allowing to define the acquisition layout from python code is the file
Below is an example to define an AcquisitionsLayout
from acquisitions.sensing_layout import S1Acquisition, S2Acquisition, AcquisitionsLayout
acq = AcquisitionsLayout()
# One cloud-free acquisition at t-1 (we use "tm1" to avoid the +-/* characters)
s2_acquisition=S2Acquisition(min_cloud_percent=0, max_cloud_percent=0),
timeframe_start_hours=-5 * 24,
timeframe_end_hours=-15 * 24)
# One cloudy acquisition at t (this is our reference acquisition, we set timeframe_origin to True)
s2_acquisition=S2Acquisition(min_cloud_percent=50, max_cloud_percent=100),
# Another cloud-free acquisition at t+1
s2_acquisition=S2Acquisition(min_cloud_percent=0, max_cloud_percent=0),
timeframe_start_hours=5 * 24,
timeframe_end_hours=15 * 24)
In this example, our AcquisitionsLayout
is composed of three acquisitions named "t-1", "t" and "t+1".
The "t" acquisition is our reference acquisition, as specified by the parameter timeframe_origin=True
, and is composed of
a Sentinel-2 image and a Sentinel-1 image. The gap between these two images should not exceed 24 hours and the S2 image
must not contain cloud.
The "t-1" and "t+1" acquisitions are only composed of a Sentinel-2 image with no clouds in a period
compared to the reference acquisition.
We can define an AcquisitionsLayout
from a JSON file.
In the example below, we have defined the same AcquisitionsLayout
seen before in JSON format :
"tm1" : {
"acquisition" : {
"S2" : {
"type": "S2",
"min_cloud_percent": 0,
"max_cloud_percent": 0
"timeframe_start_hours" : -120,
"timeframe_end_hours" : -360
"t" : {
"acquisition" : {
"S2" : {
"type": "S2",
"min_cloud_percent": 50,
"max_cloud_percent": 100
"S1" : {
"type": "S1"
"max_s1s2_gap_hours" :24,
"timeframe_origin" : "True"
"tp1" : {
"acquisition" : {
"S2" : {
"type": "S2",
"min_cloud_percent": 0,
"max_cloud_percent": 0
"timeframe_start_hours" : 120,
"timeframe_end_hours" : 360
The acquisition_factory
enables to instantiate an AcquisitionsLayout
from a JSON file.
To do this, you need to load the python module :
from acquisitions.acquisition_factory import AcquisitionFactory
Then, it is enough to indicate to the factory the path to the JSON file defining the layout acquisition in the following way:
acquisitions = AcquisitionFactory.get_acquisition(acquisition_layout)
The factory will read the JSON file and instantiate the AcquisitionsLayout
with the parameters defined in it.
It is also possible to specify particular options such as sibling
This option is a list of list containing the keys of the acquisitions that can be matched.
For example, if you specify that the acquisitions t
and target
can be siblings,
and if a sample containing an image belonging to these two acquisitions exists,
it will be kept and used for both t
and target
. If the option is not specified,
this sample is rejected to avoid duplicate the image in t
and target
Using sibling
enables, for instance, to train networks with an identity mapping between
source and target.
Decloud uses TFRecords to store the images patches sampled in the images.
TFRecords are a native Tensorflow data type. Use of TFRecords allows for better I/O performance during training
especially on high performance computing architectures.
TFRecords contain samples, which are composed of a corresponding image per key present in the AcquisitionsLayout
We use all the data presented in the previous sections (pre-processed images, ROIs, acquisition layout JSON files) to generate samples from the images.
Creation of TFRecords is done in the following way:
python3 models/ \
--acquisition_train acquisitions/AL-Meraner-1.json \
--output_train /data/decloud/bucket/TFRecords/Occitanie/Meraner/train \
--acquisitions_valid acquisitions/AL-Meraner-1.json \
--outputs_valid /data/decloud/bucket/TFRecords/Occitanie/Meraner/valid \
--tiles /data/decloud/bucket/dataset_occitanie.json \
--rois /data/decloud/bucket/roi_occitanie_meraner.json \
--patchsize 256 \
--n_samples_per_shard 100
Where the basic options are :
is the path to the training acquisition layout (JSON file),output_train
is the directory for output training TFRecords,acquisitions_valid
is the path to the validation acquisition layout (JSON files),outputs_valid
directory or directories for the output validation TFRecords,tiles
JSON file describing where pre-processed Sentinel images are stored,rois
JSON file describing where ROIs are stored,patchsize
is the patch size, is pixels. Note that it can only takes values that are a multiple of 64.n_samples_per_shard
is the number of sample in each TFRecord shard.
Type python3 models/ --help
to show all options.
Generated TFRecords will be created in the output directories with an incremental name (0.records, 1.records, ...). One output repository will be created for each acquisition layout. Two additional files will also be created: one containing the type of data, the other will contain the shape of the data.
Now that we have prepared the TFRecords containing the images patches, we can train models.
Thanks to the model factory, it's easy to implement and use a new model.
The new model (MyModel
) must inherit from the Model
abstract class (see
) and must be located in the model
The new MyModel
class must implement the model
function, that defines the network architecture.
Model <|-- MyModel
class Model{
class MyModel{
allows to train and compute metrics on the validation datasets.
Models can be trained using the following command:
python3 models/ \
--training_record /data/decloud/bucket/TFRecords/Occitanie/Meraner/train/ \
--valid_records /data/decloud/bucket/TFRecords/Occitanie/Meraner/valid/ /data/decloud/bucket/TFRecords/Occitanie/Meraner/minitrain/ \
--model meraner_os2 \
-lr 0.00007 \
-bt 4 \
-bv 4 \
-e 200 \
--save_ckpt_dir /home/user/meraner/ckpt/ \
--load_ckpt_dir /home/user/meraner/ckpt/ \
--logdir /home/user/meraner/logdir/ \
Where :
is the path to the training TFRecords directory,valid_records
is a list of one or multiple paths to the validation TFRecords directories,model
is the name of the model used,lr
is the learning rate,bt
is the batch size for training,bv
is the batch size for validation,save_ckpt_dir
is the path to save checkpoint,load_ckpt_dir
is the path to load checkpoints, or the .meta file of a specific checkpoint,logdir
is the path to save tensorboard logs,
Optional parameters :
to compute SSIM and SAM in addition to PSNR and MSE after each epoch,previews
to generate previews in tensorboard after each epoch,valid_only
to run only a validation step,out_savedmodel
to export a trained model into a SavedModel (which can be used later to process real world images).
Once the model has been trained and exported using the out_savedmodel
parameter, it can be used in production.
For instance, we use
to perform the inference of the crga models (i.e. models which inherit from crga_os1_base
and crga_os2_base
This program not only performs the inference, but also takes care of preparing the right input images to feed the model, and also the post-processing steps (like removing inferred no-data pixels).
It is built exclusively using OTB application pipelines, and is fully streamable (not limitation or images size).
Below is an example of use :
python production/ \
--il_s1before \
/data/decloud/bucket/S1_PREPARE/T31TEJ/s1b_31TEJ_vvvh_DES_139_20201001txxxxxx_from-10to3dB.tif \
/data/decloud/bucket/S1_PREPARE/T31TEJ/s1a_31TEJ_vvvh_DES_037_20200930txxxxxx_from-10to3dB.tif \
/data/decloud/bucket/S1_PREPARE/T31TEJ/s1b_31TEJ_vvvh_DES_110_20200929t060008_from-10to3dB.tif \
--il_s1 \
/data/decloud/bucket/S1_PREPARE/T31TEJ/s1b_31TEJ_vvvh_DES_139_20201013txxxxxx_from-10to3dB.tif \
/data/decloud/bucket/S1_PREPARE/T31TEJ/s1b_31TEJ_vvvh_DES_110_20201011t060008_from-10to3dB.tif \
/data/decloud/bucket/S1_PREPARE/T31TEJ/s1a_31TEJ_vvvh_DES_037_20201012txxxxxx_from-10to3dB.tif \
--il_s1after \
/data/decloud/bucket/S1_PREPARE/T31TEJ/s1b_31TEJ_vvvh_DES_139_20201025txxxxxx_from-10to3dB.tif \
/data/decloud/bucket/S1_PREPARE/T31TEJ/s1a_31TEJ_vvvh_DES_037_20201024txxxxxx_from-10to3dB.tif \
/data/decloud/bucket/S1_PREPARE/T31TEJ/s1b_31TEJ_vvvh_DES_110_20201023t060008_from-10to3dB.tif \
--il_s2before \
/data/decloud/bucket/S2_PREPARE/T31TEJ/SENTINEL2B_20200929-104857-489_L2A_T31TEJ_C_V2-2 \
/data/decloud/bucket/S2_PREPARE/T31TEJ/SENTINEL2B_20200926-103901-393_L2A_T31TEJ_C_V2-2 \
--il_s2after \
/data/decloud/bucket/S2_PREPARE/T31TEJ/SENTINEL2B_20201026-103901-924_L2A_T31TEJ_C_V2-2 \
/data/decloud/bucket/S2_PREPARE/T31TEJ/SENTINEL2A_20201024-104859-766_L2A_T31TEJ_C_V2-2 \
--in_s2 /data/decloud/bucket/S2_PREPARE/T31TEJ/SENTINEL2B_20201012-105848-497_L2A_T31TEJ_C_V2-2 \
--dem /data/decloud/bucket/DEM_PREPARE/T31TEJ.tif \
--savedmodel /data/decloud/todel/savedmodel_david2/09-04-21_224907_various_enhancements_and_todos_93228_crga_os2_david_bt48_bv48 \
--output /data/decloud/results/theia_data/SENTINEL2B_20201012-105848-497_L2A_T31TEJ_C_V2-2_FRE_10m_reconst_reference.tif