diff --git a/src/BioFSharp.BioTools/BioFSharp.BioTools.fsproj b/src/BioFSharp.BioTools/BioFSharp.BioTools.fsproj
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diff --git a/src/BioFSharp.BioTools/HMMER.fs b/src/BioFSharp.BioTools/HMMER.fs
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+namespace BioFSharp.BioTools
+// adaped from the hmmer usage guide at http://eddylab.org/software/hmmer/Userguide.pdf
+// HMMER: biosequence analysis using profile hidden Markov models (http://hmmer.org/)
+module HMMER =
+ open BioContainer
+ module HMMbuild =
+ //Usage: hmmbuild [-options]
+ ///Options for selecting alphabet rather than guessing it:
+ // --amino : input alignment is protein sequence data
+ // --dna : input alignment is DNA sequence data
+ // --rna : input alignment is RNA sequence data
+ type AlphabetType =
+ ///input alignment is protein sequence data
+ | AminoAcids
+ ///input alignment is DNA sequence data
+ | DNA
+ ///input alignment is RNA sequence data
+ | RNA
+ static member make = function
+ | AminoAcids-> ["--amino"]
+ | DNA -> ["--dna"]
+ | RNA -> ["--rna"]
+ ///Alternative model construction strategies:
+ // --fast : assign cols w/ >= symfrac residues as consensus [default]
+ // --hand : manual construction (requires reference annotation)
+ // --symfrac : sets sym fraction controlling --fast construction [0.5]
+ // --fragthresh : if L <= x*alen, tag sequence as a fragment [0.5]
+ type ModelConstructionCustom =
+ | Fast
+ | Manual
+ | SymFraction of float
+ | FragmentThreshold of float
+ static member make = function
+ | Fast -> ["--fast"]
+ | Manual -> ["--hand"]
+ | SymFraction sf -> ["--symfrac"; string sf]
+ | FragmentThreshold ft -> ["--fragthresh"; string ft]
+ ///Alternative relative sequence weighting strategies:
+ // --wpb : Henikoff position-based weights [default]
+ // --wgsc : Gerstein/Sonnhammer/Chothia tree weights
+ // --wblosum : Henikoff simple filter weights
+ // --wnone : don't do any relative weighting; set all to 1
+ // --wgiven : use weights as given in MSA file
+ // --wid : for --wblosum: set identity cutoff [0.62] (0<=x<=1)
+ type RelativeSequenceWeightingCustom =
+ ///Henikoff position-based weights
+ | PositionBased
+ ///Gerstein/Sonnhammer/Chothia tree weights
+ | GSC
+ ///Henikoff simple filter weights
+ | Blosum
+ ///for Blosum: set identity cutoff (0<=x<=1)
+ | BlosumIdentityCutoff of float
+ ///don't do any relative weighting; set all to 1
+ | NoRelativeWeighting
+ ///use weights as given in MSA file
+ | Given
+ static member make = function
+ | PositionBased -> ["--wpb"]
+ | GSC -> ["--wgsc"]
+ | Blosum -> ["--wblosum"]
+ | BlosumIdentityCutoff c-> ["--wid"; string c]
+ | NoRelativeWeighting -> ["--wnone"]
+ | Given -> ["--wgiven"]
+ ///Alternative effective sequence weighting strategies:
+ // --eent : adjust eff seq # to achieve relative entropy target [default]
+ // --eclust : eff seq # is # of single linkage clusters
+ // --enone : no effective seq # weighting: just use nseq
+ // --eset : set eff seq # for all models to
+ // --ere : for --eent: set minimum rel entropy/position to
+ // --esigma : for --eent: set sigma param to [45.0]
+ // --eid : for --eclust: set fractional identity cutoff to [0.62]
+ type EffectiveSequenceWeightingCustom =
+ ///adjust eff seq # to achieve relative entropy target
+ | EntropyTargeted
+ ///for EntropyTargeted: set minimum rel entropy/position to
+ | MinimalEntropy of float
+ ///for EntropyTargeted: set sigma param to [45.0]
+ | EntropySigma of float
+ ///eff seq # is # of single linkage clusters
+ | SingleLinkageClusters
+ ///for SingleLinkageClusters: set fractional identity cutoff to [0.62]
+ | ClusterIdentityCutoff of float
+ ///no effective seq # weighting: just use nseq
+ | NoEffectiveWeighting
+ ///set eff seq # for all models to
+ | Set of float
+ static member make = function
+ | EntropyTargeted -> ["--eent"]
+ | SingleLinkageClusters -> ["--eclust"]
+ | NoEffectiveWeighting -> ["--enone"]
+ | Set s -> ["--eset"; string s]
+ | MinimalEntropy me -> ["--ere"; string me]
+ | EntropySigma es -> ["--esigma"; string es]
+ | ClusterIdentityCutoff c -> ["--eid"; string c]
+ ///Alternative prior strategies:
+ // --pnone : don't use any prior; parameters are frequencies
+ // --plaplace : use a Laplace +1 prior
+ // --popen : force gap open prob. (w/ --singlemx, aa default 0.02, nt 0.031)
+ // --pextend : force gap extend prob. (w/ --singlemx, aa default 0.4, nt 0.75)
+ type PriorCustom =
+ ///don't use any prior; parameters are frequencies
+ | NoPrior
+ ///use a Laplace +1 prio
+ | Laplace
+ ///force gap open prob.
+ | ForcePGapOpen of float
+ ///force gap extend prob
+ | ForcePGapExtend of float
+ static member make = function
+ |NoPrior -> ["--pnone"]
+ |Laplace -> ["--plaplace"]
+ |ForcePGapOpen f -> ["--popen"; string f]
+ |ForcePGapExtend f -> ["--pextend"; string f]
+ type SubstitutionScoreMatrix =
+ |PAM30
+ |PAM70
+ |PAM120
+ |PAM240
+ |DNA1
+ static member make = function
+ |PAM30 -> "PAM30"
+ |PAM70 -> "PAM70"
+ |PAM120 -> "PAM120"
+ |PAM240 -> "PAM240"
+ |BLOSUM45-> "BLOSUM45"
+ |BLOSUM50-> "BLOSUM50"
+ |BLOSUM62-> "BLOSUM62"
+ |BLOSUM80-> "BLOSUM80"
+ |BLOSUM90-> "BLOSUM90"
+ |DNA1 -> "DNA1"
+ ///Handling single sequence inputs:
+ // --singlemx : use substitution score matrix for single-sequence inputs
+ // --mx : substitution score matrix (built-in matrices, with --singlemx)
+ // --mxfile : read substitution score matrix from file (with --singlemx)
+ type SingleSequenceHandlingCustom =
+ ///use substitution score matrix for single-sequence inputs
+ | UseSubstitutionMatrix
+ ///substitution score matrix (built-in matrices, use with UseSubstitutionMatrix)
+ | SMatrix of SubstitutionScoreMatrix
+ ///read substitution score matrix from file (use with UseSubstitutionMatrix)
+ | SMatrixFile of string
+ static member make = function
+ | UseSubstitutionMatrix -> ["--singlemx"]
+ | SMatrix s -> ["--mx"; (SubstitutionScoreMatrix.make s)]
+ | SMatrixFile path -> ["--mxfile"; path]
+ static member makeWith (m:MountInfo) =
+ let cPath p = (MountInfo.containerPathOf m p)
+ function
+ | UseSubstitutionMatrix -> ["--singlemx"]
+ | SMatrix s -> ["--mx"; (SubstitutionScoreMatrix.make s)]
+ | SMatrixFile path -> ["--mxfile"; cPath path]
+ //Control of E-value calibration:
+ // --EmL : length of sequences for MSV Gumbel mu fit [200] (n>0)
+ // --EmN : number of sequences for MSV Gumbel mu fit [200] (n>0)
+ // --EvL : length of sequences for Viterbi Gumbel mu fit [200] (n>0)
+ // --EvN : number of sequences for Viterbi Gumbel mu fit [200] (n>0)
+ // --EfL : length of sequences for Forward exp tail tau fit [100] (n>0)
+ // --EfN : number of sequences for Forward exp tail tau fit [200] (n>0)
+ // --Eft : tail mass for Forward exponential tail tau fit [0.04] (0 ["--EmL";string l]
+ | MSVNumber n -> ["--EmN";string n]
+ | ViterbiLength l -> ["--EvL";string l]
+ | ViterbiNumber n -> ["--EvN";string n]
+ | ForwardLength l -> ["--EfL";string l]
+ | ForwardNumber n -> ["--EfN";string n]
+ | ForwardTailMass m -> ["--Eft";string m]
+ ///Other options:
+ // --cpu : number of parallel CPU workers for multithreads
+ // --stall : arrest after start: for attaching debugger to process
+ // --informat : assert input alifile is in format (no autodetect)
+ // --seed : set RNG seed to (if 0: one-time arbitrary seed) [42]
+ // --w_beta : tail mass at which window length is determined
+ // --w_length : window length
+ // --maxinsertlen : pretend all inserts are length <=
+ type MiscellaneousCustom =
+ ///number of parallel CPU workers for multithreads
+ | Threads of int
+ ///arrest after start: for attaching debugger to process
+ | Stall
+ ///assert input alifile is in format (no autodetect)
+ | AssertInFormat of string
+ ///set RNG seed to (if 0: one-time arbitrary seed)
+ | Seed of int
+ ///tail mass at which window length is determined
+ | TailMass of float
+ ///window length
+ | WindowLength of int
+ ///pretend all inserts are length <=
+ | MaxInsertionLength of int
+ static member make = function
+ | Threads t -> ["--cpu"; string t]
+ | Stall -> ["--stall"]
+ | AssertInFormat f -> ["--informat"; f]
+ | Seed s -> ["--seed"; string s]
+ | TailMass m -> ["--w_beta"; string m]
+ | WindowLength wl -> ["--w_length"; string wl]
+ | MaxInsertionLength l -> ["--maxinsertlen"; string l]
+ //Basic options:
+ // -h : show brief help on version and usage
+ // -n : name the HMM
+ // -o : direct summary output to file , not stdout
+ // -O : resave annotated, possibly modified MSA to file
+ type HMMbuildParams =
+ ///Multiple sequence alignment input file
+ | InputMSAFile of string
+ ///HMM file to save the generated HMMs to
+ | OutputHMMFile of string
+ ///name the HMM
+ | Name of string
+ ///direct summary output to file , not stdout
+ | SummaryToFile of string
+ ///resave annotated, possibly modified MSA to file
+ | ResaveFile of string
+ ///Specify the alphabet used in the alignment file
+ | Alphabet of AlphabetType list
+ ///Alternative model construction strategies:
+ | ModelConstruction of ModelConstructionCustom list
+ ///Alternative relative sequence weighting strategies
+ | RelativeSequenceWeighting of RelativeSequenceWeightingCustom list
+ ///Alternative effective sequence weighting strategies
+ | EffectiveSequenceWeighting of EffectiveSequenceWeightingCustom list
+ ///Alternative prior strategies
+ | Prior of PriorCustom list
+ ///Handling single sequence inputs
+ | SingleSequenceHandling of SingleSequenceHandlingCustom list
+ ///Control of E-value calibration
+ |EValueControl of EValueControlCustom list
+ ///Other options
+ |Miscellaneous of MiscellaneousCustom list
+ static member makeCmd = ()
+ static member makeCmdWith (m:MountInfo) =
+ let cPath p = (MountInfo.containerPathOf m p)
+ function
+ | InputMSAFile path -> [cPath path]
+ | OutputHMMFile path -> [cPath path]
+ | Name n -> ["-n";n]
+ | SummaryToFile path -> ["-o";cPath path]
+ | ResaveFile path -> ["-O";cPath path]
+ | Alphabet aList -> aList |> List.map AlphabetType.make |> List.concat
+ | ModelConstruction mcList -> mcList |> List.map ModelConstructionCustom.make |> List.concat
+ | RelativeSequenceWeighting rswList -> rswList |> List.map RelativeSequenceWeightingCustom.make |> List.concat
+ | EffectiveSequenceWeighting eswList -> eswList |> List.map EffectiveSequenceWeightingCustom.make |> List.concat
+ | Prior pList -> pList |> List.map PriorCustom.make |> List.concat
+ | SingleSequenceHandling sshList -> sshList |> List.map (SingleSequenceHandlingCustom.makeWith m) |> List.concat
+ | EValueControl evcList -> evcList |> List.map EValueControlCustom.make |> List.concat
+ | Miscellaneous mList -> mList |> List.map MiscellaneousCustom.make |> List.concat
+ let runHMMbuildAsync (bcContext:BioContainer.BcContext) (opt:HMMbuildParams list) =
+ let cmds = (opt |> List.map (HMMbuildParams.makeCmdWith bcContext.Mount))
+ let tp = "hmmbuild"::(cmds |> List.concat)
+ printfn "Starting process blastn\r\nparameters:"
+ cmds |> List.iter (fun op -> printfn "\t%s" (String.concat " " op))
+ async {
+ let! res = BioContainer.execAsync bcContext tp
+ return res
+ }
+ let runHMMbuild (bcContext:BioContainer.BcContext) (opt:HMMbuildParams list) =
+ runHMMbuildAsync bcContext opt
+ |> Async.RunSynchronously