diff --git a/src/app/portal/components/tab-button/tab-button.component.html b/src/app/portal/components/tab-button/tab-button.component.html
index 831bed992..1d78eaf28 100644
--- a/src/app/portal/components/tab-button/tab-button.component.html
+++ b/src/app/portal/components/tab-button/tab-button.component.html
@@ -1,13 +1,30 @@
diff --git a/src/app/portal/components/tab-button/tab-button.component.scss b/src/app/portal/components/tab-button/tab-button.component.scss
index 55035af55..a46fa0bba 100644
--- a/src/app/portal/components/tab-button/tab-button.component.scss
+++ b/src/app/portal/components/tab-button/tab-button.component.scss
@@ -48,6 +48,11 @@
border: 2px solid #4546B9;
+.link-button__disabled {
+ color: #B0B0B0;
+ cursor: not-allowed;
/*.animated-number {
font-variant-numeric: tabular-nums;
diff --git a/src/app/portal/components/tab-button/tab-button.component.ts b/src/app/portal/components/tab-button/tab-button.component.ts
index 37e1be95a..2868b5bce 100644
--- a/src/app/portal/components/tab-button/tab-button.component.ts
+++ b/src/app/portal/components/tab-button/tab-button.component.ts
@@ -24,8 +24,12 @@ import { RouterLinkWithHref } from '@angular/router';
export class TabButtonComponent {
@Input() label: string;
@Input() count: number;
- @Input() route: string;
+ @Input() routerLink: string;
+ @Input() queryParams: any;
@Input() active = false;
+ @Input() disabled = false;
countOps = {
duration: 0.5,
diff --git a/src/app/portal/components/tab-navigation/tab-navigation.component.html b/src/app/portal/components/tab-navigation/tab-navigation.component.html
index 8da54e99b..f9eb37a8e 100644
--- a/src/app/portal/components/tab-navigation/tab-navigation.component.html
+++ b/src/app/portal/components/tab-navigation/tab-navigation.component.html
@@ -1,11 +1,35 @@
diff --git a/src/app/portal/components/tab-navigation/tab-navigation.component.ts b/src/app/portal/components/tab-navigation/tab-navigation.component.ts
index 133202f53..4fccda671 100644
--- a/src/app/portal/components/tab-navigation/tab-navigation.component.ts
+++ b/src/app/portal/components/tab-navigation/tab-navigation.component.ts
@@ -7,10 +7,10 @@ import { HttpClient } from '@angular/common/http';
import { AppConfigService } from '@shared/services/app-config-service.service';
import { BreakpointObserver } from '@angular/cdk/layout';
import { SearchService } from '@portal/services/search.service';
-import { ActivatedRoute } from '@angular/router';
+import { ActivatedRoute, Router, UrlSegment } from '@angular/router';
type IndexCounts = { [index: string]: number };
-type ButtonData = { label: string, icon: string, route: string, count: number, active: boolean };
+type ButtonData = { label: string, icon: string, route: string, count: number, active: boolean, disabled?: boolean};
selector: 'app-tab-navigation',
@@ -24,13 +24,15 @@ export class TabNavigationComponent {
breakpointObserver = inject(BreakpointObserver);
appConfigService = inject(AppConfigService);
+ route = inject(ActivatedRoute);
+ router = inject(Router);
url = this.appConfigService.apiUrl + "publication,person,funding,dataset,funding-call,infrastructure,organization/_search?request_cache=true";
showAll$ = new BehaviorSubject(false);
// Legacy compatibility
searchService = inject(SearchService);
- route = inject(ActivatedRoute);
fullCounts$: Observable = this.http.post(this.url, payloadWithoutKeywords()).pipe(
map((response: any) => response.aggregations),
@@ -41,6 +43,11 @@ export class TabNavigationComponent {
input$ = this.route.params.pipe(map(params => params["input"]))
tab$ = this.route.params.pipe(map(params => params["tab"]))
+ // Just the "size" (of the page) of the query parameters is needed
+ queryParams$ = this.route.queryParams.pipe(
+ map(queryParams => ({ size: queryParams.size }))
+ );
partialCounts$ = this.input$.pipe(
switchMap(input => this.http.post(this.url, payloadWithKeywords(input)).pipe(
map((response: any) => response.aggregations),
@@ -58,12 +65,18 @@ export class TabNavigationComponent {
defaultOrderButtons$: Observable = combineLatest([this.counts$, this.tab$]).pipe(
map(([counts, tab]) => [
{ label: $localize`:@@navigation.publications:Julkaisut`, icon: `faFileLines`, route: "/results/publications", count: counts.publications, active: tab === `publications` },
+ { label: $localize`:@@navigation.funding-calls:Rahoitushaut`, icon: 'faBullhorn', route: "/results/funding-calls", count: counts.fundingCalls, active: tab === 'funding-calls' },
+ // label: $localize`:@@navigation.fundings:Hankkeet`,
+ { label: "Myönnetty rahoitus", icon: 'faBriefcase', route: "/results/fundings", count: counts.fundings, active: tab === 'fundings' },
+ // "Myönnetty rahoitus",
{ label: $localize`:@@navigation.persons:Tutkijat`, icon: 'faUsers', route: "/results/persons", count: counts.persons, active: tab === 'persons' },
- { label: $localize`:@@navigation.fundings:Hankkeet`, icon: 'faBriefcase', route: "/results/fundings", count: counts.fundings, active: tab === 'fundings' },
{ label: $localize`:@@navigation.datasets:Aineistot`, icon: 'faFileAlt', route: "/results/datasets", count: counts.datasets, active: tab === 'datasets' },
- { label: $localize`:@@navigation.funding-calls:Rahoitushaut`, icon: 'faBullhorn', route: "/results/funding-calls", count: counts.fundingCalls, active: tab === 'funding-calls' },
{ label: $localize`:@@navigation.infrastructures:Infrastruktuurit`, icon: 'faUniversity', route: "/results/infrastructures", count: counts.infrastructures, active: tab === 'infrastructures' },
{ label: $localize`:@@navigation.organizations:Organisaatiot`, icon: 'faCalculator', route: "/results/organizations", count: counts.organizations, active: tab === 'organizations' },
+ { label: "Hankkeet (tulossa)", icon: `faFileLines`, route: "/results/publications", count: -1, active: false, disabled: true },
@@ -89,10 +102,26 @@ export class TabNavigationComponent {
- end$ = combineLatest([this.showAll$, this.responsiveSize$, this.defaultOrderButtons$]).pipe(
+ sliceEnd$ = combineLatest([this.showAll$, this.responsiveSize$, this.defaultOrderButtons$]).pipe(
map<[boolean, number, ButtonData[]], number>(([showAll, end, buttons]) => showAll ? buttons.length : end)
+ slicedButtons$: Observable = combineLatest([this.responsiveOrder$, this.sliceEnd$]).pipe(
+ map(([buttons, end]) => buttons.slice(0, end))
+ );
+ activeButton$: Observable = combineLatest([this.defaultOrderButtons$]).pipe(
+ map(([buttons]) => buttons.find(button => button.active))
+ );
+ isActiveVisible$ = combineLatest([this.activeButton$, this.slicedButtons$]).pipe(
+ // See inclusion based on the label field
+ map(([active, buttons]) => buttons.map(b => b.label).includes(active.label))
+ // Compare button against buttons
+ // map(([active, buttons]) => buttons.includes(active))
+ );
isDesktop$ = this.breakpointObserver.observe(['(min-width: 1200px)']).pipe(
map(result => result.matches)
@@ -104,6 +133,28 @@ export class TabNavigationComponent {
trackByLabel(index: number, button: ButtonData) {
return button.label;
+ changeLastPartOfUrl(newLastSegment: string) {
+ // Extract the current URL segments.
+ this.route.url.subscribe((segments: UrlSegment[]) => {
+ const pathSegments = segments.map(s => s.path);
+ if (pathSegments.length > 0) {
+ // Modify the last part of the path.
+ pathSegments[pathSegments.length - 1] = newLastSegment;
+ }
+ // Retain the existing query parameters.
+ const queryParams = this.route.snapshot.queryParams;
+ // Navigate to the new URL.
+ this.router.navigate([pathSegments.join('/')], { queryParams: queryParams }).then(success => {
+ if (!success) {
+ console.error('Navigation failed!');
+ }
+ });
+ });
+ }
function payloadWithoutKeywords() {
diff --git a/src/app/portal/models/person/person-activities-awards.model.ts b/src/app/portal/models/person/person-activities-awards.model.ts
index 264dde4c7..739ea0fad 100644
--- a/src/app/portal/models/person/person-activities-awards.model.ts
+++ b/src/app/portal/models/person/person-activities-awards.model.ts
@@ -1,57 +1,56 @@
-// This file is part of the research.fi API service
-// Copyright 2019 Ministry of Education and Culture, Finland
-// :author: CSC - IT Center for Science Ltd., Espoo Finland servicedesk@csc.fi
-// :license: MIT
-import { Adapter } from '../adapter.model';
-import { Injectable } from '@angular/core';
-import { ModelUtilsService } from '@shared/services/model-util.service';
-export class PersonActivitiesAndRewards {
- constructor(
- public name: string,
- public role: string,
- public type: string,
- public description: string,
- public internationalCollaboration: string,
- public year: string,
- public organizationName: string,
- public departmentName: string,
- public url: string,
- ) {}
- providedIn: 'root',
-export class PersonActivitiesAndRewardsAdapter
- implements Adapter
- constructor(private utils: ModelUtilsService) {}
- adapt(activity: any): PersonActivitiesAndRewards {
- console.log('activity', activity);
- const getYearRange = () => {
- return [activity.startDate.year, activity.endDate.year]
- .filter((item) => item > 0)
- .join(' - ');
- };
- const translateBoolean = (value: boolean) =>
- value ? $localize`:@@yes:Kyllä` : $localize`:@@no:Ei`;
- return new PersonActivitiesAndRewards(
- this.utils.checkTranslation('name', activity),
- this.utils.checkTranslation('roleName', activity),
- this.utils.checkTranslation('activityTypeName', activity),
- this.utils.checkTranslation('description', activity),
- translateBoolean(activity.internationalCollaboration),
- getYearRange(),
- this.utils.checkTranslation('organizationName', activity),
- this.utils.checkTranslation('departmentName', activity),
- activity.url
- );
- }
+// This file is part of the research.fi API service
+// Copyright 2019 Ministry of Education and Culture, Finland
+// :author: CSC - IT Center for Science Ltd., Espoo Finland servicedesk@csc.fi
+// :license: MIT
+import { Adapter } from '../adapter.model';
+import { Injectable } from '@angular/core';
+import { ModelUtilsService } from '@shared/services/model-util.service';
+export class PersonActivitiesAndRewards {
+ constructor(
+ public name: string,
+ public role: string,
+ public type: string,
+ public description: string,
+ public internationalCollaboration: string,
+ public year: string,
+ public organizationName: string,
+ public departmentName: string,
+ public url: string,
+ ) {}
+ providedIn: 'root',
+export class PersonActivitiesAndRewardsAdapter
+ implements Adapter
+ constructor(private utils: ModelUtilsService) {}
+ adapt(activity: any): PersonActivitiesAndRewards {
+ const getYearRange = () => {
+ return [activity.startDate.year, activity.endDate.year]
+ .filter((item) => item > 0)
+ .join(' - ');
+ };
+ const translateBoolean = (value: boolean) =>
+ value ? $localize`:@@yes:Kyllä` : $localize`:@@no:Ei`;
+ return new PersonActivitiesAndRewards(
+ this.utils.checkTranslation('name', activity),
+ this.utils.checkTranslation('roleName', activity),
+ this.utils.checkTranslation('activityTypeName', activity),
+ this.utils.checkTranslation('description', activity),
+ translateBoolean(activity.internationalCollaboration),
+ getYearRange(),
+ this.utils.checkTranslation('organizationName', activity),
+ this.utils.checkTranslation('departmentName', activity),
+ activity.url
+ );
+ }
diff --git a/src/app/portal/models/person/person.model.ts b/src/app/portal/models/person/person.model.ts
index 627337b61..aa7dc3d4a 100644
--- a/src/app/portal/models/person/person.model.ts
+++ b/src/app/portal/models/person/person.model.ts
@@ -1,170 +1,176 @@
-// This file is part of the research.fi API service
-// Copyright 2019 Ministry of Education and Culture, Finland
-// :author: CSC - IT Center for Science Ltd., Espoo Finland servicedesk@csc.fi
-// :license: MIT
-import { Injectable, Inject, LOCALE_ID } from '@angular/core';
-import { Adapter } from '../adapter.model';
-import { ModelUtilsService } from '@shared/services/model-util.service';
-import {
- PersonActivitiesAndRewards,
- PersonActivitiesAndRewardsAdapter,
-} from './person-activities-awards.model';
-import {
- PersonAffiliations,
- PersonAffiliationAdapter,
-} from './person-affiliation.model';
-import { PersonContact, PersonContactAdapter } from './person-contact.model';
-import { PersonDataset, PersonDatasetAdapter } from './person-dataset.model';
-import { PersonFunding, PersonFundingAdapter } from './person-funding.model';
-import {
- PersonPublication,
- PersonPublicationAdapter,
-} from './person-publication.model';
-import sanitizeHtml from 'sanitize-html';
-type Education = { degree: string; organization: string };
-export class Person {
- constructor(
- public id: string,
- public orcid: string,
- public name: string,
- public contact: PersonContact,
- public affiliations: PersonAffiliations,
- public educations: Education[],
- public publications: PersonPublication[],
- public datasets: PersonDataset[],
- public fundings: PersonFunding[],
- public activityAndAwards: PersonActivitiesAndRewards[],
- public description: string,
- public fieldsOfScience: string,
- public keywords: string,
- public collaboration: string[],
- public uniqueDataSources: any,
- public orcidLink?: string
- ) {}
- providedIn: 'root',
-export class PersonAdapter implements Adapter {
- constructor(
- private utils: ModelUtilsService,
- private affiliationAdapter: PersonAffiliationAdapter,
- private contactAdapter: PersonContactAdapter,
- private publicationAdapter: PersonPublicationAdapter,
- private datasetAdapter: PersonDatasetAdapter,
- private fundingAdapter: PersonFundingAdapter,
- private activitiesAndRewardsAdapter: PersonActivitiesAndRewardsAdapter,
- @Inject(LOCALE_ID) protected localeId: string
- ) {}
- adapt(data: any): Person {
- const capitalizeFirstLetter = (str: string) =>
- str[0].toUpperCase() + str.slice(1);
- const names = data.personal.names[0];
- // Capitalize first letter of each name
- const fullName = `${capitalizeFirstLetter(
- names.lastName
- )}, ${names.firstNames
- .split(' ')
- .map((name) => capitalizeFirstLetter(name)).join(' ')}`;
- const contact = this.contactAdapter.adapt(data.personal);
- const affiliations = this.affiliationAdapter.adapt(
- data.activity.affiliations
- );
- let collaboration: string[] = [];
- if (data?.cooperation) {
- data.cooperation.forEach(item => {
- collaboration.push(this.utils.checkTranslation(
- 'name',
- item
- ));
- })
- }
- const educations = data.activity.educations.map((item) => ({
- organization: item.degreeGrantingInstitutionName,
- degree: this.utils.checkTranslation('name', item),
- sources: this.utils.mapSources(item.dataSources),
- dateRange: this.utils.getDateRange(item.startDate, item.endDate),
- }));
- const publications = data.activity.publications.map((publication) =>
- this.publicationAdapter.adapt(publication)
- );
- // Sort datasets by year
- let datasetsSorted = data.activity.researchDatasets.sort((a, b) => {
- return b.datasetCreated - a.datasetCreated;
- });
- const datasets = datasetsSorted.map((dataset) =>
- this.datasetAdapter.adapt(dataset)
- );
- // Sort funding decisions by year
- let fundingsSorted = data.activity.fundingDecisions.sort((a, b) => {
- const endYearDiff = b.fundingEndYear - a.fundingEndYear;
- const startYearDiff = b.fundingStartYear - a.fundingStartYear;
- if (endYearDiff !== 0) {
- return endYearDiff;
- } else
- return startYearDiff;
- });
- let fundings = fundingsSorted.map((funding) => {
- return this.fundingAdapter.adapt(funding);
- }
- );
- const activityAndAwards = data.activity.activitiesAndRewards.map(
- (activity) => this.activitiesAndRewardsAdapter.adapt(activity)
- );
- // Some descriptions might hold HTML tags. These should be stripped
- const description = this.utils.checkTranslation(
- 'researchDescription',
- data.personal.researcherDescriptions[0]
- );
- const fieldsOfScience = 'Placeholder';
- const keywords = data.personal.keywords
- .map((keyword) => keyword.value)
- .join(', ');
- const uniqueDataSources = data.uniqueDataSources
- ?.map((item) => this.utils.checkTranslation('name', item.organization))
- .join(', ');
- return new Person(
- data.id,
- data.id, // ORCID indicator for dev puposes
- fullName,
- contact,
- affiliations,
- educations,
- publications,
- datasets,
- fundings,
- activityAndAwards,
- sanitizeHtml(description, {
- allowedTags: [],
- allowedAttributes: {},
- }),
- fieldsOfScience,
- keywords,
- collaboration,
- uniqueDataSources
- );
- }
+// This file is part of the research.fi API service
+// Copyright 2019 Ministry of Education and Culture, Finland
+// :author: CSC - IT Center for Science Ltd., Espoo Finland servicedesk@csc.fi
+// :license: MIT
+import { Injectable, Inject, LOCALE_ID } from '@angular/core';
+import { Adapter } from '../adapter.model';
+import { ModelUtilsService } from '@shared/services/model-util.service';
+import {
+ PersonActivitiesAndRewards,
+ PersonActivitiesAndRewardsAdapter,
+} from './person-activities-awards.model';
+import {
+ PersonAffiliations,
+ PersonAffiliationAdapter,
+} from './person-affiliation.model';
+import { PersonContact, PersonContactAdapter } from './person-contact.model';
+import { PersonDataset, PersonDatasetAdapter } from './person-dataset.model';
+import { PersonFunding, PersonFundingAdapter } from './person-funding.model';
+import {
+ PersonPublication,
+ PersonPublicationAdapter,
+} from './person-publication.model';
+import sanitizeHtml from 'sanitize-html';
+type Education = { degree: string; organization: string };
+export class Person {
+ constructor(
+ public id: string,
+ public orcid: string,
+ public name: string,
+ public contact: PersonContact,
+ public affiliations: PersonAffiliations,
+ public educations: Education[],
+ public publications: PersonPublication[],
+ public datasets: PersonDataset[],
+ public fundings: PersonFunding[],
+ public activityAndAwards: PersonActivitiesAndRewards[],
+ public description: string,
+ public fieldsOfScience: string,
+ public keywords: string,
+ public collaboration: string[],
+ public uniqueDataSources: any,
+ public orcidLink?: string
+ ) {}
+ providedIn: 'root',
+export class PersonAdapter implements Adapter {
+ constructor(
+ private utils: ModelUtilsService,
+ private affiliationAdapter: PersonAffiliationAdapter,
+ private contactAdapter: PersonContactAdapter,
+ private publicationAdapter: PersonPublicationAdapter,
+ private datasetAdapter: PersonDatasetAdapter,
+ private fundingAdapter: PersonFundingAdapter,
+ private activitiesAndRewardsAdapter: PersonActivitiesAndRewardsAdapter,
+ @Inject(LOCALE_ID) protected localeId: string
+ ) {}
+ adapt(data: any): Person {
+ const capitalizeFirstLetter = (str: string) => {
+ // Check if the string is null, undefined, or empty
+ if (!str || str.length === 0) {
+ return '';
+ }
+ return str[0].toUpperCase() + str.slice(1);
+ };
+ const names = data.personal.names[0];
+ // Capitalize first letter of each name
+ const fullName = `${capitalizeFirstLetter(
+ names.lastName
+ )}, ${names.firstNames
+ .split(' ')
+ .map((name) => capitalizeFirstLetter(name)).join(' ')}`;
+ const contact = this.contactAdapter.adapt(data.personal);
+ const affiliations = this.affiliationAdapter.adapt(
+ data.activity.affiliations
+ );
+ let collaboration: string[] = [];
+ if (data?.cooperation) {
+ data.cooperation.forEach(item => {
+ collaboration.push(this.utils.checkTranslation(
+ 'name',
+ item
+ ));
+ })
+ }
+ const educations = data.activity.educations.map((item) => ({
+ organization: item.degreeGrantingInstitutionName,
+ degree: this.utils.checkTranslation('name', item),
+ sources: this.utils.mapSources(item.dataSources),
+ dateRange: this.utils.getDateRange(item.startDate, item.endDate),
+ }));
+ const publications = data.activity.publications.map((publication) =>
+ this.publicationAdapter.adapt(publication)
+ );
+ // Sort datasets by year
+ let datasetsSorted = data.activity.researchDatasets.sort((a, b) => {
+ return b.datasetCreated - a.datasetCreated;
+ });
+ const datasets = datasetsSorted.map((dataset) =>
+ this.datasetAdapter.adapt(dataset)
+ );
+ // Sort funding decisions by year
+ let fundingsSorted = data.activity.fundingDecisions.sort((a, b) => {
+ const endYearDiff = b.fundingEndYear - a.fundingEndYear;
+ const startYearDiff = b.fundingStartYear - a.fundingStartYear;
+ if (endYearDiff !== 0) {
+ return endYearDiff;
+ } else
+ return startYearDiff;
+ });
+ let fundings = fundingsSorted.map((funding) => {
+ return this.fundingAdapter.adapt(funding);
+ }
+ );
+ const activityAndAwards = data.activity.activitiesAndRewards.map(
+ (activity) => this.activitiesAndRewardsAdapter.adapt(activity)
+ );
+ // Some descriptions might hold HTML tags. These should be stripped
+ const description = this.utils.checkTranslation(
+ 'researchDescription',
+ data.personal.researcherDescriptions[0]
+ );
+ const fieldsOfScience = 'Placeholder';
+ const keywords = data.personal.keywords
+ .map((keyword) => keyword.value)
+ .join(', ');
+ const uniqueDataSources = data.uniqueDataSources
+ ?.map((item) => this.utils.checkTranslation('name', item.organization))
+ .join(', ');
+ return new Person(
+ data.id,
+ data.id, // ORCID indicator for dev puposes
+ fullName,
+ contact,
+ affiliations,
+ educations,
+ publications,
+ datasets,
+ fundings,
+ activityAndAwards,
+ sanitizeHtml(description, {
+ allowedTags: [],
+ allowedAttributes: {},
+ }),
+ fieldsOfScience,
+ keywords,
+ collaboration,
+ uniqueDataSources
+ );
+ }
diff --git a/src/app/portal/models/search.model.ts b/src/app/portal/models/search.model.ts
index 9c6254e74..b41031ebb 100644
--- a/src/app/portal/models/search.model.ts
+++ b/src/app/portal/models/search.model.ts
@@ -1,105 +1,105 @@
-// # This file is part of the research.fi API service
-// #
-// # Copyright 2019 Ministry of Education and Culture, Finland
-// #
-// # :author: CSC - IT Center for Science Ltd., Espoo Finland servicedesk@csc.fi
-// # :license: MIT
-import {
- Publication,
- PublicationAdapter,
-} from './publication/publication.model';
-import { Injectable } from '@angular/core';
-import { Adapter } from './adapter.model';
-import { PersonAdapter, Person } from './person/person.model';
-import { FundingAdapter, Funding } from './funding/funding.model';
-import { DatasetAdapter, Dataset } from './dataset/dataset.model';
-import { OrganizationAdapter, Organization } from './organization.model';
-import {
- InfrastructureAdapter,
- Infrastructure,
-} from './infrastructure/infrastructure.model';
-import { FundingCall, FundingCallAdapter } from './funding-call.model';
-export class Search {
- constructor(
- public total: number,
- public publications: Publication[],
- public persons: Person[],
- public fundings: Funding[],
- public datasets: Dataset[],
- public infrastructures: Infrastructure[],
- public organizations: Organization[],
- public fundingCalls: FundingCall[]
- ) {}
- providedIn: 'root',
-export class SearchAdapter implements Adapter {
- constructor(
- private publicationAdapter: PublicationAdapter,
- private personAdapter: PersonAdapter,
- private fundingAdapter: FundingAdapter,
- private datasetAdapter: DatasetAdapter,
- private organizationAdapter: OrganizationAdapter,
- private infrastructureAdapter: InfrastructureAdapter,
- private fundingCallAdapter: FundingCallAdapter
- ) {}
- adapt(item: any, tab?: string): Search {
- const publications: Publication[] = [];
- const persons: Person[] = [];
- const fundings: Funding[] = [];
- const datasets: Dataset[] = [];
- const infrastructures: Infrastructure[] = [];
- const organizations: Organization[] = [];
- const fundingCalls: FundingCall[] = [];
- // Enables error handling when mapping data
- const adaptResults = (tab, adapter) => {
- item.hits.hits.forEach((e) => {
- try {
- tab.push(adapter.adapt(e._source));
- } catch (error) {
- console.error(error);
- }
- });
- };
- switch (tab) {
- case 'publications':
- adaptResults(publications, this.publicationAdapter);
- break;
- case 'persons':
- adaptResults(persons, this.personAdapter);
- break;
- case 'fundings':
- adaptResults(fundings, this.fundingAdapter);
- break;
- case 'datasets':
- adaptResults(datasets, this.datasetAdapter);
- break;
- case 'infrastructures':
- adaptResults(infrastructures, this.infrastructureAdapter);
- break;
- case 'organizations':
- adaptResults(organizations, this.organizationAdapter);
- break;
- case 'funding-calls':
- adaptResults(fundingCalls, this.fundingCallAdapter);
- break;
- }
- return new Search(
- item.hits.total.value,
- publications,
- persons,
- fundings,
- datasets,
- infrastructures,
- organizations,
- fundingCalls
- );
- }
+// # This file is part of the research.fi API service
+// #
+// # Copyright 2019 Ministry of Education and Culture, Finland
+// #
+// # :author: CSC - IT Center for Science Ltd., Espoo Finland servicedesk@csc.fi
+// # :license: MIT
+import {
+ Publication,
+ PublicationAdapter,
+} from './publication/publication.model';
+import { Injectable } from '@angular/core';
+import { Adapter } from './adapter.model';
+import { PersonAdapter, Person } from './person/person.model';
+import { FundingAdapter, Funding } from './funding/funding.model';
+import { DatasetAdapter, Dataset } from './dataset/dataset.model';
+import { OrganizationAdapter, Organization } from './organization.model';
+import {
+ InfrastructureAdapter,
+ Infrastructure,
+} from './infrastructure/infrastructure.model';
+import { FundingCall, FundingCallAdapter } from './funding-call.model';
+export class Search {
+ constructor(
+ public total: number,
+ public publications: Publication[],
+ public persons: Person[],
+ public fundings: Funding[],
+ public datasets: Dataset[],
+ public infrastructures: Infrastructure[],
+ public organizations: Organization[],
+ public fundingCalls: FundingCall[]
+ ) {}
+ providedIn: 'root',
+export class SearchAdapter implements Adapter {
+ constructor(
+ private publicationAdapter: PublicationAdapter,
+ private personAdapter: PersonAdapter,
+ private fundingAdapter: FundingAdapter,
+ private datasetAdapter: DatasetAdapter,
+ private organizationAdapter: OrganizationAdapter,
+ private infrastructureAdapter: InfrastructureAdapter,
+ private fundingCallAdapter: FundingCallAdapter
+ ) {}
+ adapt(item: any, tab?: string): Search {
+ const publications: Publication[] = [];
+ const persons: Person[] = [];
+ const fundings: Funding[] = [];
+ const datasets: Dataset[] = [];
+ const infrastructures: Infrastructure[] = [];
+ const organizations: Organization[] = [];
+ const fundingCalls: FundingCall[] = [];
+ // Enables error handling when mapping data
+ const adaptResults = (tab, adapter) => {
+ item.hits.hits.forEach((e) => {
+ try {
+ tab.push(adapter.adapt(e._source));
+ } catch (error) {
+ console.error(error, e);
+ }
+ });
+ };
+ switch (tab) {
+ case 'publications':
+ adaptResults(publications, this.publicationAdapter);
+ break;
+ case 'persons':
+ adaptResults(persons, this.personAdapter);
+ break;
+ case 'fundings':
+ adaptResults(fundings, this.fundingAdapter);
+ break;
+ case 'datasets':
+ adaptResults(datasets, this.datasetAdapter);
+ break;
+ case 'infrastructures':
+ adaptResults(infrastructures, this.infrastructureAdapter);
+ break;
+ case 'organizations':
+ adaptResults(organizations, this.organizationAdapter);
+ break;
+ case 'funding-calls':
+ adaptResults(fundingCalls, this.fundingCallAdapter);
+ break;
+ }
+ return new Search(
+ item.hits.total.value,
+ publications,
+ persons,
+ fundings,
+ datasets,
+ infrastructures,
+ organizations,
+ fundingCalls
+ );
+ }