Historically, GeoPIXE has endeavoured to cater for the needs of many laboratories and users in the ion beam, synchrotron science and laboratory source spaces. Hence, the main interface and GUI controls are more general purpose, with many very specific needs maintained in plugins, e.g. for image and spectrum processing, or device objects, which handle specific data import features, which can be very specific to a particular laboratory or beam-line. Feature requests have been handled through an email to "[email protected]".
For the time being, the open source version will continue in the same vein, while we develop guidelines and further documentation to focus changes to the best part of GeoPIXE for all users. In time, this should evolve to more user involvement as more people develop an effective overview of the software as a whole and the philosophy of (i) maintaining backward compatibility with all previously generated data files, and across all supported and historical computer platforms, and (ii) maintaining the general purpose core, while supporting specific needs in plugins (image processing, spectrum processing, background algorithms, Wizards and GUI extensions) and device objects.