In case of getting error while accessing jupyter notebooks from our repository, use and provide the link to the notebook you need to open. This is unfortunately not an error on our side and we cannot do anything about that.
The classes are designed as workshops. The lecturer shows you a tutorial in the first 90 minutes and the other 90 minutes is for your own work on given tasks. The lecturer is there for consultation.
Course introduction - Course information, Python installation, IDEs, "Hello World" (Week 17 February - 21 february)
- Notebook intro
Python Basics 1 - Data types, for, while, if, functions (Week 24 February - 28 February)
- Notebook Program flow
- task: Caesar cipher encryption
- responsible person: [email protected]
Python Basics 2 - functions, classes, files and venv (Week 3 March - 7 March)
- study any introduction to Python classes, for example: W3Schools (easy to understand) or Python docs (more detailed)
- Notebook a) Advanced functions
- Notebook b) Classes and objects
- Notebook c) File manipulation
- Notebook d) Virtual environment
- task: Rock, paper, scissors
- responsible person: [email protected]
Math and visualization - work with packages: numpy, scipy, matplotlib - linear algebra, calculus, graphs (Week 10 March - 14 March)
- Notebook: numpy, scipy, matplotlib
- task: image convolution
- responsible person: [email protected]
Data processing and visualization using pandas (Week 17 March - 21 March)
- Notebook a) tabular data, pandas
- Notebook b) COVID data example
- Interactive graphs using plotly: plotly_example
- task: covid data
- responsible person: [email protected]
Optimisation - linear programming (Week 24 March - 28 March)
- Lecture: start-here
- task: Optimizing phone factory
- responsible person: [email protected]
Sympy - Equations of Motion (Week 31 March - 4 April)
- Notebook: TBA
- task: No task this week
- responsible person: [email protected]
Control of mechanical systems (Weeks 7 April - 11 April)
- Notebook: TBA
- task: TBA
- responsible person: [email protected]
Artificial Intelligence I. (Week 14 April - 18 April)
- Source codes: start-here
- Task: No task this week
- responsible person: [email protected]
Artificial Intelligence II. (Week 21 April - 25 April)
- Source codes: start-here
- responsible person: [email protected]
- task: TBA
Asyncio (Week 28 April - 2 May)
- Notebook: asyncio
- task: CTUSS Commander
- responsible person: [email protected]
Requests, database, API (Week 5 May - 9 May)
- Using HTTP protocol: Requests
- Building own API: FastAPI
- Exploring database: sqlite
- Example application: user_register
- Complete lecture code in one file:
- run with
fastapi dev
- run with
- responsible person: [email protected]
Web app using Streamlit (Week 12 May - 16 May)
- Source codes: streamlit folder:
- responsible person: [email protected]