For developers who want to hack and modify this tool, this is the document that helps you to understand the design and the internal structure of this tool.
The goal of designing this tool is simplification. We want a Cucumber implementation that requires zero setup, easy-to-use APIs so that any levels of users can just pick it up and starts using it, without the need to search how to setup, how to integrate with other tools, and etc.
When a Cucumber test is executed, the test needed to be phrased and then get ran. In general, the following high level pseudocode can summarize the procedure of Cucumber test execution:
Given inputs: feature file, classes
1. JfeatureDetail <- parseJfeatureFile(feature file)
2. JStepDefDetail <- parseStepDefinition(classes)
3. executableJFeature <- createExecutable(JfeatureDetail, JStepDefDetail)
4. User calls executableJFeature.execute() to run the cucumber test
Here is also the associated UML flow chart to visualize the high level pseudocode:
In the pseudocode, the first 3 lines of codes are building the executable JFeature
instance, where the last line, the
4th line, is executing the test.
Hence, the first 3 lines of codes are also called the buildtime logic,
and the last line is also called the runtime logic.
Therefore, the tool only contains two groups of APIs, which are
APIs that implements the
buildtime logic and the JFeature.executeXXX()
that implements the runtime logic.
Design of the internal structure is more or less following the pseudocode.
In the first line of the pseudocode JfeatureDetail <- parseJfeatureFile(feature file)
there is an entity class JFeatureDetail
and a control class
for executing the parseJfeatureFile()
The entity class JFeatureDetail
is coded as POJO (Plain Old Java Object).
It stores the parsed information from JFeatureFileParser.parseJfeatureFile()
Therefore, these two classes belong to two different packages.
Similarly, in the second line of the pseudocode JStepDefDetail <- parseStepDefinition(classes)
the entity class is JStepDefDetail
and the control class is JStepDefinitionParser
which contains the parseStepDefinition()
Both JFeatureDetail
and JStepDefDetail
are entity classes.
So they are placed in the same package called models
Likewise, both JStepDefinitionParser
and JFeatureFileParser
are parsers, which are also control classes.
So these two classes are placed in the same package called parser
Hence, the first two lines of the pseudocode ends up with a partial UML class diagram as following:
In the models
package, JFeatureDetail
contains a list of JScenarioDetail
and a list of JScenarioOutlineDetail
The JScenarioOutlineDetail
is designed to contain a list of JScenarioDetail
because the example table in a scenario outline is
preprocessed and converted into a list of scenarios for simplicity.
The JStepDefDetail
simply contains a list of JStepDefMethodDetail
which holds information of a step definition method from a step definition class.
In the parser
package, there is JStepDefinitionParser
and JFeatureFileParser
contains some dependencies that will be explained in the later sections of the document.
The third line of the pseudocode, executableJFeature <- createExecutable(JfeatureDetail, JStepDefDetail)
literally just combine the instance of JFeatureDetail
and JStepDefDetail
into an executable JFeature
Hence, a control class called JFeatureBuilder
is designed to run the createExecutable()
The class is placed in the builder
It contains the build()
method which is the implementation of the createExecutable()
Notice that
method takes an extra parameter other than JFeatureDetail
and JStepDefDetail
called BaseObjectProvider
This is because the executable JFeature
instance need to remember
which instance of step definition classes to use to execute step definition methods.
The BaseObjectProvider
is designed to provide the answer to this question for the executable JFeature
It only has one method get(clazz: Class<T>): T
which receives an input of the step definition class and
return the instance of the step definition class.
It is up to the implementation
of BaseObjectProvider
to decide how to provide the instance of the step definition class.
So far, the tool only contains one implementation, which is EasyCachingObjectProvider
always returns the same instance of the same step definition class
unless such instance is not created before.
Then it will create a new instance of the step definition class, store it in a map and return it.
The EasyCucumber
class contains some APIs that allow users to provide their own BaseObjectProvider
For example,
the featureFile, List<Class<?>> stepDefinitionClasses, BaseObjectProviduuer objectProvider)
This is intentionally added to allow users to freely use their favourite dependency injection framework
(Spring, Quarkus, Micronaut, Dagger2, etc.) to provide the instance of their step definition classes.
Users only need to create an implementation class of BaseObjectProvider
delegate the method get(clazz: Class<T>): T
to their own choice of dependency injection frameworks.
The structure of the JFeature
is very similar to the JFeatureDetail
in the models
package, except JFeature
several methods to perform the Cucumber test execution,
which are the executeXXX()
methods that implements the runtime logic mentioned in the pseudocode section of this
Therefore, putting all packages together, the whole UML class diagram looks like:
One highlight of this project is the innovative way
of parsing the feature file that utilizes the concept of the state machine.
The implementation is done in the control class JFeatureFileLineByLineParser
The implementation of the parsing logic is based on the concept of the state machine.
When a feature file is parsed, the parser will go through the file line by line. Each line (except comments and empty line) is traded as a step in state machine diagram. In each step, the parser performs "Sense, Think, React" three actions as following:
- Sense: Read a line, and extract the information out of the line. (e.g. keyword)
- Think: Based on the information and the current state, think of what new state to switch to.
- React: Switch to the new state and react based on the new state.
For example, a parser is currently at the Feature
When a next line began with Scenario
is read, the following happens:
- Sense: Read the line, the parser found out the line begins with
. - Think: Since the parser is currently on the current state
and the next line begin withScenario
, the parser thinks it should switch to theScenario
state. - React: The parser switches to the
state, read the next line, and records the title of this new scenario.
With the idea of the state machine and the "Sense, Think, React" framework, the state-machine diagram for parsing feature file is designed as following:
Each direction line in the diagram represents a possible state transmissions.
For example, there is a line from the Feature
state to the Scenario
So parser can switch from the Feature
state to the Scenario
states but not to the Step
Most of the switching condition can be determined by the current state and the keyword from the next line.
For example, at the Feature
state, there are many states that parser can choose to switch to,
but the parser has to switch to the Scenario
state if the next line begins with Scenario
However, some switching conditions need more information than just the current state and the keyword from the next line.
For examples, multi-line description can be put below the Feature
, the Scenario
, and the Scenario Outline
So after multi-line description, the parser can go to any state that the Feature
the Scenario
, and the Scenario Outline
state can go to.
Therefore, the parser always kept track of the parent state of the current state that it has visited.
For example, the parent state of the Scenario
state is the Feature
and the parent state of the Step
state is the Scenario
or the Scenario Outline
When the parser transfers from the Scenario
state to the (multi-line) Description
state, the parent state
is recorded as the Scenario
state, because the parser just visited the Scenario
The "Sense, Think, React" framework is implemented in a loop where each iteration is one step in the state machine, like the following diagram:
In this tool, loop is controlled by JFeatureFileParser
and in each iteration, JFeatureFileParser
calls the JFeatureFileLineByLineParser.accept(String)
The JFeatureFileLineByLineParser.accept(String)
method calls three methods sense(String)
, and react(String)
which each is self-explanatory of what they do in the "Sense, Think, React" framework.