We use the Mocha test framework along with the Chai BDD / TDD assertion library, along with some additional Chai plugins: Chai Things for assertions on array elements and Chai Http for HTTP request/response assertions.
Tests are organized into two separate categories: 1) regular unit-tests, and 2) endpoint tests.
Regular unit-tests would include simple functions, like utilites. Endpoint tests, however, are a special case and are better described as "integration" test. To test an endpoint, you need to do more than execute a single functional unit and test results; rather, the API server must be running and connected to a test database, and the test specification must have access to that API.
###Setting up a local Test Database You should run tests on a local instance of the database - once we start testing CRUD endpoints other then READs you don't want your tests altering the deployed database. See the Cadasta DB repo for the scripts required to setup a Local Cadasta DB. After you have setup up this DB, please execute the SQL in the truncate-db-tables.sql. Lastly, adjust your "testing.pg" settings in the environtment-settings.js.
###Unit Tests #####Authoring If you want to author tests for simple functions create spec files in the /test/unitSpecs directory and follow the patterns described by Mocha and or Chai.
#####Running via terminal
All tests:
mocha test/test-runners/unit-tests.js --reporter spec
Specific Test(s):
mocha test/test-runners/unit-tests.js --testFiles exampleSpec.js --reporter spec
Note the option "testFiles". You can provide it a comma-delimited-list of files from the unitSpecs directory to test (no spaces, e.g., spec1.js,spec2.js,spec3.js
#####Running via Webstorm (allows for breakpoints, etc)
In Webstorm create a new Mocha "Edit Configuration" and provide the following Extra Mocha options:
Start the debugger for this configuration.
###Endpoint Tests
If you want to author tests for endpoints, create spec files in the /test/test/runners/endpointSpecs directory. The pattern here is slightly different due to the need for the test to have access to the running Express server. Each test spec needs to be wrapped in a modules.export
function with an app
parameter. Within this function, you can follow the patterns described by Chai-Http:
var chai = require('chai');
var chaiHttp = require('chai-http');
module.exports = function(app) {
describe('Example endpoint suite', function () {
describe('GET /parcel', function () {
it('should have status 200', function () {
.then(function (res) {
.catch(function (err) {
throw err;
#####Running via terminal
All tests:
mocha test/test-runners/endpoint-tests.js --reporter spec --delay
Specific Test(s):
mocha test/test-runners/endpoint-tests.js --testFiles exampleEndpointSpec.js --reporter spec --delay
Note the option "testFiles". You can provide it a comma-delimited-list of files from the unitSpecs directory to test (no spaces, e.g., spec1.js,spec2.js,spec3.js
#####Running via Webstorm (allows for breakpoints, etc)
In Webstorm create a new Mocha "Edit Configuration" and provide the following Extra Mocha options:
Start the debugger for this configuration.
Via terminal:
mocha test/test-runners --timeout 10000 --reporter spec
Via webstorm: