Alt + F4 Exit Game
Pressing Alt + F4 will cause the game to close safely.
Auto Lock Action Bars
Automatically locks action bars when certain conditions are met.
Auto Refresh Material List
Automatically refreshes the raw material list and recipe tree windows.
Bait Command
Adds /bait to switch fishing baits.
Block Targeting Treasure Hunt Enemies
Disable targeting for enemies that are part of another players Treasure Hunt duty.
Character Directory Command
Adds a command to open the directory where client side character data is stored.
Character Window Job Switcher
Allow clicking on classes to switch to gearsets.
Combat Movement Type Control
Set movement type between Standard and Legacy when in/out of combat or when weapon is drawn/sheathed.
Command Alias
Allows replacing commands typed into chat box with other commands.
Customize default deposit and withdraw quantity
Allows setting a custom amount to deposit or withdraw when using the 'Retrieve Quantity' and 'Entrust Quantity' options.
Customize Group Pose Camera Control
Allows you to customize the camera control in group pose
Data Centre on Title Screen
Shows the current Data Centre on the Title Screen
Disable Camera Culling
Disable the hiding of characters when the camera gets too close.
Disable Click Targeting
Allows disabling of the target function on left and right mouse clicks.
Disable Mount Music Volume Change
Prevents mount music from going quiet when not moving.
Disable Mouse Camera Control
Disables all control of the camera using the mouse.
Disable Novice Network Auto-Switch
Disables automatically selecting novice network when logging in or transferring to another server.
Disable Title Screen Movie
Prevents the title screen from playing the introduction movie after 60 seconds.
Dismiss Minion Command
Adds a command to dismiss your current minion.
Duty Ready Class Switching
Click 'Previous' class icon in Duty Ready window to switch class.
Duty Timer
When completing a duty, tells you how much time the duty took.
Emote Log Status in Server Bar
Show the emote log status in the server bar.
Emote Log Subcommand
Adds a 'text' subcommand for emotes when emotelog is disabled. /yes text
Ensure tooltips remain on screen
Prevents tooltips from extending below the bottom of the screen. Useful when using tweaks that make the tooltips longer.
Equip items from Hotbars
Enables the ability to equip items assigned to hotbars.
Equip Job Command
Adds a command to switch to a class or job's gearset.
Equip Recommended Command
Adds a command to equip recommended gear.
Estate Access Command
Adds a command to open the estate access configuration for the current estate.
Estate List Command
Adds a command to open the estate list of one of your friends.
Extended Macro Icons
Allow using specific Icon IDs when using '/macroicon # id' inside of a macro.
Fix '/target' command
Allows using the default '/target' command for targeting players or NPCs by their names.
Gearset Update Command
Updates the active gearset with your current equipment.
Hide 'Character not found' Message
Prevent the game from displaying the "The character you last logged out with could not be found on the current data center." message.
Hide Chat
Provides commands to hide the chat. (/chatvis show|hide|toggle)
Hide Hotbar Lock
Hides the hotbar lock button, with an option to make it visible while holding a modifier combo.
Hide Mouse Cursor After Inactivity
Hides the mouse cursor after a period of inactivity like video players do.
House Lights Command
Adds a command to control lighting in your own housing areas.
Improved Crafting Log
Modifies the Synthesize button in the Crafting Log to switch job or stand up from the crafting position, allowing you to stop crafting without closing the crafting log.
Improved Sent Message History
Recover messages after accidentally pressing up in the chat, and increase the amount of history retained.
Increased zoom on character previews
Allows zooming in near infinitely on character preview views, such as Try On and Examine.
Island Sanctuary Sprint Replacer
Replaces the normal Sprint action with Isle Sprint while in the Island Sanctuary.
Keep Windows Open
Prevents certain windows from hiding under specific circumstances.
Keyboard Gaming Mode
Block Alt-Tab and other keys to keep you in the game.
Leave Duty Command
Adds a command to leave the current duty.
Leveling Dungeon Command
Adds a command to open the highest level leveling dungeon available for your level.
Long Veil
Replaces the wedding veils with their long variants that are usually only shown in the sanctum of the twelve.
Main Command Command
Adds a command to allow using any Main Command from chat or macro.
No Sell List
Allows you to define a list of items that can not be sold to a vendor.
Open Adventurer Plate Command
Adds a command to open adventurer plates.
Open Commendation Window Automatically
Open the commendation window upon completion of a duty.
Open loot window when items are added
Open the loot rolling window when new items are added to be rolled on.
Quick Sell Items at Vendors
Hold a modifier key to sell items from your inventory in one click.
Refresh Market Prices
Retries to get prices upon receiving the 'Please wait and try your search again' message
Remember Quick Gathering
Remembers quick gathering status even after gathering at unspoiled nodes.
Remember Selected World
Remembers which world was selected for each datacentre.
Remove Client Limit
Allows opening more than the standard two FFXIV clients.
Reposition Cutscene Dialogue Box
Allows setting a custom position for dialogue boxes used in cutscenes.
Screenshot File Name
Change the file name format for screenshots.
Screenshot Improvements
Allows taking higher resolution screenshots, Hiding Dalamud & Game UIs and removing the copyright notice from screenshots.
Searchable Friend List
Adds a search bar to the friend list.
Set Option Command
Adds commands to change various settings.
Show process id Command
Adds a command to show the current process id.
Smart Strafe
Intelligently switches keyboard controls between strafing and turning.
(Legacy type movement only)
Special Character Input
Adds a window for adding special characters to text inputs.
Sync Crafter Bars
Keeps DoH job bars in sync
Sync Gatherer Bars
Keeps miner and botanist hotbars in sync.
SystemConfig in Group Pose
Allows the use of the /systemconfig command while in gpose.
Talk Adjustments
Allows further customisation to the Talk addon.
Try On Correct Item
Show the correct item when trying on a glamoured item.
Use Collection Command
Adds a command to use Collection items. /usecollection
Use Custom Time for Furniture Clocks
Changes the time displayed on chronometer furniture.
Case Insensitive Text Commands
Allows text commands to be entered without caring about case.
Chat Name Colours
Gives players a random colour in chat, or set the name manually.
Chat Sounds Everywhere
Enables <se.#> chat sounds everywhere, regardless of channel.
Clickable Links in Chat
Parses links posted in chat and allows them to be clicked.
Custom Timestamp Format
Customize the timestamps displayed on chat messages.
Disable Auto Chat Inputs
Prevent the game from inserting or other parameters into chat box.
Disable Chat Movement
Prevents movement of the chat window.
Display EXP Gain Percentage of Level
Adds the percentage of your next level to exp gains in chat.
Echo Party Finder
Prints Party Finder description to chat when joining a group and entering a duty.
Echo Story Selection
When given multiple choices during quests, print the selected option to chat.
Hide Chat Automatically
Hides chat automatically except when typing.
Hide Chat Panel Buttons
Hide the chat log name and close button on panels that have been split from the main window.
Improved Chat Font Sizes
Allows you to change the font size for the chat windows beyond the default limits, and allows docked chat tabs to keep their font size separate from the main tab.
Print Search Comment
Prints the Search Comment of people, that get inspected, into the chat.
Rename Chat Tabs
Allows renaming the General and Battle tabs in the chat window.
Reply Channel Switch
Allow typing /r to set active chat channel to Tell.
Smart AutoScroll
Attempts to prevent autoscrolling when receiving new chat messages while scrolled up.
Sticky Chat
Sets the chat channel when you use temporary chat messages.
Example: "/p hello!" will set the chat channel to Party
Sticky Shout Chat
Prevents the game from automatically switching out of shout chat.
Zoomed Chat Customization
Allows customization of the size and position of the zoomed chat view.
Extra Information for Tooltips
Adds extra information to item tooltips.
Hide Tooltips in Combat
Allow hiding action and/or Item tooltips while in combat.
Improved Blue Mage Action Tooltips
Adds Damage Type, Aspect and Rank to blue mage actions.
Improved Crafting Action Tooltips
Adds calculated efficiency of crafting actions to tooltips.
Item Hotkeys
Adds hotkeys for various actions when the item detail window is visible.
Logos Tooltips
Adds which kind of Logos Mnenes you can obtain from a Logogram in its tooltip.
Materia Stats
Includes an item's attached materia when displaying the stats.
Precise Durability
Show partial percentages for durability.
Precise Spiritbond
Show partial percentages for Spiritbond.
Preview Unlockable Items
Show a preview image for mounts, minions and hairstyles.
Show Collectable Rewards
Shows rewards when viewing a collectable delivery item.
Show Desynthesis Skill
Shows your current desynthesis level when viewing a desynthesizable item.
Show expected food and potion stats
Calculates the stat results a consumable will have based on your current stats.
Show Glamour in Item Name
Displays the glamoured item name underneath the real item name.
Show ID
Show the ID of actions and items on their tooltips.
Show Painting Preview
Add an image preview for paintings to item tooltips.
Simplified Equipment Job Display
Hides classes from equipment tooltips when their jobs are unlocked.
Track Faded Orchestrion Rolls
Adds the collectable checkmark to Faded Orchestrion Rolls.
Track Gacha Items
Adds the collectable checkmark to gacha items, such as Triple Triad card packs, when all potential items have been obtained.
Track Outfits
Shows whether or not you've made an outfit out of the hovered item.
Accurate Venture Times
Show live countdowns to venture completion on the retainer list.
Add Number Separators
Add separators for various numbers shown in the UI
Adjust Equipment Positions
Repositions equipment positions in character menu and inspect to improve appearance.
Adjust Large Cooldown Counter
Make adjustmenmts to the cooldown counter when using the large option.
Always Yes
Sets the default action in dialog boxes to yes when using confirm (num 0).
Auto Focus Market Board Item Search
Automatically focus the item search when opening the market board.
Auto Focus Recipe Search
Automatically focus the recipe search when opening the crafting log.
Battle Talk Adjustments
Allows moving of the dialogue box that appears in the middle of battles.
Cast Bar Adjustments
Allow hiding or moving specific parts of the castbar.
Casting Text Visibility
Change the font size, color, and background of the casting text.
Change Map Area Colours
Allows players to change the color of map areas like quest targets and FATEs.
Change Size Experience Bar
Changes the horizontal scale of the experience bar without affecting the text scale.
Cleaner World Visit Menu
Cleans up the world visit menu and shows your current location in order on the list.
Color Duty Roulette Names
Colors Duty Roulette names to indicate their completion status
Combo Timer
Shows a countdown for combo actions.
Custom Free Company Tags
Allows hiding or customizing Free Company and Wanderer tags.
Custom Time Formats
Allows setting custom time formats for the in game clock. Uses C# formatting strings.
Duplicate Action Presses Between Hotbars
Shows the pulse effect when activating actions, even if they are duplicated between hotbars.
Duplicate Keybind Hints Between Hotbars
Will display the keybind hint for any hotbar slot onto unbound slots with the same action.
Duty List Background
Adds a configurable background to the Duty List
Enhanced Loot Window
Marks unobtainable and already unlocked items in the loot window.
Expanded Currency Display
Allows you to display extra currencies.
Extended Desynthesis Window
Shows your current desynthesis level and the item's optimal level on the desynthesis item selection window.
Also indicates if an item is part of a gear set, optionally preventing selection of gearset items.
Fade Unavailable Actions
Instead of darkening icons, makes them transparent when unavailable.
Fast Item Search
Enable superfast searches for the market board & crafting log.
Grow Buff List Vertically
Allows you to change the buff/debuff vertical justification, enabling the list to grow from bottom to top.
Hide Achievements Nearing Completion Notifications
Completely hides the login/zone-in notification for achievements nearing completion.
Hide Experience Bar at Max Level
Hides the experience bar when at max level.
Hide Guildhest Objective Popup
Hides the objective popup when starting a guildhest.
Hide Job Gauge
Allow hiding the job gauge while not in combat or dungeons.
Hide quality bar while crafting NO-HQ item.
Hides the quality bar in the Synthesis window while crafting an item that can not be HQ or Collectable.
Hide Target Circle
Allow hiding the target circle while not in combat or dungeons.
Hide Unwanted Banners
Hide information banners such as 'Venture Complete', or 'Levequest Accepted'.
Housing Lottery Timer
Show the time remaining until the current lottery period ends in the timers window.
Improved Duty Finder Settings
Turn the duty finder settings into buttons.
Improved Interruptable Castbars
Displays an icon next to interruptable castbars.
Item Level in Examine
Calculates the item level of other players when examining them.
Red value means the player is wearing an item that scales to their level and it is showing the max level.
Label Submarine Destinations with Letters
Uses the standard A-Z lettering to identify submarine destinations for easier use with other tools.
Limit Break Adjustments
Simple customization of the limit break bars.
Lock Window Positions
Allows locking the position of almost any UI window.
Loot Window Select Next Item
Upon pressing 'Need', 'Greed', or 'Pass' automatically select the next loot item.
Market Enhancements
Highlight items that could be bought from, or sold to, an NPC for a better price.
Minimap Adjustments
Allows hiding elements of the minimap display.
Name Plate Icon Spacing
Increases the distance between status icons and character names on name plates.
Notification Toast Adjustments
Allows moving or hiding of the notifications that appears in the middle of the screen at various times.
Old Nameplates
Use the old font for nameplates.
Open Glamour Dresser to Current Job
Sets the job selection dropdown to your current job when opening the Glamour Dresser.
Parameter Bar Adjustments
Allows hiding or moving specific parts of the parameter bar (HP and mana bars).
Recolor Own Status Timers
Allows the recoloring of the personal status timers color.
Reduced Deep Dungeon Info
Removes redundant information from the deep dungeon character info.
Remember Title Sorting
Remember the selected sorting option in the title selection menu.
Remove Community Finder
Hide the community finder buttons from social windows.
Remove Quest Marker Limit
Allow the map and minimap to display markers for more than 5 active quests.
Rename Free Company Chest Tabs
Allows renaming of each tab in the Free Company chest.
Reposition Target Castbar Text
Moves the text on target castbars to make it easier to read
Scenario Progression Display
Shows the percentage of completion of the main scenario.
Shield on HP Bar
Show approximate shield on the HP Bar.
Show Experience Percentage
Calculate and display the current EXP percentage on the EXP bar.
Smart Nameplates
Provides options to hide other player's nameplates in combat under certain conditions.
Target Castbar Countdown
Displays time remaining on targets ability cast.
Target HP
Displays the exact (or optionally rounded) value of target's hitpoints.
Target Status Adjustments
Allows the filtering of specific status effects on your target as well as limiting the number of them.
Time Until GP Max
Shows a countdown when playing Gathering classes to estimate the time until their GP is capped.
Timer on Duty Waiting
Shows the 45 second countdown after readying for a duty.