All notable changes to this project will be documented in this file.
The format is based on Keep a Changelog, and this project adheres to Semantic Versioning.
- Fix band nodata value (#167) (2bf9bb5 by Juan Ramón).
- fix: most_common_approx duplicated counts definition (1415d3d by cayetanobv).
- add new option: compression level (#162) (fc45f68 by Cayetano Benavent).
- Fix: OverflowError error when casting approx sum to integer (46cab53 by Roberto Antolín).
- Fix: Compute approximate most common negative values (f9f5ff5 by Roberto Antolín).
- Snowflake key pair authentication support (#158)
- add new option: compression (#160) (c46dd51 by Cayetano Benavent).
- Add: Compute top values only for integer bands (6c10cc0 by Roberto Antolín).
- Fix: Tackle degenerate case of stdev computation (b112c80 by Roberto Antolín).
- Fix: Get count stats from shape of raster band (c066a30 by Roberto Antolín).
- Fix: Raise error when 0 non-masked samples due to sparse rasters (dfd89ae by Roberto Antolín).
- Change '--all_stats' flag to '--basic_stats' (2cb89cc by Roberto Antolín).
- fix: changed default no data for byte data type (06ad98f by volaya).
0.9.0 - 2024-11-04
0.9.0 - 2024-11-04
- Added exact stats (#153)
- Fix casting in quantiles (#151)
- Fix stats for unmasked rasters
- Add metadata for Builder Rasters (#147)
- fix: support for Python 3.9 / NumPy 2.0 (#145)
- Support raster overviews (#140)
- increase chunk-size to 10000 (#142)
- fix: make the gdalwarp examples consistent (#143)
- Add a argument to skip interactive question on upload failure (#138)
- fix: shapely.wkt import (#136)
- fix: update pip commands to make it compatible with zsh (#137)
- Add labels to BQ uploaded tables (#131)
- Support input URLs and more connection credential types (#129)
- fixed using raster files with block size other than default value (#130)
- fix: error when bigquery dependencies not installed (#133)
- Add support for snowflake (#127)
- Update raster-loader to generate new Raster and Metadata table format (#116)
- Add pixel_resolution, rename block_resolution (#123)
- fix: metadata field pixel_resolution as an integer and not allow zooms over 26 (#124, #125)
- Fixed issue in parsing long json decimals (#117)
- Add append option to skip check (#114)
- Store raster nodata value in table metadata (#111)
- Add level to raster metadata (#110)
- Fixed issue in metadata when updating table (#112)
- Create raster tables with geography and metadata (#105)
- Fixed band in field name (#102)
- Dockerfile - avoid installing GDAL twice (#104)
- Updated setup.cfg and readme (#70)
- Bumped wheel from 0.37.1 to 0.38.1 (#63)
- Added a basic docker-compose based dev environment (#80)
- Use quadbin (#72)
- Raise rasterio.errors.CRSError for invalid CRS and Add test error condition (#89)
- Cluster "quadbin raster" table by quadbin (#95)
- Changed the endianess to little endian to accomodate the front end (#97)
- Fixed swapped lon lat (#75)
- Fixed performance regression bug (#77)
- Added small speed hack (#79)
- Added docs badge and readthedocs link to readme (#69)
- Updated contributor guide (#91)
- Updated docs for quadbin (#93)
- raster_loader module
- rasterio_to_bigquery function
- bigquery_to_records function
- rasterio_to_bigquery.cli submodule
- upload command
- describe command
- info command
- docs
- tests
- CI/CD with GitHub Actions