- app: make IDE friendly (1ae02635, closes #18)
- appName: pass config option to ng-classify (eecac027, closes #17)
- bower: add support for component urls (3b9b1ad3, closes #21)
- childProcess: pass args to child process (e43a4215, closes #13)
- less: add paths to less configuration (c5f8d9c1, closes #20)
- bowerSwitch: add switch to turn off bower component retrieval (a6e5a58f)
- avatar: use avatar path from reportcard response (8c2b453e)
- bower: use latest version when conflicted (5e42dcbb)
- karma config: load external templates (7b0a8a34)
- path: file path was off (6ef797e1)
- reportCard: use jsonp instead of get (04cb1d3b)
- README: fix sass logo path (be4a0a84)
- subDomain: remove prefixed / to ensure app is functional within a sub domain (17339c9b)
- package.json: require specific package version when not following semver (5b5ff52b)
- LiveScript: add LiveScript support (eb44217b)
- update gulp-ng-classify
See https://github.com/CaryLandholt/ng-classify/blob/master/CHANGELOG.md#300-2014-06-18
- some Protractor locators have been deprecated
See https://github.com/angular/protractor/commit/9e5d9e4abb7d0928e6092a711fda527554994be7
Instead of By.input, use By.model, for example
- cli: prevent stats from executing on changelog if switch set (01c60aca)
- script: build correct url (48679143)
- stats:
- cli: add stats (f4d0b867)
- YouTubePlayer: add YouTubePlayer widget (eebde83c)
- bower.json: recreate bower.json on changelog (f1f26fcb)
- paths: Windows paths are file paths (3121a2c1)
- imagemin: add .png files (7f039036)
- imagemin: add imagemin (13ff2d49)
- minifyHtml: do not minify prior to templateCache (06bb4aa1)
- ngAnimate: remove ngAnimate (3fbf7991)
- bower: properly set component map for .map files (5cb876d5)
- build: add unixify to path (8279a27d)
- e2e: tweaks (4a2747fa)
- gulp: prevent stop of gulp watch on error (13de78bd)
- name: rename to fatarrow (4cb889f0)
- package.json: remove .git extension from repository (84ccdd1a)
- phantomjs:
- syntaxHighlighter:
- ReportCard: add open source report card (1cb5a0f1)
- TypeScript: add TypeScript support (6cf47d7c)
- app: add app (bc8edbb8)
- changelog:
- connect: add gulp-connect (5c5197fe)
- e2e: add e2e support via protractor (71650f6a)
- includify: initial support for including scripts and styles in index.html (7fc768b2)
- logo: add AngularJS logo (ace135db)
- markdown: add markdown directive (c894ed4b)
- ng-classify: add ng-classify support (818f90a2)
- optimize: add optimizations (7434fbf6)
- routes: add routes directive (29aaafa3)
- script: add script directive (d6863d68)
- specReporter: add karma-spec-reporter (d551cbed)
- syntaxHighlighter: