- allow beam angle to be specified during fitting
- new notebook to illustrate constrained fits
- improve docstrings and therefore api documentation
- still better ellipse and rect outlines
- start adding examples
- use faster version of creating rotated rect mask
- move tests to their own directory
- avoid deprecated np.float
- improve drawing of rect and ellipse outlines
- improve some docstrings
- use both black and white dashed lines
- fit to d and not d**2
- add more dunders to __init__.py
- fix residual calculation broken in v1.9.1
- centralize version number to a single place
- add beam_ellipticity()
- add beam_parameter_product()
- rotate x-tick labels when more than 10 ticks
- removed deprecated use of np.matrix()
- M2_report now includes BPP values
- improve API docs
- code linting
- handle rotated masks properly
- fix readthedoc configuration
- create pure python packaging
- include wheel file
- package as python3 only
- allow non-integer beam centers
- add badges to docs
- use sphinx-book-theme for docs
- explicit warning for non-monochrome images in beam_size()
- improve help() messages
- fix error in identifying major/minor axes in beam_size_plot()
- fix deprecation warning for register_cmap
- use entire perimeter of background rectangle for tilted background fit
- fix sphinx and docstyle warnings
- Add subtract_tilted_background()
- Add M²=1 line to M2_radius_plot()
- try to autoselect line color on images (still imperfect)
- more documentation tweaks
- Add M² fitting and plotting
- rename visual_report() to beam_size_plot()
- add plot_size_montage()
- hopefully stable API now
- allow any colormap, but default to gist_ncar
- extensive documentation of M² fitting process
- Add another figure to readme
- Improve visual_report()
- Add plot_beam_fit()
- Add routines to plot values along semi axes
- Add visual_report() for simple beam analysis
- Fix error when calculating circular radius
- Add missing scipy requirement
- Improve README.rst with figure
- Works dramatically better across a wide range of images
- Minor API changes to beam_size()
- Use ISO 11146 integration areas
- Add background routines for corners
- Add functions for rotations
- Eliminate old threshold technique
- Use google docstyle for functions
- Explain background and integration areas in notebooks
- Tweak notebooks for clarity
- use sphinx for documentation
- revise Jupyter notebooks
- trivial fix for release.txt
- improve text
- remove completed tasks
- initial commit of 07-M2-Measurement.ipynb
- bump version
- first pass at docs
- General doc improvements
- add routine to draw default figure
- handle symmetric case dx=dy better
- add new definitions and test dx=dy case
- initial commit
- ensure float used for sums
- first public release