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"text": "NCD", - "voice": "no clouds detected" - }, - "CLR": { - "text": "CLR", - "voice": "sky clear below one-two thousand" - }, - "SKC": { - "text": "SKC", - "voice": "sky clear" - } - }, - "convectiveTypes": { - "CB": "cumulonimbus", - "TCU": "towering cumulus" - }, - "template": { - "text": "{clouds}", - "voice": "{clouds}" - } - }, - "temperature": { - "usePlusPrefix": false, - "speakLeadingZero": false, - "template": { - "text": "{temp}", - "voice": "TEMPERATURE {temp}" - } - }, - "dewpoint": { - "usePlusPrefix": false, - "speakLeadingZero": false, - "template": { - "text": "{dewpoint}", - "voice": "DEWPOINT {dewpoint}" - } - }, - "altimeter": { - "pronounceDecimal": false, - "template": { - "text": "A{altimeter} ({altimeter|text})", - "voice": "ALTIMETER {altimeter}" - } - }, - "transitionLevel": { - "values": [], - "template": { - "text": "TRANSITION LEVEL {trl}", - "voice": "TRANSITION LEVEL {trl}" - } - }, - "closingStatement": { - "autoIncludeClosingStatement": true, - "template": { - 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