These installation instructions are very preliminary, and surely will not work on all systems. But if any problems come up, do not hesitate to contact us ([email protected]).
Make sure to have git installed, then run
git clone
Before running any scripts, you should create a virtual Python environment. In these instructions, we use Miniconda for managing your virtual environments, but any alternative like Conda, Mamba, virtualenv, venv, ... should be fine.
If you don't have any, you could install Miniconda from the official website.
Now you can create a new virtual environment using
conda create --name <env_name> python=3.9
In order to use it, you need to activate the environment:
conda activate <env_name>
Move to the folder "membrain-pick" (from the cloned repository in Step 1) that contains the "src" folder. Here, run
cd membrain-pick
install .
This will install MemBrain-seg and all dependencies required for segmenting your tomograms.
As a first check whether the installation was successful, you can run
This should display the different options you can choose from MemBrain, like "segment" and "train", similar to the screenshot below:
In order to visualize the results of MemBrain-pick, you can use surforama. However, the current official version of surforama has ome compatibility issues with the current version of MemBrain-pick. Therefore, it's best to install it via
- close repo
- switch to branch "star_file_loading_adjustments"
- install via
pip install .
git clone
cd surforama
git checkout star_file_loading_adjustments
pip install .
pip install napari
We are working on a more stable version of surforama that will be compatible with the current version of MemBrain-pick.