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Releases: Chia-Network/chia-blockchain

Alpha 1.1.1

25 Dec 19:40
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Chia Blockchain Testnet alpha 1.1.1 2019-12-25
Installation is now separated into everything except timelord/vdf and timelord/vdf.
Added install instructions for Windows using WSL and Ubuntu.
Added install instructions for CentOS 7.7.
Added install instructions for Amazon Linux 2.
New and replaced VDF server compilation scripts with Makefile.

Alpha 1.1

12 Dec 21:52
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Chia Blockchain Testnet alpha 1.1 2019-12-12

  1. FullNode: A long running or low ulimit situation could cause an “out of files” issue which would stop new connection creation. Removed the underlying socket leak.
  2. FullNode: Multiple SSH UI bugs fixed.
  3. Timelord VDF submission and management logic upgraded.
  4. Introducer now makes sure it only sends peer addresses to peers of peers that it can reach on port 8444 or their UPnP port.
  5. Updated blspy requirement to address an issue in the underlying bls-signatures library.
  6. Harvester: Farming  a plot of k = 30 or greater could lead to a segfault in the harvester.