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Internal APIs

Charles edited this page Nov 27, 2017 · 10 revisions

Starting to use Swagger

Swagger Resources:

Current API

ChurchCRM leverages Slim 2.6.2 to provide REST access to the data elements.


  • [GET] /api/persons/search/:query
    • Returns a list of people who's first name or last name matches the :query parameter


  • [GET] /families/byCheckNumber/:tScanString
    • Returns a family string based on the scan string of an MICR reader containing a routing and account number
  • [GET] /families/byEnvelopeNumber/:tEnvelopeNumber
    • Returns a family string based on the the requested envelope number
  • [GET] /api/families/search/:query
    • Returns a list of the families who's name matches the :query parameter
  • [GET] /api/families/lastedited
    • Returns a the last 10 updated families
  • [POST] /api/families/:familyId/activate/:status
    • Update the family status to activated or deactivated with :familyId and :status true/false. Pass true to activate and false to deactivate.


  • [POST] /api/groups
  • Post Data options:
  • if isSundaySchool is specified, the group will be marked as a Sunday School class, and the Teacher and Student roles will be created.

  • [POST] /api/groups/:groupID/removeuser/:userID

  • Removes the user with ID :userID from group with ID :groupID

  • [POST] /api/groups/:groupID/adduser/:userID

  • Adds the user with ID :userID to the group with ID :groupID

  • [DELETE] /api/groups/:groupID

  • Deletes the group with ID :groupID

  • [GET] /api/groups/:groupID

  • Returns a JSON objecte representing the group with ID :groupID

  • [POST] /api/groups/:groupID/roles/:roleID

  • Alters the role with ID :roleID for group with ID :groupID/adduser/

  • Requires JSON with either "groupRoleName", or "groupRoleOrder" properties set

  • [DELETE] /api/groups/:groupID/roles/:roleID

  • Deletes the specified roleID in the group

  • [POST] /api/groups/:groupID/defaultRole

  • Sets the default role fo the group with ID :groupID

  • Requres JSON in the POST body with the "roleID" property set

  • [POST] /api/groups/:groupID/roles/

  • Creates a new group role for group with ID :groupID

  • requires JSON in the POST body with roleName set to the new role's name

  • [POST] /api/groups/:groupID/userRole/:userID

  • Sets the role of a user in a group

  • requires JSON in the POST body with roleID set to the ID of the user's role in the specified group

  • [POST] /api/:groupID/setGroupSpecificPropertyStatus

  • requires JSON property GroupSpecificPropertyStatus either true or false

  • [POST] /api/:groupID/settings/active/{true/false}

  • sets the status to true or false

  • [POST] /api/:groupID/settings/email/export/{true/false}

  • sets the email export status to true or false


  • [GET] /

  • Returns all deposits

  • [POST] /

  • Creates a new deposit

  • Requires JSON body with properties: depositType, depositComment, depositDate

  • [GET] /:id

  • Returns the deposit with the selected ID

  • [POST] /:id

  • Updates the deposit

  • requires JSON body with properties: depositType, depositComment, depositDate, depositClosed

  • [GET] /:id/ofx

  • Returns an OFX file representing the requested deposit

  • [GET] /:id/pdf

  • Returns a PDF file representing the requested deposit

  • [GET] /:id/csv

  • Returns a CSV file representing the requested deposit

  • [DELETE] /:id

  • Deletes the selected deposit

  • [GET] /:id/payments

  • Returns all payments associated with the supplied deposit ID


  • [GET] /

    • Returns all payments
  • [POST] /

    • Posts a new payment. Validates the input
  • [GET] /:id

    • Gets the specified payment by ID
  • [GET] /byFamily/:familyID(/:fyid)

    • Gets all payments be family, and optionally by the fiscal year ID
  • [DELETE] /:groupKey

    • Deleted the payment with the specified GroupKey


  • [GET] /api/search/:query
  • a search query. Returns all instances of Persons, Families, Groups, Deposits, Checks, Payments that match the search query


No API Calls yet for Events


Seed Data (/data/seed)

  • [GET] /data/seed/families/{count}
    • Expects: A JSON element containing one element: families of type (int)
    • Actions: Generates the supplied number of families in the ChurchCRM database using the web service.
    • Returns: A JSON element containing statistics about the families added, as well as the raw data from the data query.
  • [POST] /data/seed/sundaySchoolClasses (Not yet implemented)
    • Expects:
    • Actions:
    • Returns:
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