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James G edited this page Apr 6, 2018 · 9 revisions


(For those rare occasions when something goes wrong).

Very rarely an upgrade might go wrong, or you may have tweaked something and need to revert to a backup etc. This document is intended to walk you through the three most likely rollback scenarios:

  1. Rolling back a failed upgrade
  2. Restoring a broken database from backup
  3. Moving a site from one server to another (which is VERY similar to #1)

Architecture and Assumptions

ChurchCRM has a simple architecture requiring a web server and a database server. This is ostensibly a "two-tier" system and consequently only has two potential restore points. Depending on the nature of the problem you are attempting to resolve, you may need to revert just the web server files (the ChurchCRM application files etc), the database, or possibly both.

ChurchCRM endeavours to keep as much site/church-specific information as possible in the database, leaving the application files on the web server as simply a means to retrieve and render the information etc. This is a good thing from a rollback/restore perspective, as there would be very few modifications to the ChurchCRM files you might need to carry over during a rollback/restore. Most commonly, image files for church members and logos/letterheads will need to be transferred, but that is about it.

As there are almost infinite permutations of web servers and database hosting setups this document will address the rollback/restore or these two components as generally as possible but provide indicative guidance to assist you in arriving at a solution for your particular setup.

Assumed Knowledge

This document assumes you are familiar with your own hosting platform and have a working knowledge of:

Assumed setup

For the purpose of this document we will be assuming:

  • Your MySQL database:
    • Named churchcrm
    • Running on localhost
    • Accessed on port 3306
    • Username ccrmdbuser
    • Password password4ccrm
  • Your ChurchCRM web server has the application installed at /var/www/html/churchcrm

Anatomy of a ChurchCRM-generated Backup

There is a built-in backup tool which is automatically called during the upgrade process and generates an archive for you to download. This file contains everything you need to restore a ChurchCRM system to a specific point in time and includes not just a copy of the database but a copy of the /Images folder too. This file cannot be simply "fed" into database restore utilities as it contains non-SQL information. If you wish to manually restore your database, you need to separate the /Images folder and the ChurchCRM-Database.sql file in the generated archive.

The file generated by ChurchCRM is a compressed "tar" archive, spfecially a .tar.gz file. This style of file is analogous to a more common "zip" file as it usually contains multiple files and directories. There are many different ways to expand/decompress these files:

  • Windows: Most decompression tools support .tar.gz or .tgz archives. Free tools such as 7Zip do a great job and provide an intuitive interface.

  • macOS: Finder supports .tar.gz archives natively. You simply need to double-click the archive and it will be extracted into a new directory in the same location as the tar.gz file with the same name as the .tar.gz file. eg,

    • Double click ChurchCRM-YYYYMMDD-hhmmss.tar.gz
    • Finder expands it into a new directory called ChurchCRM-YYYYMMDD-hhmmss
  • Linux/BSD/macOS (command line): The standard tar command line utility will handle .tar.gz files and is included as part of the base install on practically every Unix-like operating system. Be aware, unlike macOS finder and Windows GUI tools, the tar utility does not create a new directory to dump the expanded files into; they will be extracted into the current directory. To recreate the behaviour of these GUI tools is a three step process:

    mkdir ChurchCRM-YYYYMMDD-hhmmss
    tar -zxf ChurchCRM-YYYYMMDD-hhmmss.tar.gz -C ChurchCRM-YYYYMMDD-hhmmss

    tar options explained

    • -z this is a compressed archive
    • -x eXtract this archive (-t will show you the contents instead)
    • -f archive file name (the next element MUST be the file name)
    • -C expand the archive into this target directory (directory MUST exist, and MUST be the next element)

    with the exception of -f and -C options can be bundled, so -zxf file.tar.gz is the same as -z -x -f file.tar.gz

The structure of the ChurchCRM backup file is:


├── ChurchCRM-Database.sql   <--- Copy of the database
└── Images                   
    ├── Family
    │   ├── 1.png
    │   ├── 2-initials.png
    │   ├── 3-initials.png
    │   ├── 4-initials.png
    │   ├── 5-initials.png
    │   ├── ...etc...
    │   └── thumbnails
    │       ├── 1.jpg
    │       └── index.html
    ├── Person
    │   ├── 1-initials.png
    │   ├── 1.png
    │   ├── 2.png
    │   ├── 3.png
    │   ├── 4.png
    │   ├── 5-initials.png
    │   ├── 5-remote.png
    │   ├── ...etc...
    │   ├── index.html
    │   └── thumbnails
    │       ├── 1.jpg
    │       ├── 2.jpg
    │       ├── 3.jpg
    │       ├── 5.jpg
    │       ├── ...etc...
    │       └── index.html
    ├── OurCustomisedLogo.png        <--- Customised image for letters/logos etc.
    ├── OurCustomisedLetterHead.jpg  <--- Customised image for letters/logos etc.
    ├── Spacer.gif
    ├── calendar.gif
    ├── church_letterhead.jpg
    ├── church_letterhead.png
    ├── downarrow.gif
    ├── index.html
    ├── uparrow.gif
    └── x.gif

Rollback Overview

As stated above, ChurchCRM only has two components (web server files and a database) so a full rollback to an earlier version has two prerequisites:

  1. A copy of your database (preferably a backup generated by ChurchCRM).
  2. A copy of the ChurchCRM application files for a specific release that matches exactly the database.

For instance, if your ChurchCRM database backup is from ChurchCRM 2.10.4, you will need the ChurchCRM release from 2.10.4 as well. Thankfully, all our releases are readily available here.

Rolling Back a Failed Upgrade

During the upgrade process, ChurchCRM will force you to download a copy of your database. Make sure you keep it safe until you have verified any new versions installed are working!

This process requires the following steps:

  1. Ensure your previous ChurchCRM-generated backup is available.

  2. Move the broken files to a temporary location. For instance, if you have shell access to your web server, the following commands would be appropriate:

    cd /var/www/html
    mv churchcrm churchcrm-broken
  3. Drop existing database tables (leave the database though; this avoids having to create a new database and re-grant permissions in MySQL). If you have shell access to your web server you can use this trick:

    mysqldump -u ccrmdbuser -ppassword4ccrm -h localhost --add-drop-table --no-data churchcrm |\
    grep ^DROP |\
    mysql -u ccrmdbuser -ppassword4ccrm -h localhost -D churchcrm

    If you are using phpMyAdmin

    a. expand the churchcrm database and click on the "Tables" - this will populate the right panel with all the tables in the database:

    Expand database and select tables

    b. Scroll to the bottom of the tables list on the right.

    c. Check the box for "Check All"

    d. Drop down the "With selected:" option list.

    e. Select "Drop"

    Select all tables and drop

  4. Deploy the desired version of the ChurchCRM zip file - essentially, treat this as a "new" installation and follow the relevant installation instructions for your hosting setup.

  5. Open the URL for your ChurchCRM instance and run through the ChurchCRM setup process.

  6. Restore the ChurchCRM backup (from #1) using the "Restore Database" in the admin menu.

You should now have a restored ChurchCRM system as it was running prior to the failed upgrade.

Restoring a broken database from backup

There are a number of reasons why you may want to restore the database, leaving the existing ChurchCRM application as-is. These could be situations such as, importing a CSV file with incorrect data, messing up permissions for a bunch of users and not sure how to fix it, etc.

The critical thing here is, you need a recent backup of your database! If you haven't set up a regular backup strategy, for your ChurchCRM system, please review the "Backup" section in the Administration menu for ChurchCRM.

  1. Ensure your desired database backup is available, which should be a .sql file (you may need to extract it from the default backup if it was generated with ChurchCRM - see Anatomy of a ChurchCRM-generated Backup above)

  2. Restore the database over the existing one. This is ONLY possible if you are restoring a database backup from the SAME version of ChurchCRM. DO NOT try this for a rollback situtation.

    If you have shell access to your web server:

    a. Copy the .sql file to your web server:

    scp ChurchCRM-Database.sql user@webserver:

    b. Restore the database using the mysql command line tool:

    mysql -u churchcrm -ppassword4ccrm -h localhost -D churchcrm < ChurchCRM-Database.sql

    If you are using phpMyAdmin:

    a. Select the churchcrm database in the list on the left

    b. Select "Import" from the tabs at the top

    c. From the phpMyAdmin form, click the "Choose file" button and select the .sql file on your local machine.

    d. Accept the defaults (unless you know what you are doing)

    e. Click the "Go" button at the bottom of the phpMyAdmin form.

You should now have a restored ChurchCRM system as it was running when the database backup was taken.

Relocating to a Different Server

Essentially, this is the same process as a rollback, but without rolling back to an earlier version. It needs to be pointed out though, relocating your ChurchCRM system must maintain the same version from the original installation, eg, you shouldn't relocate a 2.10.4 install to 3.0.2. Relocate in a like-for-like manner, then upgrade if you need to afterward etc.

This process requires the following steps:

  1. Ensure your previous ChurchCRM-generated backup is available.
  2. Deploy the desired version of the ChurchCRM zip file - essentially, treat this as a "new" installation and follow the relevant installation instructions for your hosting setup.
  3. Open the URL for your ChurchCRM instance and run through the ChurchCRM setup process.
  4. Restore the ChurchCRM backup (from #1) using the "Restore Database" in the admin menu.

You should now have an exact copy of your original ChurchCRM system running in a new location.

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