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2364 lines (1901 loc) · 49.8 KB

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GET /simple_interest_rate

  • Required parameters : amount_paid, principle_amount and months
  • Sample output
    "Tag": "Simple Interest Rate",
    "Total amount paid": 5000.0,
    "Principle amount": 4500.0,
    "Interest Paid": 500.0,
    "Interest Rate": "11.11111111111111%"

GET /convexity_duration

  • Required parameters : rate,coupon_rate,frequency,face_value,settlement_date,maturity_date
  • Sample output
        "Tag": "Convexity Adjusted Duration",
        "Market Rate": 6,
        "Coupon rate":10,
        "Face Value": 100,
        "Settlement Date": '1-1-2020',
        "Maturity Date": '10-10-2024',
        "Convexity Adjusted Duration":3.437535660034277

GET /payback_period

  • Required parameters : years_before_recovery, unrecovered_cost andcash_flow
  • Sample output
    "Tag": "Payback period",
    "Years before full recovery": 7,
    "Unrecovered cost at start of the year": 23000.0,
    "Cash flow during the year": 7000.0,
    "Payback period": "10.285714285714285"

GET /compound_interest

  • Required parameters : principal_amount, intrest_rate , years and compounding_period
  • Sample output
    "Tag": "Compound Intrest Amount",
    "Principle amount": 1000.0,
    "Intrest Rate": 0.05,
    "Time in Years": 2,
    "Compounding Period": 1,
    "Amount after intrest": "1102.5"

GET /effective_annual_rate

  • Required parameters : annual_interest_rateand compounding_period
  • Sample output
  "Tag": "Effective Annual Rate",
  "Annual Intrest Rate": 0.05,
  "Compounding Period": 2,
  "Effective Annual Rate (in percentage)": "5.062499999999992%"

**GET** `/certificate_of_deposit`
+ Required parameters : `principal_amount`, `interest_rate`, `yrs`, and `compounding_per_yr`
+ Sample output
    "Tag": "Certificate of Deposit (CD)",
    "Principal amount": 5000.0,
    "Interest Rate": 5.0,
    "Time in Years": 3,
    "Number of Compounding per Year": 1,
    "Certificate of Deposit (CD)": 5788.13,

GET /roi

  • Required parameters : current_value_of_investment andcost_of_investment
  • Sample output
    "Tag": "Return on Investment",
  "Current Value of Investment": 120,
  "Cost of Investment": 100,
  "Return on Investment": "20.0%"

GET /asset_portfolio

  • Required parameters : price_A, price_B, return_A, return_B, standard_dev_A, standard_dev_B and correlation where A and B refer to the 2 stocks.
  • Sample output
     "Tag": "Portfolio Variance",
     "Expected Returns": 16.8%,
     "Portfolio Variance": 0.046,

GET /wacc

  • Required parameters : firm_equity, firm_debt, cost_of_equity, cost_of_debt, corporate_tax_rate
  • Sample output
    "Tag": "Weighted Average Cost of Capital(WACC)",
    "Marketvalue of firm's equity" : 30000000,
    "Market value of firm's debt" : 2000000,
    "Cost of equity" : 0.09,
    "Cost of debt" : 0.06,
    "Corporate tax rate" : 0.21,
    "WACC" : 7.3%,

GET /loan_emi

  • Required parameters : principle_amount, annual_rate and months
  • Sample output
    "Tag": "Loan Emi",
    "Princiapl amount borrowed": 100000.0,
    "Annual Rate of interest": 7.0,
    "Total number of monthly payments": 120,
    "EMI": "1161.085",
    "Total Amount Payble": "139330.175",
    "Interest amount": "39330.175"

GET /put-call-parity

  • Required parameters : call_price, put_price and strike_price
  • Sample output
  "Tag": "Pull Call Parity",
  "Future Price": "800.0",
  "Call Price": "1000.0",
  "Put Price": "500.0",
  "Strike Price": "300.0"

GET /bep

  • Required parameters : fixed_cost, selling_price and variable_cost
  • Sample Output
    "Tag" : "Break Even Point (BEP)",
    "Fixed costs" : 2000,
    "Selling price per unit" : 1.50,
    "Variable cost per unit" : 0.40,
    "Break Even Point in units" : 1818.0,
    "Break Even Point in Rupees" : 2727,

GET \fcff

  • Required parameters : sales,operating_cost,depreciation, interest,tax_rate,fcInv and wcInv
  • Sample Output (for sales = 200, operating_cost = 20, depreciation = 20, interest = 30, tax_rate = 40%, wcInv = -40 and fcInv = 0
    "Tag" : "Free Cash Flow to Firm (FCFF)",
    "Earnings before interest, taxes, depreciation and amortization" : 80.0,
    "Earnings before interest and taxes : " : 60.0 ,
    "Net Income" : 18.0,
    "Free Cash Flow to Firm" : 46.0,

GET /price_to_earning_ratio

  • Required parameters : share_price, earnings_per_share
  • Sample Output
    "Tag" : "Price to Earning ratio",
    "Share price" : 200.0,
    "Earning per share" : 20.0,
    "Price to Earning ratio" : 10.0%,

GET /dividend_yield_ratio

  • Required parameters : dividend_per_share, share_price
  • Sample Output
    "Tag":"Dividend yield ratio",
    "Dividend per share" : 200.0,
    "Share price" : 20.0,
    "Dividend yield ratio" : 10.0%,

GET /dividend_payout_ratio

  • Required parameters : dividend_per_share, earnings_per_share
  • Sample Output
    "Tag":"Dividend payout ratio",
    "Dividend per share" : 200.0,
    "Earnings per share" : 20.0,
    "Dividend payout ratio" : 10.0%,

GET /debt_to_income_ratio

  • Required parameters : annual_income, total_debt_per_month
  • Sample Output
  "Tag": "Debt to income ratio",
  "Annual income": 72000,
  "Total debt per month": 3600,
  "Debt to income ratio per month": "60.0%"

GET /fixed_charge_coverage_ratio

  • Required parameters : earnings_before_interest_taxes, fixed_charge_before_tax,interest
  • Sample Output

    "Tag":"fixed charges coverage ratio",
    "Earnings before interest taxes" : 3000000.0,
    "Fixed charge before tax" : 500000.0,
    "Interest" : 300000.0,
    "Fixed charges coverage ratio" : 4.375%,

GET /inventory_shrinkage rate

  • Required parameters : recorded_inventory, actual_inventory
  • Sample Output
    "Tag":"Inventory shrinkage rate",
    "Recorded Inventory" : 38000,
    "Actual Inventory" : 35000,
    "Invenory Shrinkage Rate" : 0.07894736842105263,
    "Invenory Shrinkage Rate (%)" : 7.894736842105263,

GET /markup_percentage

  • Required parameters : price, cost
  • Sample Output
    "Tag": "Markup Percentage",
    "Price": 50,
    "Cost": 5,
    "Markup Percentage": 900

GET /sharpe_ratio

  • Required parameters : portfolio_return, risk_free_rate,standard_deviation_of_portfolio
  • Sample Output

  "Tag": "Sharpe Ratio",
  "Portfolio Return": 25,
  "Risk Free Rate": 5,
  "Standard Deviation of Portfolio": 10,
  "Sharpe Ratio": "2.0"


GET /Capital_Asset_Pricing_Model

  • Required parameters : risk_free_interest_rate, beta_of_security,expected_market_return
  • Sample Output

  "Tag": "Capital_Asset_Pricing_Model",
  "risk_free_interest_rate": 2.5"%",
  "beta_of_security": 1.25,
  "expected_market_return": 7.5"%",
  "Capital_Asset_Pricing_Model": "11.9%"


GET /cost_of_equity

  • Required parameters : risk_free_rate_of_return, Beta, market_rate_of_return
  • Sample Output
    "Tag": "Cost of Equity",
    "Risk free rate of return": 100,0,
    "Beta": 3.0,
    "Market rate of return ": 200.0,
    "Cost of equity": 400.0%


GET /cogs

  • Required parameters : beginning_inventory,purchases and ending_inventory
  • Sample Output
   "Tag": "Cost of Goods Sold",
  "Beginning Inventory": 2000,
  "Purchases during the period": 1500,
  "Ending Inventory": 1000,
  "Cost of Goods Sold(In Rupees)": "2500.0"

GET /purchasing_power

  • Required parameters : initial_amount, annual_inflation_rate , time
  • Sample output
     "Tag": "Purchasing Power",
     "Initial Amount": 10000,
     "Annual Inflation Rate": 5,
     "Time in years": 10,
     "Purchasing Power": 6139.13253540759

GET /monthly_emi

  • Required parameters : loan_amt,interest_rate,number_of_installments
  • Sample output
    "Tag": "Monthly EMI",
    "Loan Amount": 500000,
    "Interest Rate":8,
    "Number of Installments":24,
    "Total EMI": 22613.645728092295

GET /doubling_time

  • Required parameters : r
  • Sample output
    "Tag": "Doubling Time",
    "Rate of Interest": 8,
    "Time in years to double the money": 9.006468342000588

GET /weighted_average

  • Required parameters : ratio,rates
  • Sample output
    "Tag": "Weighted Average",
    "Ratio of each investment principal": [0.20, 0.25, 0.35,0.10, 0.10],
    "Rates":[7.5, 8.5, 8, 5, 6],
    "Weighted average : ": 7.525

GET /ruleof72

  • Required parameters : rate_of_roi it should be in percentage only
  • Sample output
    "Tag": "Rule of 72",
    "Rate of ROI": 5,
    "Time peroid in which investment get double(in years)": "14.4"

GET /acid-test-ratio

  • Required parameters : cash,marketable_securities,accounts_receivable and current_liabilities Note : cash = cash + cash equivalents
  • Sample Outuputs
    "Tag": "Acid Test Ratio",
    "Cash and Cash Equivalents": 10000,
    "Marketable Securities": 5000,
    "Accounts Receivable": 20000,
    "Current Liabilities": 30000,
    "Acid Test Ratio (Quick Ratio)": "1.17"

GET /inflation-adjusted-return

  • Required parameters : beginning_price, ending_price, dividends, beginning_cpi_level and ending_cpi_level
  • Sample output
    "Tag": "Inflation Adjusted Return",
    "Stock Return": "0.23333333333333334%",
    "Inflation Rate": "0.03%",
    "Inflation Adjusted Return": "19.74%"

GET /cogr

  • Required parameters : beginning_value, ending_value and years
  • Sample output
    "Tag": "Coumpound Annual Growth Rate",
    "Beginning Value": 176000,
    "Ending Value": 64900,
    "Compound Annual Growth Rate": "39.5%"

GET /current_liability_coverage_ratio

  • Required parameters : net_cash_from_operating_activities, total_current_liabilities, number_of_liabilities
  • Sample Output

  "Tag": "current liability coverage ratio",
  "net_cash_from_operating_activities": 100,
  "total_current_liabilities": 1700,
  "number_of_liabilities": 2,
  "current_liability_coverage_ratio": "0.12"

GET /levered_beta

  • Required parameters : unlevered_beta, tax_rate, debt,equity
  • Sample output
    "Tag": "Levered Beta",
    "Unlevered Beta": 10.0,
    "Tax rate":0.5,
    "debt": 100.0,
    "Equity": 50.0,
    "Levered Beta":20.0%


GET /current-ratio

  • Required parameters : total_current_assets:float and total_liabilities
  • Sample output
    "Tag": "Current Ratio",
    "Total Current Assets": 100000,
    "Total Liabilities": 125000,
    "Current Ratio": "0.8"

GET /monthly_payment

  • Required parameters : principal, interest_rate, number_of_periods,payments_per_period
  • Sample output
    "Tag": "Monthly Payment",
    "Principal": 20000,
    "Interest Rate": 16,
    "Number of Periods" : 3,
    "Payments per period": 2,
    "Levered Beta": 160000.0%

GET /inventory-turnover-ratio

  • Required parameters : cost_of_goods_sold,beginnning_inventory and ending_inventory
  • Sample output
    "Tag": "Inventory Turnover Ratio",
    "Cost of Goods Sold": 600000,
    "Inventory Turnover Ratio": "5.0"

GET /inflation-rate

  • Required parameters : bigger_year,smaller_year and base_year
  • Sample output
    "Tag": "Inflation Rate",
    "Bigger Year": 2000,
    "Smaller Year": 1000,
    "Base Year": 1000,
    "Inflation Rate": 100

GET /herfindal_Index

  • Required parameters : space seperated list of Firms_market_shares
  • Note: Input should be space seperated
  • Sample Output

  "Tag": "herfindal_Index",
  "Market shares of firm 1" : "40%",
  "Market shares of firm 2" : "30%",
  "Market shares of firm 3" : "15%",
  "Market shares of firm 4" : "15%",
  "Herfindal Index" : 2950

GET /discount_opex

  • Required parameters : annual_opex,wacc and project_lifetime
  • Sample output
    "Tag": "Discount OPEX",
    "Annual OPEX": 1000,
    "WACC": 3,
    "project lifetime": 3,
    "Discount opex": 333%

GET /project_efficiency

  • Required parameters : annual_production, collector_surface, dni
  • Sample output
    "Tag": "Project efficiency",
    "Annual production": 10000,
    "collector surface": 10,
    "dni": 5,
    "Discount opex": 200%

GET /real-gdp

  • Required parameters : nominal_gdp, gdp_deflator
  • Sample output
  "Tag": "Real GDP",
  "Nominal GDP": 2880,
  "GDP Deflator": 2,
  "Real GDP": 144000

GET /excess-reserves

  • Required parameters : deposits, reserve_requirement
  • Sample output
  "Tag": "Excess Reserves",
  "Deposits": 280,
  "Reserve Requirement": 0.3,
  "Excess Reserves": 196

GET /discounted_cash_flow

  • Required parameters : real_feed_in_teriff, annual_production,wacc,project_lifetime
  • Sample output
  "Tag": "Discounted cash flow",
  "Real feed in teriff": 1000,
  "annual production": 200,
  "wacc": 10,
  "project lifetime" : 5,
  "discounted cash flow": 20000%,

GET /gdp-growth-rate

  • Required parameters : last_year_gdp, current_year_gdp
  • Sample output
  "Tag": "GDP Growth Rate",
  "Current Year GDP": 3386,
  "Last Year GDP": 2800,
  "GDP Growth Rate": 20.92857142857143

GET /credit_card_equation

  • Required parameters : balance,monthly_payment,daily_interest_rate
  • Sample output
   "Tag": "Credit card equation",
    "Balance": 10000,
    "Monthly Payment": 3000,
    "daily interest rate": 2,
    "credit card equation": 3.037283729

GET /credit_card_payoff

  • Required parameters : debts,monthly_payment,interest_rate,minimum_payments
  • Sample output
   "Tag": "Credit card payoff",
    "debts": [5000,6000,3000],
    "interest rates": [10,15,9],
    "minimum payments":[500,400,300],
    "Monthly payment": 2000,
    "Interest paid": [194.17,225.0,117.0],
    "Total Payment":[5194.17,6225.0,3117.0]

GET /future_value_of_ordinary_due

  • Required parameters : periodic_payment, number_of_periods, effective_interest_rate
  • Sample Output

  "Tag": "future_value_of_ordinary_due",
  "Periodic payment" : "$1000",
  "Number of periods" : "50",
  "Effective interest rate" : "0.6%",
  "Herfindal Index" :  "$58108.22"

GET /future_value_of_annuity_due

  • Required parameters : periodic_payment, number_of_periods, effective_interest_rate
  • Sample Output
  "Tag": "future_value_of_annuity_due",
  "Periodic payment" : "$10000",
  "Number of periods" : "10",
  "Effective interest rate" : "5%",
  "Herfindal Index" :  "$132,067.87"

GET /present_value_of_annuity_due

  • Required parameters : periodic_payment, number_of_periods, rate_per_period
  • Sample Output
  "Tag": "Present value of annuity due",
  "Periodic payment": 10000,
  "Number of periods": 10,
  "Rate Per Period": 5,
  "PV of Annuity Due": "11999.99980154194"

GET /compound_annual_growth_rate

  • Required parameters : ending_value, beginning_value,number_of_periods
  • Sample Output
 "Tag": "compound annual growth rate 1",
 "ending_value": 10000,
 "beginning value": 100,
 "Number of periods": 2,
 "compound annual growth rate": 99%,

GET /loan-to-value

  • Required parameters : mortage_value and appraised_value
  • Sample Output
  "Tag": "Loan to Value (LTV) ratio",
  "Mortage Value": 90000,
  "Appraised Property Value": 100000,
  "Loan to Value ratio": "90.0%"

GET /retention-ratio

  • Required parameters : net_income and dividends
  • Sample Output
  "Tag": "Retention Ratio",
  "Net Income": 580000,
  "Dividends": 23000,
  "Retention Ratio": 0.9603448275862069

GET /tax_equivalent_yield

  • Required parameters : tax_free_yield and tax_rate
  • Sample Output
  "Tag": "Tax Equivalent Yield",
  "Tax Free Yield": 280000,
  "Tax Rate": 0.08,
  "Tax Equivalent Yield": 304347.8260869565

GET /year-to-year

  • Required parameters : later_year_value and earlier_year_value
  • Sample Output
  "Tag": "Year to Year Growth",
  "Year to Year growth": "20.0%"

GET /future_value_of_annuity

  • Required parameters : payment_per_periods,interest_rate,number_of_periods
  • Sample Output
   "Tag" : "Future value of annuity",
    "Payments per periods" : 300,
    "interest rate" : 1,
    "number of periods" : 1,
    "future value of annuity" : 300%,

GET /balloon-balance

  • Required parameters : present_value, payment,rate_per_payment, number_of_payments
  • Sample Output
  "Tag": "Balloon Balance of a Loan",
  "Present Value (Original Balance)": 28268,
  "Payment": 10,
  "Rate per Payment": 2,
  "Number of Payments": 3,
  "Future Value (Balloon Balance)": 763106

GET /periodic_lease_payment

  • Required parameters : Asset_value_to_be_financed and monthly_lease_interest_rate and Number_of_lease_payments_required
  • Sample Output
  "Tag": "Periodic lease payment",
  "Asset value to be financed": 20000,
  "Monthly lease interest rate": 0.5%,
  "Number of lease payments required": 36,
  "Pmt": 608.44

GET /future_sip

  • Required parameters : interval_investment,rate_of_return,number_of_payments
  • Sample Output
  "Tag": "Future Value of SIP",
  "Investment at every Interval":500 ,
  "Interest": 0.1,
  "Number of Payments": 5,
  "Future Value": 8052.55,

GET /calculate_pension

  • Required parameters : monthty_investment_amount,no_of_years,annuity_rates,annuity_purchased,yearly_interest_rates
  • Sample output
    "Tag": "Calculate Pension",
    "Monthly Investment amount":2000,
    "No. of years": 36,
    "Annuity Purchased":40
    "Annuity Rates": 7,
    "Interest Rate":9,
    "Total Corpus":6759114.79,
    "Lump sum pension":4055468.874,
    "Monthly Pension":15771.27

GET /inflation

  • Required parameters : present_amount,inflation_rate,years
  • Sample Output
        "Tag": "Inflated Amount",
        "Present Amount": 1000,
        "Inflation Rate": 4,
        "Time in Years": 5,
        "Future Amount": 1276.28,

GET /jensens_alpha

  • Required parameters : return_from_investment,return_of_appropriate_market_index,risk_free_rate,beta
  • Sample Output
            "Tag": "Jensen's Alpha",
            "Total return from investment": 100,
            "Return of appropriate market index": 15,
            "Risk free rate": 10,
            "Beta of the portfolio investment w.r.t chosen market index":5 ,
            "Alpha of the return ": 65,

GET /weighted_average_of_values

  • Required parameters : Assigned_weight_values,data_point_values
  • Note: Input should be space seperated
  • Sample Output
   "Tag" : "Weighted Average of given values",
    "Assigned weight values" : "2 5 3",
    "data point values" : "10 50 40",
    "weighted_average" : 39

GET /discounted_payback_period

  • Required parameters : overflow,rate,periodic_cash_flow
  • Sample Output
  "Tag": "Discounted Payback Period",
  "Initial Investment (Outflow)": 2800,
  "Rate": 2,
  "Periodic Cash Flow": 30000,
  "Discounted Payback Period": 0.18806839455026092

GET yield-to-maturity

  • Required parameters : bond_price, face_value, coupon_rate and years_to_maturity
  • Sample output
  "Tag": "Yield To Maturity",
  "Face Value": 1000,
  "Years to maturity": 12,
  "Yield to Maturity": "8.76%"

GET perpetuity-payment

  • Required parameters : present_value and rate
  • Sample output
  "Tag": "Perpetuity Payment",
  "Present Value": 1000,
  "Perpetuity Payment": "100.0"

GET zero_coupoun_bond_value

  • Required parameters : face_value, rate_of_yield and time_of_maturity
  • Sample output
  "Tag": "Zero Coupon Bond Value",
  "Face Value": 1000,
  "Rate of yield": "6.0%",
  "Zero Coupon Bond Value": 747.26

GET zero_coupoun_bond_yield

  • Required parameters : face_value , present_value and time_of_maturity
  • Sample output
  "Tag": "Zero Coupon Bond Effective Yield",
  "Face Value": 1000,
  "Present Value": 742.47,
  "Time to maturity": 10,
  "Zero Coupon Bond Effective Yield": "3.0%"

GET profitability_index

  • Required parameters : initial_investment, pv_of_future_cash_flows
  • Sample output
  "Tag": "Profitability Index",
  "Initial Investment": 28000,
  "PV of Future Cash Flows": 29000,
  "Perpetuity Payment": 1.0357142857142858

GET /profitability_index2

  • Required parameters : initial_investment,annual_cash_flows, discount_rate
  • Note: annual_cash_flows should be space seperated
  • Sample Output
   "Tag" : "Profitability Index",
    "initial_investment" : 10000,
    "annual_cash_flows" : "5000 4000 3000",
    "discount_rate" : "10%",
    "profitability_index" : 1.003

GET receivables_turnover_ratio

  • Required parameters : sales_revenue, avg_accounts_receivable
  • Sample output
  "Tag": "Receivables Turnover Ratio",
  "Sales Revenue": 202300,
  "Avg Accounts Receivables": 16800,
  "Receivables Turnover Ratio": 12.041666666666666

GET remainig_balance

  • Required parameters : regular_payment, interest_rate_per_period,number_of_payments,number_of_payments_done
  • Sample output
  "Tag" : "Remainig balance",
  "regular_payment" : 500,
  "interest rate per period" : 3,
  "number of payments" : 36,
  "number of payments done": 26,
  "remaining balance" : 166.6665077

GET net_present_value

  • Required parameters : cash_flows, discount_rate,initial_investment
  • Sample output
  "Tag" : "net present value",
  "cash_flows" : "2 4 6 8 10",
  "discount_rate" : 7,
  "initial_investment" : 20,
  "net present value": 3.493

GET leverage_ratio_income

  • Required parameters : debt_payments, income,
  • Sample output
   "Tag": "Leverage Ratio By Income",
   "Debt ": 25687,
   "Income": 676,
   "Leverage Ratio": 37.998520710059172,

GET leverage_ratio_equity

  • Required parameters : debt_payments, equity,
  • Sample output
   "Tag": "Leverage Ratio By Equity",
   "Debt ": 7873,
   "Income": 3938,
   "Leverage Ratio": 1.9992381919756229,

GET time_period_required_for_growth

  • Required Parameters : interest_rate, growth_factor
  • Sample output
 "Tag" : "time period for exponential growth",
 "interest_rate" : 7,
 "growth_factor": 3,
 "time period" : 16.23

GET preferred-stock-value

  • Required Parameters : dividend, discount_rate
  • Sample output
  "Tag": "Preferred stock value",
  "Dividend": 0.25,
  "Discount Rate": 0.005,
  "Preferred Stock Value": 50

GET /present_value_of_annuity_due

  • Required parameters : periodic_payment, number_of_periods and rate_per_period
  • Sample output
    "Tag": "Present Value of Annuity Due",
    "Periodic Payment": 5000.0,
    "Number of Periods": 3,
    "Rate Per Period": 10.0,
    "Present Value of Annuity Due": "5495.8677685950415"

GET /asset_turnover_ratio

  • Required parameters : net_sales, total_asset_beginning and total_asset_ending
  • Sample output


    "Tag": "Asset Turnover Ratio",
    "Net Sales": 100000.0,
    "Total beginning asset": 20000.0,
    "Total ending asset": 30000.0,
    "Total average asset": 25000.0,
    "Asset Turnover Ratio": "4.0",

GET /bid-ask-spread

  • Required parameters : ask_price, bid_price
  • Sample output
  "Tag": "Bid Ask Spread",
  "Ask Price": 28700,
  "Bid Price": 26200,
  "Bid Ask Spread": 2500

GET /calculate-period-FV-PV-rate

  • Required parameters : present_val, future_val,rate
  • Sample output
  "Tag": "Period in years ",
  "Present Value": 5000,
  "Future Vlaue": 6500,
  "Periods": 3.87776389841767

GET /balloon-loan-payment

  • Required parameters : principal, interest_rate, term_years and balloon_payment_year
  • Sample output
  "Tag": "Balloon loan Payment",
  "Principal": 100000,
  "Interest Rate": 7,
  "Term Years": 30,
  "Balloon Payment Year": 5,
  "Balloon Loan Payment": 94131.5898577919,

GET /periodic_lease_payment

  • Required parameters : Asset_value_to_be_financed and monthly_lease_interest_rate and Number_of_lease_payments_required
  • Sample Output
  "Tag": "Monthly lease payment",
  "Asset value to be financed": 20000,
  "Monthly lease interest rate": 0.5%,
  "Number of lease payments required": 36,
  "Pmt": 16.89

GET /401k

  • Required parameters : income, contribution_percentage,current_age,age_at_retirement,rate_of_return,salary_increase_rate,withdraw_tax_rate
  • Sample output
  "Tag": "Estimated 401(k)",
  "income": 100000.0,
  "contribution_percentage": 10.0,
  "current_age": 30,
  "age_at_retirement": 60,
  "rate_of_return": 8.0,
  "withdraw_tax_rate": 4.0,
  "estimated_401k": 1841200.032,
  "annual_withdraw_amount": 73648.001

GET /mortgage_amortization

  • Required parameters : mortgage_amount, mortgage_deposit,annual_interest_rate,loan_term
  • Sample output
    "TAG": "Mortgage monthly payments",
    "mortgage_amount": 250000.0,
    "mortgage_deposit": 25.0,
    "annual_interest_rate": 5.0,
    "loan_term": 25,
    "monthly_payment": 1108.632,
    "Annual_payments": 13303.586


  • Required parameters : principal,interest_rate,years,tax_rate,annual_contribution
  • sample output
  "Tag": "Roth IRA",
  "Interest Rate": 7.0,
  "Years": 30,
  "Tax Rates": 25.0,
  "Annual Contributions": 5000.0,
  "Roth Ira Balance": 581488,
  "Taxable_saving_balance": 411438,


GET /enterprise-value

  • Required parameters : share_price, fully_diluted_shares_outstanding, total_debt, preferred_stock, non_controlling_interest, cash_and_cash_equivalents
  • sample output
    "Tag": "Enterprise Value",
    "Equity Value": 1000.00,
    "Total Debt": 500.00,
    "Preferred Stock": 500.00,
    "Non-Controlling Interest": 1000.00,
    "Cash & Cash Equivalents": 1000.00,
    "Enterprise Value": 2000.00

GET /salary-calculate

  • Required parameters : salary_amount, hours_worked, days_worked and payment_frequency
  • Sample output
  "Tag": "Calculate Salary",
  "Salary Amount": 400000,
  "Payment frequency": "yearly",
  "Salary": {
    "hourly": 192,
    "daily": 1538,
    "weekly": 7692,
    "bi-weekly": 15385,
    "monthly": 33333,
    "quarterly": 100000,
    "yearly": 400000

GET /personal_loan

  • Required parameters : loan_amount, interest_rate, loan_term_years, loan_start_date
  • Sample output
    "Tag": "Personal Loan",
    "Loan amount": 20000.0,
    "Monthly payment": 1720.87,
    "Total interest paid": 650.43,
    "Total cost loan": 20650.43,
    "Schedule": "{\"Date\":{\"0\":\"March 2023\",\"1\":\"April 2023\",\"2\":\"May 2023\",\"3\":\"June 2023\",\"4\":\"July 2023\",\"5\":\"August 2023\",\"6\":\"September 2023\",\"7\":\"October 2023\",\"8\":\"November 2023\",\"9\":\"December 2023\",\"10\":\"January 2024\",\"11\":\"February 2024\"},\"Principal\":{\"0\":1621.7,\"1\":1629.74,\"2\":1637.82,\"3\":1645.94,\"4\":1654.11,\"5\":1662.31,\"6\":1670.55,\"7\":1678.83,\"8\":1687.16,\"9\":1695.52,\"10\":1703.93,\"11\":1712.38},\"Interest\":{\"0\":99.17,\"1\":91.13,\"2\":83.04,\"3\":74.92,\"4\":66.76,\"5\":58.56,\"6\":50.32,\"7\":42.04,\"8\":33.71,\"9\":25.35,\"10\":16.94,\"11\":8.49},\"Remaining balance\":{\"0\":18378.3,\"1\":16748.55,\"2\":15110.73,\"3\":13464.79,\"4\":11810.68,\"5\":10148.37,\"6\":8477.82,\"7\":6798.99,\"8\":5111.83,\"9\":3416.31,\"10\":1712.38,\"11\":0.0},\"Principal Total\":{\"0\":1621.7,\"1\":3251.45,\"2\":4889.27,\"3\":6535.21,\"4\":8189.32,\"5\":9851.63,\"6\":11522.18,\"7\":13201.01,\"8\":14888.17,\"9\":16583.69,\"10\":18287.62,\"11\":20000.0},\"Interest Total\":{\"0\":99.17,\"1\":190.29,\"2\":273.34,\"3\":348.26,\"4\":415.02,\"5\":473.59,\"6\":523.9,\"7\":565.94,\"8\":599.65,\"9\":625.0,\"10\":641.94,\"11\":650.43}}"

*GET calculate_lumpsum -Required Parameters: principal, interest_rate , years -sample output

     "total_amount": 14693.28,
    "interest_earned": 4693.28



GET /FHA_loan

-Required parameters: home_price, down_payment_percentage,loan_term_years,interest_rate,fha_annual_mip_percentage -saample output

  "home_price": 200000
  "down_payment_percentage": 10
  "loan_term" (years): 30
  "interest_rate" (%): 3
  "FHA_annual_MIP_percentage" (%): 0.85
  "Down_payment": $20000.00
  "FHA_base_loan_amount": $180000.00
  "FHA_upfront_MIP": $3150.00
  "Monthly_mortgage_payment": $758.89
  "Monthly_MIP": $127.50
  "Total_FHA_loan_amount": $183150.00
  "Total_monthly_payment": $886.39
  "Total_cost_of_loan": $322249.41

GET /commission_calc

  • Required parameters : Any two of the following as keyword arguements: amount_paid, principle_amount and months
  • Sample output
  'Tag': 'Commission',
  'Sales Price': 500,
  'Commission Rate': '10%',
  'Commission': 50.0
**GET** `/diluted-earnings-per-share`

- Required parameters : `net_income`, `weighted_avg_shares`, `dilutive_securities`
- Sample output

"Tag":"Diluted Earnings Per Share (Diluted EPS)",
"Net Income":1000000.0,
"Weighted Average Shares Outstanding":500000.0,
"Number of Dilutive Securities":100000.0,
"Diluted EPS":"1.6666666666666667"

======= GET /refinance

  • Required parameters : current_loan_amount, current_interest_rate, current_loan_term_years, time_remaining_years, new_interest_rate, new_loan_term_years, cash_out_amount
  • Sample output
    "Tag": "Refinance",
    "Current loan amount": 330000.0,
    "Balance left on loan": 170067.93,
    "New loan amount": 169067.93,
    "Current monthly payment": 1826.36,
    "New monthly payment": 1711.73,
    "Monthly savings": 114.63,
    "Current interest paid left": 49095.54,
    "New total interest paid": 36339.74,
    "Total interest saving": 12755.79,
    "Current total cost left": 219163.47,
    "New total cost loan": 205407.68,
    "Total cost saving": 13755.79

GET /college_cost

  • Required parameters : book_cost,college_tuition,Devices, travel_expenses, hostel_charges,mess_fee,miscellaneous
  • Sample output
            "Tag": "College Cost",
            "Books cost of one year": 5000,
            "College tuition fee per year": 200000,
            "Electronic devices cost":60000,
            "Monthly Travel expenses":4000,
            "Monthly Hostel charges":10000,
            "Monthly mess fee":5000,
            "monthly miscellaneous expenses":3000,
            "Total cost of one year": 529000


GET /fixed_deposit_maturity

  • Required parameters : principle_amount, years, roi, compounding (calculated in monthly ,quaterly ,halfyearly, yearly)
  • Sample output

            "Tag": "Fixed deposit maturity Amount",
            "Total Value": 138041.98,
            "Principle amount": 100000,
            "Interest anount": 38041.98,
            "Duration in year": 5,
            "Interest Rate": "6.5%",
            "compounding rate": "quaterly"


GET /recurring_deposit_maturity

  • Required parameters : principle_amount, years, roi, compounding (calculated in monthly ,quaterly ,halfyearly, yearly)
  • Sample output

            "Tag": "Recurring deposit maturity Amount",
            "Total Value": 62494.24,
            "Investment": 5000,
            "Duration in year": 1,
            "Principle amount": 60000,
            "Interest Value": 2494.24,
            "Interest Rate": "7.5%",
            "compounding rate": "monthly"


GET /calculate_retirement_goals

  • Required parameters : retirement_age,annual_retirement_expenses,inflation_rate,annual_retirement_income,current_age
  • Sample output
            "Tag":"Retirement Goals",
            "Retirement age":65000,
            "Annual retirement expenses":50000,
            "inflation rate":0.03,
            "Annual Retirement Income":20000,
            "Current Age":40,
            "Retirement Goals":95010.80947570129

GET /student_loan

  • Required parameters : 'principal','tenure', 'interest_rate'
  • Sample output
            "Tag": "Student Loan",
            "Total amount to borrow":300000,
            "total number of years to pay loan":10,
            "interest rate percentage annual":9.2,
            "total monthly cost":3832,
            "Total Amount of loan":459938

GET /roi_equity_funds

  • Required parameters : amount_invested, amount_returned, tenure,
  • Sample output

            "Tag": "Calculate return of investments on equity funds",
            "Amount Invested": 1000,
            "Amount Returned": 2000,
            "Duration of investment": 2,
            "Return of Investment": "100%",
            "Annualized Return": "43.88%"


GET /calculate_gst

  • Required parameters : price, gst_rate,
  • Sample output

            "Tag": "Calculate GST and Total Price",
            "Original Price":2180,
            "GST rate":18,
            "Amount of GST": "392.4",
            "Total price after GST":"2572.4"


GET /asdcr

  • Required parameters :net_operating_cost, depreciation, non_cash_expenses annual_debt_service
  • Sample output

            "Tag":"Annual Debt Service Coverage Ratio",
            "Annual Debt Ratio":2.0833333333333335,
            "Net Operating Income":100000.0,
            "Non Cash Expenses":5000.0,
            "Annual Debt":60000.0


GET /calculate_vat

  • required parameters : price, vat_rate
  • Sample Request: GET /calculate_vat?price=100&vat_rate=20
  • Sample output
  "Price (excluding VAT)": 83.33,
  "Price (including VAT)": 100.0,
  "VAT Amount": 16.67


GET /bond_equivalent_yield

  • required parameters : face_value, purchase_price,days_to_maturity
  • Sample Request: GET /bond_equivalent_yield?face_value=1000&purchase_price=900&days_to_maturity=182
  • Sample output
  "Tag": "Bond Equivalent Yield",
  "Face value":1000,
  "Purchase Price": 900,
  "Days to maturity": 182,
  "Bond Equivalent Yield (BEY)": "22.28%"

GET /loan-affordability

  • Required parameters : income, expenses, loan_term, interest_rate,

  • Sample Request: GET,,

  • Sample output


  "income": 5000.0,
  "expenses": 2000.0,
  "loan_term": 12,
  "interest_rate": 5.0,
  "max_loan_amount": 2215.8129091122037

GET /calculate_bvps

  • Required parameters : stockholders_equity, preferred_stock, average_outstanding_shares,
  • Sample output

            "Tag": "Calculate Book value per share",
            "Stockholders Equity":1000000.0,
            "Preferred Stock value":50000.0,
            "Average outstanding shares":50000.0,
            "Book value per share":"19"


GET /gratuity-amount

  • Required parameters : last_salary, tenure_years, tenure_months,
  • Sample Request: GET, http://localhost:8000/calculate_gratuity?last_salary=20000000&tenure_years=10&tenure_months=1,
  • Sample output
  "Last salary (basic + dearness allowance)":20000000.0,
  "Tenure in years (excluding last partial year)":10,
  "Last partial year in months":1,
  "Gratuity Amount":"115384615"

GET /calculate_market_cap -Required parameters: urrent_market_share_price,total_number_of_shares_outstanding, -Sample Output

  "Tag":"Market capitalization value",
  "Current market share price":1000000,
  "Total number of shares outstanding":200,
  "Marketcap value":"200000000"

GET /personal_savings

  • Required parameters : 'init','monthly', 'tenure'
  • Sample output
            "Tag": "Simple Personal Savings",
            "Initial Deposit":10000,
            "total number of years":10,
            "Monthly Contribution":200,
            "Total Amount saved":34000

GET /accrint

  • Required parameters : issue_date,settlement_date,rate,par,
  • Sample Request: GET, http://localhost:8000/accrint?issue_date=01-01-2012&settlement_date=15-02-2012&rate=5.25&par=5000&frequency=4&basis=3,
  • Sample output
      "Tag":"Accrued Interest",
      "Issue Date":"01-01-2012",
      "Settlement Date":"15-02-2012",
      "Accrued Interest":32.363013698630134

GET # Endpoint --> '/mortrage'

Required Paramenters --> princial:int,interest_rate:float,years:int,down_payment:int,property_tax_rate:float,insurance_rate:float Sample request -->

Sample Output

  "Monthly Payment": 648.4110284532501,
  "Total Payment": 350141.95536475506,
  "Total Property Tax": 117000.00000000001,
  "Total insurance cost": 45000,
  "Total Cost": 512141.95536475506,
  "Loan to value ratio": 75

GET ## Endpoint --> '/social_securities'

Required Parameters --> birth_date:str,earnings:int,retirement_age:int

Sample request --> Sample Output

  "The monthly benefits are 20833.333333333332 and future benefits are 55349.83286723857"

GET /calculate_net_profit_margin -Required parameters: revenue, cost_of_goods_sold, operating_expenses, other_expenses, interest, taxes -Sample Output

  "Tag":"Net Profit Margin",
  "revenue": 1000,
  "cost_of_goods_sold": 200,
  "operating_expenses": 100,
  "other_expenses": 50,
  "interest": 250,
  "taxes": 50,
  "net_profit_margin": 45

GET /calculate_expected_return_of_portfolio -Required parameters: no_of_investments, weight_of_investment, rate_of_return -Sample Output

  "Tag": "Expected Return of Portfolio",
  "no_of_investments": 2,
  "investment_amount": [20000 , 60000],
  "rate_of_return": [3, 6],
  "expected_return_of_portfolio": 5.75


GET /calculate_sharpe_ratio_function -Required parameters: returns, risk_free_rate -Sample Output

  "Tag": "Sharpe Ratio",
  "returns": [0.1, 0.05, 0.08, 0.12, 0.09],
  "risk_free_rate": 0.03,
  "sharpe_ratio": 1.25

GET /calculate_post_tax_return_percentage -Required parameters: tax_rate_percentage, annual_net_income, initial_cost_of_investment -Sample Output

  "Tag" : "Post Tax Return Percentage",
  "tax_rate_percentage" : 2,
  "annual_net_income" : 4000,
  "initial_cost_of_investment" : 10000,
  "post_tax_return_percentage" : 39.2

GET /calculate_salary

  • Required parameters :base,jb,stock,pb,bonus,ptax,deduction
  • Sample output

            "Tag":"Net Salary Calculator",
            "Base Salary per month":150000,
            "joining bonus/retention bonus":100000,
            "RSU/stock bonus":200000,
            "performance bonus":300000,
            "any additional bonus":0,
            "tax percentage":15,
            "any additional deduction":0,
            "ctc calculated":2040000.0


GET /loan_to_value_ratio

  • Required parameters : loan_amount, value_of_collateral
  • Sample output
    "Tag": "Loan to Value Ratio",
    "Loan Amount": 5000.0,
    "Value Of Collateral": 10000.0,
    "Loan to Value Ratio": 50%,

GET /calculate_treynor_ratio_function -Required parameters: returns, risk_free_rate,beta -Sample Output

  "Tag": "Treynor Ratio",
   returns: list[float] = [0.1, 0.05, 0.08, 0.12, 0.09],
   risk_free_rate: float = 0.03,
   beta: float = 1.2

GET /free_cash_flow_to_equity

  • Required parameters
  • Sample output
    "Tag":"Free Cash Flow to Equity",
    "Total Revenues": 750000.0,
    "Total Expenses": 350000.0,
    "Inital Cost of Asset": 900000.0,
    "Life Time of Asset": 10.0,
    "Change in Price, Property or Equity": 45000.0,
    "Current Depreciation": 25000.0,
    "Current Assets": 250000.0,
    "Current Liabilities": 100000.0,
    "Amount a Company Borrows": 450000.0,
    "Debt it Repays": 100000.0,
    "Net Income": 400000.0,
    "Depreciation and Amortization": 90000.0,
    "Capital Expenditures": 70000.0,
    "Change in Working Capital": 150000.0,
    "Net Borrowing": 350000.0,
    "Free Cash Flow to Equity": 620000.0

GET /net_worth

  • Required parameters : assets, liabilities,'loans','mortgage'
  • Sample output
    "Tag": "Net Worth",
    "Assets": 100000.0,
    "Liabilities": 50000.0,
    "Loans": 20000.0,
    "Mortgage": 10000.0,
    "Net Worth": 50000.0

GET /capital_gains_yield

  • Required parameters : inital_price, price_after_first_period
  • Sample output
    "Tag": "Capital Gains Yield",
    "Inital Price of Stock": 200.0,
    "Price of Stock After First Period": 220.0,
    "Capital Gains Yield": 10%,

GET /macaulay-duration

  • Required parameters : face_value, coupon_rate, dt, month, year, coupon_frequency, discount_rate,

  • Sample Request: GET, http://localhost:8000/calculate_macaulay_duration?face_value=1000.0&coupon_rate=0.06&dt=19&month=6&year=2026&coupon_frequency=2&discount_rate=0.06,

  • Sample output

    "Tag": "Macaulay_duration",
    "Face-value of bond": 1000.0,
    "Coupon Rate (in decimal)": 0.06,
    "Date of maturity(DD)": 19,
    "Month of maturity(MM)": 6,
    "Year of maturity(YY)": 2026,
    "Coupon frequency": 2,
    "Discount frequency (int decimal)": 0.06,
    "Macaulay duration": 2.77

GET /calculate_financial_leverage -Required parameters: total_assets, total_liabilities, short_term_debt, long_term_debt -Sample Output

  "Tag" : "Calculate financial leverage",
  "total_assets" : 16645,
  "total_liabilities" : 9906,
  "short_term_debt" : 5000,
  "long_term_debt" : 10000,
  "financial_leverage" : 1.51

GET /portfolio_return_monte_carlo -Required parameters: principal, expected_return_range_start,expected_return_range_end, volatility_range_start,volatility_range_end, num_simulations -Sample Output

  'Tag': 'Portfolio Return Monte Carlo',
  'Principal': 100000.0,
  'Number of Simulations': 100.0,
  'Portfolio Returns': {
    'Portfolio Returns': [
    'Average Return': 0.08973870952953042,
    'Standard Deviation': 0.15306996560080827,
    'Min Return': -0.3923187345080281,
    'Max Return': 0.5116882858279181,
    'Positive Returns': 75,
    'Negative Returns': 25

GET /accounts_payable_turnover_ratio

  • Required parameters : total_supply_purchases, beginning_accounts_payable and ending_accounts_payable
  • Sample output
  "Tag": "Accounts Payable Turnover Ratio",
  "Total Supply Purchases": 1000,
  "Beginning Accounts Payable": 200,
  "Ending Accounts Payable": 300,
  "Accounts Payable Turnover Ratio": 4

GET /capitalization_rate

-Required parameters: rental_income, amenities, propertyManagement, propertyTaxes, insurance, current_market_value -Sample Output

  "Tag": "Capitalization Rate",
  "Rental Income": 70000.0,
  "Amenities": 30000.0,
  "Property Management": 2000.0,
  "Property Taxes": 3000.0,
  "Insurance": 2500.0,
  "Annual Income": 100000.0,
  "Expenses": 7500.0,
  "Net Operating Income": 92500.0,
  "Current Market Value": 1500000.0
  "Capitalization Rate": 6.16%

GET /modified_internal_rate_of_return

  • Required parameters : 'ending_cash_flow','initial_cash_flow', 'number_of_periods'
  • Sample output
  "Tag": "Modified internal rate of return",
  "Ending cash flow": 500000,
  "Initial cash flow": -300000,
  "Number of periods": 5,
  "Modified internal rate of return": f"12.04%",

POST /capm

  • Request body : { "risk_free_return": 86, "sensitivity": 6, "expected_market_return": 87 }
  • Sample output
  "Tag": "Capital Asset Pricing Model (CAPM)",
  "Risk-free rate of return": 86,
  "Asset's sensitivity": 6,
  "Expected return of the market": 87,
  "Expected return on the asset": "92.0%"

POST /debt_service_coverage_ratio

  • Request body : { "revenue": 143528.79, "operating_expenses": 62148.63, "interest": 4765.32, "tax_rate": 20, "principal": 60371.61 }
  • Sample output
  "Tag": "Debt Service Coverage Ratio",
  "Revenue": 143528.79,
  "Operating Expenses": 62148.63,
  "Interest": 4765.32,
  "Tax Rate": 0.2,
  "Principal": 90371.61,
  "Net Operating Income": 81380.16,
  "Total Debt Service": 64183.866,
  "Debt Service Coverage Ratio": 1.34

POST /profit_percent

  • Request body : { "profit": 1560.8, "cost_price": 7500.4 }
  "Tag": "Profit Percentage",
  "Profit": 1560.86,
  "Cost Price": 7500.47,
  "Profit Percentage": 20.81,

POST /defensive_interval_ratio

  • Request body : { "cash": 40000.00, "marketable_securities": 20000.00, "net_receivables": 10000.00, "annual_operating_expenses": 300000.00, "non_cash_charges": 25000.00 }
  • Sample output
  "Tag": "Defensive Interval Ratio",
	"Cash": 40000.00,
	"Marketable Securites": 20000.00,
	"Net Receivables": 10000.00,
	"Annual Operating Expenses": 300000.00,
	"Non Cash Charges": 25000.00,
	"Current Assets": 70000.0,
	"Daily Operational Expenses": 753.42,
	"Defensive Interval Ratio": 92.90

POST /loss_percent

  • Request body : { "loss": 500.96, "cost_price": 7500.47 }
  • Sample output
  "Tag": "Loss Percentage",
  "Loss": 500.96,
  "Cost Price": 7500.47,
  "Loss Percentage": 6.67,

POST /rate_return_calculator

  • Request body : `{ "initial_investment": 10000, "final_value": 12500, "time_period": 3, "cash_flows": [500, 800, -200], "holding_period": 2,

POST /financial_assest_ratio

  • Request body : { "current_assets": 500000, "current_liabilities": 300000, "total_debt": 200000, "total_equity": 400000, "net_income": 100000, "total_revenue": 800000, }
  • Sample output
  "Tag": "Rate of return",
  "rate_of_return": 25.0,
  "annualized_return": 8.333333333333334,
  "holding_period_return": 50.0,
  "Tag": "Financial assest ratio",
  "current_ratio": 1.5,
  "debt_to_equity_ratio": 0.8,
  "return_on_assets": 0.1,
  "return_on_equity": 0.15,
  "asset_turnover_ratio": 1.8,
  "gross_profit_margin": 0.35,
  "net_profit_margin": 0.2,
  "price_to_earnings_ratio": 20.5

POST /cash_conversion_cycle

  • Request body : { "beginning_inventory": 1000, "ending_inventory": 2000, "beginning_receivables": 100 "ending_receivables": 90, "beginning_payable": 800, "ending_payable": 900, "cost_of_goods_sold": 3000, "net_credit_sales": 3000 }
  • Sample output
  "Tag": "Cash Conversion Cycle",
  "Beginning Inventory": 1000,
  "Ending Inventory": 2000,
  "Average Inventory": 1500,
  "Beginning Receivables": 100,
  "Ending Receivables": 90,
  "Average Receivables": 95,
  "Beginning Payable": 800,
  "Ending Payable": 900,
  "Average Payable": 850,
  "Days of inventory_outstanding": 182.5,
  "Days of Sales Outstanding": 11.56,
  "Days of Payables Outstanding": 103.42,
  "Cash Conversion Cycle":  90.64 days",

POST /policy-premium

  • Request body : { "policy_type": "auto", "age": 35, "coverage_amount": 250000, "deductible": 500, "num_claims": 0, "num_accidents": 1 **POST** /price-elasticity`

  • Request body : { "initial_price": 10.0, "final_price": 8.0, "initial_quantity": 1000, "final_quantity": 1200 }

  • Sample output

  "premium_amount": 1200.50
  "Tag": "Price Elasticity for Demand Calculator",
    "price_elasticity": -1.5

POST /average_payment_period

  • Request body : { "beginning_accounts_payable": 110000, "ending_accounts_payable": 95000, "total_credit_purchases": 1110000 }
  • Sample output
  "Tag": "Average Payment Period",
  "Beginning Accounts Payable": 110000,
  "Ending Accounts Payable": 95000,
  "Total Credit Purchases": 1110000,
  "Average Accounts Payable": 102500,
  "Average Payment Period": "33.7days",

POST /saving_goal

  • Request body : { "current_savings": 100, "monthly_contributions ": 200, "interest_rate" 5, "goal_amount" 5000 }
    • Sample output
  "Tag": "Saving Goal Calculator",
    "months_required": 18,
    "total_contributions": 3600,
    "interest_earned": 315.27777777777777

POST /interest_coverage_ratio

  • Request body : { "revenue": 150000, "cost_of_goods_services": 50000, "operating_expenses": 40000 "interest_expense": 16000 }
  • Sample output
  "Tag": "Interest Coverage Ratio"
  "Revenue": 150000,
  "Cost of Goods and Services": 50000,
  "Operating Expenses": 40000,
  "Interest Expenses": 16000,
  "Earnings Before Interest and Taxes": 60000,
  "Interest Coverage Ratio": "3.75%",

POST /tax_bracket_calculator

  • Request body : { "income": 50000, "filing_status": single, }
  • Sample output
  "Tag": "Tax Bracket Calculator"
  "applicable_tax_bracket": 12.00%,
  "tax_liability": 6000.00,

POST /margin_of_safety

  • Request body : { "current_sales": 50000, "break_even_point": 46000 }
  • Sample output
  "Tag": "Margin Of Safety",
  "Current Sales": 50000,
  "Break Even Point": 46000,
  "Margin Of Safety": 8%,