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AlphaBs edited this page Nov 7, 2020 · 13 revisions

MLaunchOption class


var launchOption = new MLaunchOption()
    // Required Settings
    StartVersion = myversion,
    Session = MSession.GetOfflineSession("tester123"),

    // Optional Settings
    Path = new MinecraftPath(),
    MaximumRamMb = 4096,
    JavaPath = "javaw.exe",
    JVMArguments = new string[] { },

    ServerIp = "",
    ServerPort = 25565,

    ScreenWidth = 1600,
    ScreenHeight = 900,

    VersionType = "CmlLauncher",
    GameLauncherName = "CmlLauncher",
    GameLauncherVersion = "2",

    FullScreen = false,

    // Only macOS
    DockName = "",
    DockIcon = "",



Type: MVersion

The version you want to launch. If you launch the game using CMLauncher, you don't have to set this property. CMLauncher will automatically get the version and set this.


Type: MSession

Set the username, uuid, and access_token of the player. It is used to connect to an online-mode server or a realm. However, if you use MSession.GetOfflineSession, you can't connect these servers. If the value of this property is null, an ArgumentException will be thrown.


Type: MinecraftPath Optional

Set base directory for launching. You should not set this property if you use CMLauncher.


Type: string Optional

Sets the java path. If this property is empty and you call CMLauncher.CreateProcess, the CreateProcess method will set this property to <Your Game Path>/runtime, makes sure Java is installed, and downloads Java if it doesn't exist.


Type: int Optional

Sets the -Xmx JVM parameter. It is used to set the maximum heap size of Minecraft.
If the value of this property is less than 1, ArgumentException will be thrown.
The default value is 1024. (1 GB) Note: You can't set this property to any number higher than 1024 when using 32bit Java.


Type: int Optional

Sets the -Xms JVM parameter. It is used to set the minimum heap size of Minecraft.
If you set this property higher than MaximumRamMb, ArgumentException will be thrown.


Type: string Optional

Sets ${version_type}. An empty value will set ${version_type} to the TypeStr property of the MVersion class.
VersionType will be shown bottom left of main menu in minecraft. Old minecraft version doesn't support this option.


Type: string Optional

Sets ${launcher_name}. An empty value will set ${launcher_name} to minecraft-launcher, which is the same as the default value of the Mojang launcher.


Type: string Optional

Sets ${launcher_version}. An empty value will set ${launcher_name} to 2, which is the same as the default value of the Mojang launcher.


Type: string Optional

Connecting to a server directly when Minecraft is loading is done.
This option doesn't work in 1.15. It's a Minecraft bug.


Type: int Optional

Sets the server port of the ServerIp property. The default value is 25565. Valid range : 0-65535


Type: string[] Optional

Sets the JVM parameters. If this property is null, the launcher uses the default JVM parameters.
Default JVM parameters:


ScreenWidth / ScreenHeight

Type: int Optional

Sets the resolution of Minecraft. It works when value of the two options is bigger than 0. Old Minecraft versions don't support these options.
If value of the two options is 0, use default setting of minecraft. If one of these options is negative, ArgumentException will be thrown.


Type: bool Optional

If this property is true, Minecraft will be fullscreen (not permanently).
Old Minecraft versions don't support this option.
Some forge versions also don't support this option.


Type: string Optional

Sets the macOS dock name of Minecraft. In some macOS versions, you must set this option. More Infomation


Type: string Optional

Sets the macOS dock icon of minecraft. It should be an absolute file path to an image that has the dimensions 256x256 and is of the icns format.

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