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Harvest LDES


Table of contents {: .text-delta } 1. TOC {:toc}

The actor-init-ldes-client can be used to harvest the published eventstreams via the command line interface (CLI) or can be setup within an application. Full documentation on the actor-init-ldes-client can be found here.


Make sure you have Node.js installed. Open the Node.js command prompt. Install the actor-init-ldes-client npm package:

npm install -g @treecg/actor-init-ldes-client

Run your command in the Node.js command prompt to harvest a certain event stream

for example


The links to the event streams can be found here

It is possible to add multiple parameters to your command:

Parameter Description Possible values
pollingInterval Number of milliseconds before refetching uncacheable fragments for example: 5000
mimeType the MIME type of the output application/ld+json, text/turtle...
context path to a file with the JSON-LD context you want to use when MIME type is application/ld+json for example: ./context.jsonld
fromTime datetime to prune relations that have a lower datetime value for example: 2020-01-01T00:00:00
emitMemberOnce whether to emit a member only once, because collection contains immutable version objects. true / false
disableSynchronization whether to disable synchronization or not (by default set to "false", syncing is enabled) true / false
disableFraming whether to disable JSON-LD framing when mimeType is 'application/ld+json' or when representation is 'Object' (by default set to "false"). Value can be set to "true" or "false" true / false
dereferenceMembers whether to dereference members, because the collection pages do not contain all information (by default: false). true / false
requestsPerMinute how many requests per minutes may be sent to the same host (optional) any number
loggingLevel The detail level of logging; useful for debugging problems. (default: info) 'error', 'warn', 'info', 'verbose', 'debug', 'silly'
processedURIsCount The maximum number of processed URIs (members and fragments) that remain in the cache. (default: 10000) any number

for example

actor-init-ldes-client --pollingInterval 5000 --mimeType application/ld+json --context context.jsonld --fromTime 2021-02-03T15:48:12.309Z --emitMemberOnce true --disablePolling true

Use locally

Install the npm package on the location where you want to run the script. Copy the commmand line below in the CLI;

npm install -g @treecg/actor-init-ldes-client

In order to use it as a library, you can leave out the -g.

Use context

By making use of following contextfile, the harvested results will be structured using OSLO.

Save the context (from the code below) locally.

{   "@context": [
          "dcterms:isVersionOf": {
              "@type": "@id"
          "prov": "",
          "skos": "",
          "label": "",
          "opmerking": "",

          "cest": ""

Save result

To save the result add following line at the end of your command:

> PATH_TO_DIRECTORY\output.json

A json file (output.json) will be saved in the directory of your choice.