Welcome to the CodeBooter community! We are always looking for new contributors to help us make CodeBooter the best possible resource for computer science enthusiasts and tech interview candidates.
There are many ways to contribute to CodeBooter, including:
- Fixing bugs. If you find a bug in CodeBooter, please open an issue on GitHub and describe the problem in detail. We appreciate any help you can give us in fixing bugs!
- Adding new content. If you have a new article, tutorial, or other resource that you think would be valuable to the CodeBooter community, please submit a pull request. We are always looking for new content to help people learn about computer science and prepare for tech interviews.
- Improving existing content. If you see a way to improve an existing article, tutorial, or other resource, please submit a pull request. We appreciate any help you can give us in making CodeBooter the best possible resource.
- Translating content into other languages. If you are fluent in another language, we would love your help translating CodeBooter content into that language. Please open an issue on GitHub to discuss how you can get involved.
- Answering questions on the forum. If you see a question on the CodeBooter forum that you can answer, please do so! We appreciate any help you can give in helping our community members learn.
If you are new to contributing to open source projects, here are a few tips:
- Start by reading the Code of Conduct. This document outlines the expected behavior for all CodeBooter contributors.
- Find an issue that you are interested in working on. You can browse the open issues on GitHub or open a new issue if you find something that you would like to work on.
- Fork the CodeBooter repository. This will create a copy of the repository on your own GitHub account.
- Create a new branch. This will allow you to work on your changes without affecting the main CodeBooter codebase.
- Make your changes. Once you have created a branch, you can start making your changes to the CodeBooter codebase.
- Commit your changes. Once you are happy with your changes, you can commit them to your branch.
- Submit a pull request. Once you have committed your changes, you can submit a pull request to the main CodeBooter repository. This will allow the CodeBooter maintainers to review your changes and merge them into the main codebase.
Thank you for considering contributing to CodeBooter! We appreciate any help you can give in making CodeBooter the best possible resource for computer science enthusiasts and tech interview candidates.