Android Studio provides the fastest tools for building apps on every type of Android device.
To get the latest verion of Android Studio, follow these steps.
Get to learn the ropes of being an Android Developer by going through this basic course.
P.S: The first video is highly recomended to be watched. The rest is optional and can be watched if you want highly detailed instructions.
For Step-by-Step instructions follow this.
Topic | Link |
Activities and Intents | Link |
Clickable Images | Link |
Input Controls | Link |
Menus and Pickers | Link |
User Navigation | Link |
Recycler View | Link |
Linking APIs using Retrofit | Link |
Improving UX | Link |
Background Tasks | Link |
Broadcast Recievers | Link |
Notifications | Link |
Alarm Manager | Link |
Job Scheduler | Link |
Shared Preferences | Link |
App Settings | Link |
Fragments | Link |
Widgets | Link |
Location | Link |
Maps | Link |
Custom Views from Classes | Link |
Custom Views from Scratch | Link |
Canvas | Link |
Animations | Link |
Video Views | Link |
View Models | Link |
Topic | Link |
Logcat | Link |
Running Tests | Link |
App Compatability | Link |
UI Testing | Link |
Here are a few starter apps that you can explore and learn from:
For debugging API calls, Interceptors are very useful. Check out this repo to see how to set it up.
Android is a constantly changing software, every new release adds a few new features that make things simpler, or remove some things that were possible before so the best thing to do is to go with the flow.
Stack Overflow has a really active community of developers. Use this to your advantage. Any new problem you face might have already been solved by someone else there. So, if you face any issues don't be discouraged and just Google it and if there is no solution that you can find, post it on a platform like Stack Overflow and someone will eventually find a solution.
Checkout Android Arsnel for cool tools and frameworks that you can integrate with your apps.
We hope you now know the roadmap to being a professional Native Android Developer ✌️