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Docker and Docker Compose installation manual

Source website:

0. Open terminal.

1. Uninstall old versions of Docker:

$ sudo apt-get remove docker docker-engine

2. Update the apt package index:

$ sudo apt-get update

3. Install packages to allow apt to use a repository over HTTPS:

$ sudo  apt-get install \
        apt-transport-https \
        ca-certificates \
        curl \

4. Add Docker’s official GPG key:

$ curl -fsSL | sudo apt-key add -

Alternative way(in case of emergency): Open following URL in browser(Chrome, if possible):

$ cat DownloadedGpgFilePath | sudo apt-key add - 

5. Verify that you now have the key using last 8 characters of the fingerprint:

$ sudo apt-key fingerprint 0EBFCD88

You should get something like this:

pub   4096R/0EBFCD88 2017-02-22
      Key fingerprint = 9DC8 5822 9FC7 DD38 854A  E2D8 8D81 803C 0EBF CD88
uid                  Docker Release (CE deb) <[email protected]>
sub   4096R/F273FCD8 2017-02-22

6. Use the following command to set up the stable repository:

$ sudo add-apt-repository \
    "deb [arch=amd64] \
    $(lsb_release -cs) \

7. Install Docker CE:

$ sudo apt-get update

If any errors occur, force using IPv4 by adding "-o Acquire::ForceIPv4=true update":

$ sudo apt-get update -o Acquire::ForceIPv4=true update

Next step:

$ sudo apt-get install docker-ce

As before, if any errors occured, force using IPv4:

$ sudo apt-get install docker-ce -o Acquire::ForceIPv4=true update

8. Verify that Docker CE is installed correctly by running the hello-world image:

$ sudo docker run hello-world

9. If you don’t want to use sudo when you use the docker command, create a Unix group called docker and add users to it:

Create the docker group:

$ sudo groupadd docker

Add your user to the docker group.

$ sudo usermod -aG docker $USER

Log out and log back in so that your group membership is re-evaluated. If testing on a virtual machine, it may be necessary to restart the virtual machine for changes to take affect.

10. Install Docker Compose

$ sudo apt install docker-compose

11. Setup environment:

From downloaded source code run:

$ docker-compose up

and point your browser to http://localhost:8000 and http://localhost:4200

12. Enjoy!

Alternative method

0. Open terminal.

Type in the following commands:

$ sudo apt-get install docker
$ sudo apt-get install docker-compose

1. Enjoy!