βββ src
βββ content # Directory for blog content
β βββ blog # Directory for blog content
β βββ framework # Directory for docs content
βββ dynamic-content-generator # Contains scripts to dynamically generate content
β βββ page # Contains scripts to dynamically generate docs, blogs, blog category and author pages
β βββ node.js # Contains scripts to update the blogs and docs data in graphql store
βββ scripts # Contains scripts for automation
β βββ blog # Contains scripts for automating the normalization of markdown content of blogs
β βββ docs # Contains scripts for automating the normalization of markdown content of docs
β βββ utils # Contains utility scripts
β βββ build-config.js # Script for generating `.env.development` and `.env.production` files
β βββ redirects.js # Script for copying `_redirects` file to public folder from the project root directory
βββ serverless-design-system # Design system for serverless
βββ src # Source code for serverless website
β βββ assets # Stores all the fonts and images needed by the website
β βββ components # Defines all the re-usable and page components needed by serverless website
β βββ constants # Defines all the constants
β βββ fragments # Defines all the re-usable fragment(or UI widget) components.
β βββ layouts # Contains layouts for different pages. Example: Blog layout, Doc layout
β βββ pages # Contains components for every static page in the website
β βββ templates # Contains templates for generating docs, blogs, categories and authors pages dynamically
β βββ utils # Defines utility functions
β βββ _config # Contains site-wide config, API keys and tokens
β βββ _redirects # Contains redirect rules for netlify
βββ netlify.toml # Contains netlify config