Version 4.4.1 (2024-01-29)
- Fixed issue with images not importing with the default image tag
- Updated tested version of the PRO plugin
Version 4.4.0 (2024-01-25)
- Added an ability to generate featured images with OpenAI for imported posts [PRO]
- Fixed invalid feed issue when saving multiple feeds as a category
- Fixed incorrect UTM campaign naming issue
Version 4.3.5 (2024-01-12)
- Separated settings in the General section
- Enhanced security
Version 4.3.4 (2023-12-21)
- Enhanced security
Version 4.3.3 (2023-12-20)
- Added optional feature usage observer
- Updated dependencies
- Fixed the feed layout in the block that doesn't correspond to the selections
- Change wording for the first execution time field
- Fixed post-taxonomy placeholder issue
- Removed setting page access for non-admin users
- Sanitized missing setting fields
- Fixed typo on the support page
- Fixed authenticated issue
- Fix multiple charts facade and small google fix
Version 4.3.2 (2023-11-03)
Bug Fixes
- Enhanced security
Version 4.3.1 (2023-11-02)
- Enhanced security related to roles of users
Version 4.3.0 (2023-10-23)
- Paraphrasing using OpenAI / Chat GPT [PRO]: This feature enables users to utilize OpenAI's Chat GPT for paraphrasing text. It can assist in rephrasing and generating alternative wording for content.
- Content summarization support using OpenAI / Chat GPT [PRO]: With this feature, users can access support for summarizing longer pieces of content, making it easier to condense and understand the main points of a text.
- Added support to create a dynamic category [PRO]: Feedzy can now create WordPress categories automatically during the import by taking the category name from the RSS XML Feed.
- Added individual fallback image setting [PRO]: This feature allows users to set specific backup images for individual import jobs, not only a general fallback image for all import jobs.
- Ability to trim content to a particular amount of characters: Users can now trim or limit the length of content to a specified number of characters, helping to meet length requirements or constraints.
- Integrated Search & Replace in the content of the tag feature: This integration enables users to search for specific content within tags and replace it with alternative text, streamlining content management.
- Added action chain process support: This feature facilitates the creation of multiple actions for a single Feedzy magic tag. You can now add a tag for the import job and use multiple actions on it (paraphrase, summarize, trim, etc.).
- Added feedback popup in the import screen
- Fixed compatibility issue PHP 8.1+
- Fixed compatibility issue with WP version lower than 5.8
- Fixed categories feed URL sanitization issue
Version 4.2.8 (2023-08-03)
- Improved lazy load endpoint performance
- Fixed minor layout issue
- Fixed external image support issue with Elementor
Version 4.2.7 (2023-07-06)
- Fixed image displaying issue in Gutenberg block
- Fixed import job page loading issue
- Changed top-level menu page accessibility per roles
Version 4.2.6 (2023-06-09)
- Removed branding label
Version 4.2.5 (2023-06-05)
- Fixed compatibility issue with the FSE editor
- Fixed onboarding wizard js console error
- Added About Us page integration
Version 4.2.4 (2023-05-01)
- Fixed duplicate items import issue
- Fixed conflict with the ACF plugin
- Added cron job retry method
- Fixed set custom featured image issue
Version 4.2.3 (2023-04-07)
- Fixed duplicated/deleted items and missing featured images issue
- Fixed translation service issue with the Portuguese language [PRO]
Version 4.2.2 (2023-03-31)
- Changed the document URL for the support page #734
- Added an option to delete all imported posts when purging an import job
- Fixed multiple attachments generating issue
- Update Dependencies and WordPress core tested up to version 6.2
- Added custom cron scheduler support [PRO]
Version 4.2.1 (2023-02-27)
- fix uncategorized category is being added by default to imported post
- fix assigning a different author doesn't work with item_full_content tag
- pro version compatibility
Version 4.2.0 (2023-02-24)
- Add onboarding screen
- Improve caching mechanism for feeds
- Ensure consistency between parameters in widgets/shortcodes/elementor contexts
- Add a no-style attribute when displaying feeds which removes any extra style
- Minor UI fixes
- Fix redirect to archive page issues
- Fix display title on multiple feeds
- Fix the refresh option on elementor
- Fix additional classes parameter in Gutenberg
Version 4.1.1 (2023-01-03)
- fix className parameter in the shortcode
- Improve plugin security
Version 4.1.0 (2022-12-06)
- Improve tag items selections on the import screen #701
- Allow adding all the Magic tags in one flow #697
- Improve image import support in PRO
- Improve full content import in various languages
Version 4.0.5 (2022-10-26)
- Fix possible cache expiration filter change.
- Fix compatibilities with keyword filtering on full content and Elementor context.
Version 4.0.4 (2022-10-04)
- Fix cache time overwrite with filter
- Fix edge case fatal error when using with Elementor builder
Version 4.0.3 (2022-09-27)
- Fix Feedzy RSS feed cache not working on the widgets.
- Remove legacy elementor widget for new users
- Fix external image support on import for some websites
- Enter key on feed fields should load the feed automatically
Version 4.0.2 (2022-09-09)
- Fix compatibility issues with Jnews-essential
- Fix duplicate upsell card
- Fix Feedzy icon not visible in the classic editor
- Change red color after import
- Update dependencies
Version 4.0.1 (2022-07-19)
- Fix typo in map content description
- Fix compatibility with WordAI and Spinnerchief connection
Version 4.0.0 (2022-07-14)
- Major UI update to make the plugin much easier and cleaner to use.
- Display image from description element
- Adds lazy load render images support
- Adds support for translations
- Adds support for paraphrased content
- Fix Deprecated functions error messages with PHP 8.1
- Fix emoji is imported as a featured image when no image is found in a post
- Fix edge case when valid feed shows up as invalid when used as part of the Feedzy category
Version 3.8.3 (2022-03-16)
- A warning is printed when filter for Item Full content is used and no items found for the import
- Fix broken style on twentytwentytwo theme
Version 3.8.2 (2022-01-28)
- Add a new filter to add the custom refresh time
- Remove elementor hidden WP widget feature so feedzy widget can be used
- Fix keyword filter issue with date filter
- Fix cURL timeout error
- Add new import job setting field and manipulate custom tag data
- Fix trimming title issue for Elementor & Gutenberg
Version 3.8.1 (2021-12-20)
- Show the import job title in post row action
- Add default thumbnail image support in the external image
- [#item_url] magic tag allows opening in a new tab
- Style for the input fields of setting form
Version 3.8.0 (2021-10-19)
- Adds compatibility with pro features for Elementor Template Builder and Dynamic Tags support.
- Adds compatibility for pro Enhanced keyword filtering support.
- Fix category dropdown in Gutenberg Block
- Magic tags that are unavailable with the free version listed in one line.
- Fix typo in the import setup
Version 3.7.5 (2021-09-06)
- Fix broken image issues with certain feeds
- Adds new line character support for import content
- Fix import on custom values when full content is used
Version 3.7.4 (2021-09-01)
- Fix regression issue with Elementor widget not showing with lower WP versions.
- Fix regression with cron import not working with lower WP versions.
Version 3.7.3 (2021-08-27)
- Support default Gutenberg editor instead of importing content in the Classic block
- Adds support for Feedzy widget in the widget block editor
- Adds default thumbnail image support when no image is available
- Title Character Limit and the Description Character Limit parameter in the Feedzy Block
- Displaying Default Thumbnail Image does not show in Block or Shortcode approach
- Custom tag is trimmed on save of the import if used inside <iframe>
- Keyword filters break the import with PHP 8.0
Version 3.7.2 (2021-08-04)
- Add auto-populate dropdown for available meta fields for import wizzard
- Fix broken icon issue in chosen dropdown
- Fix PHP notices on widget block area
- Add image dimensions support
- Fix PHP8 fatal error when use multiple feed in visual editor
Version 3.7.1 (2021-07-07)
- Particular RSS XML Feed showed as invalid if you select Post author to be shown in the backend
- Add default feed values if they are empty
- Fix source name when author unavailable in Gutenberg block
- Change 2nd-time validation message when author empty
- Fix broken style issue in feedzy list page
- Fix fewer columns issue in Gutenberg block
- Fix broken dropdown style issue in admin
Version 3.7.0 (2021-05-12)
- Add a new feed setting option to remove duplicates post
- Add WPML and Polylang support to import content.
- Add constant support to allow unsafe HTML as FEEDZY_ALLOW_UNSAFE_HTML
- Improve feed validation
- Fix thumbnails dimension issue in front-end
Version 3.6.4 (2021-04-28)
- Fix PHP notice in miscellaneous settings
Version 3.6.3 (2021-04-26)
- Fix save of custom field name and value on import
Version 3.6.2 (2021-04-23)
- Fix feed validation when DC is missing.
- Fix custom fields import broken markup.
Version 3.6.1 (2021-04-21)
- fix possible conflict with early use of wp_verify_nonce
Version 3.6.0 (2021-04-20)
- Fix PHP notices reported on import when debug mode is on
- Fix inconsistent behavior with certain valid feed URLs
- Improve compatibilities with the latest PHP and WordPress versions
- Improve compatibilities with non-Latin charsets
- Add ability to use external images on import for featured images.
- [Fix] Compatibility with WP 5.6
- [Fix] Composer requiring PHP greater than 7.1.0
- [Fix] Importing random images with generator link in Feed to Post
- [Fix] Importing fixed featured image in Feed to Post
- [Fix] Enclosures that do no specify image extension are not imported even if the type is image/jpeg
- [Feat] Improved interface for adding new imports and for the imports listing page
- [Feat] Improved checks for feeds validity
- [Fix] HTML tags being trimmed on save of the import job
- [Fix] Issue with nonce not being checked correctly
- [Fix] Compatibility with WP 5.5
- [Feat] Link to items imported across runs in Feed2Post
- [Feat] Feed2Post - Provide more info on imported content and possible errors
- [Feat] Feed2Post - New Purge & Reset button which allows to clear data of already imported items to reimport those again
- [Fix] Feed2Post - Change cache time to 55 minutes that new items can be imported in the next run
- [Fix] Conflict with Ultimate CSV Importer
- [Fix] Sync item image options between classic and block editor
- [Fix] Posts keeps "uncategorized" category in non-English sites
- [Feat] Options to import feeds to posts
- [Feat] New [#item_source] tag for Feed to Post to display the feed source name
- [Feat] Improved Settings page style and layout
- [Feat] Use SimplePieItem's get_id to determine the uniqueness of feed items
- [Fix] WP 5.4 Feedzy block compatibility
- [Fix] Feed Caching time stuck to 12 hours
- [Fix] PHP Notice: Undefined index errors in the widget
- [Fix] Bulk activation of plugin aborts activation of subsequent plugins
- [Fix] Wrong shortcode mentioned in the Support tab
- [Fix] Notice: Undefined index: host when item has no link element
- Tested up to 5.4
- [Feat] Add support for lazyloading feed items
- [Fix] multiple_meta and offset parameters in the Feedzy widget
- [Fix] Missing Feedzy button in the Classic editor in Gutenberg
- [Fix] Conflict with RSS Aggregator in the Gutenberg editor
- [Fix] Notices when using Avada theme
- [Fix] Warnings when using multiple feeds in the shortcode
- Allow user to dictate order of meta data in the editor as well
- Ability to filter each meta data
- Fixed offset option not working correctly in the editor
- Default number of items now resets to 5
- Fixed invalid feeds causing the plugin to hang
- Fix fatal error with new version of SimplePie
- Allow user to dictate order of meta data
- Do not use force_feed for multi feeds
- fix Gutenberg bug that limits max items per feed
- Show detailed error message to logged in users if feed is not working
- Add offset parameter to skip items in a feed
- When using multiple sources, optionally show feed title
- Fix support for additional class(es) in Gutenberg
- Scrub item titles for HTML entities
- Fix widget to use all settings configured
- Fix issue with saving description length
- Tested up to 5.3
- Fix issue with replacing ellipsis
- Fix issue in widget where error message cannot be overridden
- Fix issues with some summaries getting truncated
- Fix issue with undefined index: proxy
- Fix PHP notice that shows up if meta=no
- Fix issue with AMP pages not showing image
- In the short code, separate behavior of meta into author, date and time
- Add option to remove title entirely
- Don't show [...] if summary is shorter than required
- Add option to use default sorting when generating the short code
- Add ability to show date/time in local timezone
- Fix: Not working in the block editor
- Feat: Referral URL can now include the URL of the item as a parameter
- Fix: Image size on mobile was overflowing the viewport
- Fix: Shortcode builder icon not visible in classic editor
- Fix: Widget options not visible in theme customizer
- Add filter to disable DB caching
- Fix issue with HTML tags not closed when feed has no items
- Fix issue with CSS file being loaded everywhere
- Tested up to WP 5.2
- Tested with WP 5.1
- Fix issue with single feeds that have errors
- Multifeed shows an error and no content if even one feed has an error
- Customize error message when no items in the feed
- Outgoing links should have rel=noopener
- Fixed fatal error in Feedzy_Rss_Feeds_Admin_Abstract::feedzy_retrieve_image
- Option to handle HTTP images in the shortcode
- Option to specify nofollow for links in the shortcode
- Fix Gutenberg block
- Add video tutorials under Help menu
- Add support for extracting price from custom feed tags
- Import Posts enabled for plan 1 users
- Fixed issue with some idiosyncratic feeds
- Improve readme plugin description.
- Improves compatibility with Gutenberg plugin.
- Improves image detection from feeds.
- Fixed compatibility with the Gutenberg block
- Added option to disable the featured image from being added to the website RSS feed
- Fixed problem with excluding keywords not working
- Updated the readme file
- New Gutenberg block for Feedzy RSS Feeds
- Fixed curl SSL problem with Feeds with HTTPS
- Fix content type, conflicting with Gutenberg
- Added compatibility with the pro version for full text import
- Adds shortcode attribute for feed items order ( title ASC/DESC, date ASC/DESC).
- Improve documentation and examples.
- Automatically fix deprecated google news feeds.
- Improve compatibility with the pro version.
- Fix issue with medium feeds.
- Improves extensibility using various hooks.
- Fix feeds without schema protocol.
- Fix compatibility with SiteOrigin Page Builder.
- Adds full content import from feed.
- Fix issue with img scraped from articles.
- Adds compatibility with WordPress 4.9
- Fix for double slash issue in image path.
- Fix for private ips when proxy is used.
- Add FAQ in sync with helpscout docs.
- Fix for assets enqueue, loading them where are needed only.
- Removes duplicates files.
- Adds global settings page.
- Adds User Agent and Proxy settings.
- Fix for some edge cases regarding images in the feed.
- Fix for image URL issue following some strange patterns.
- Added fallback for broken feed, now if one feed from the list is not working, others will will be used.
- Added shortcode parameter for feed cache control.
- Fixed typos in shortcode builder.
- Fixed image encoding issue.
- Fixed issue with fetching images containg GET parameters.
- Fixed image fetching issues.
- Fixed link opening behaviour
- Improved description ( Thanks to @chesio )
- Added new sdk logic.
- Improved compatibility with the pro version.
- Added sdk test.
- Fixed sdk notifications issues.
- Added compatibility with pro version.
- Added new doc for feedzy categories.
- Bump themeisle-sdk version.
- Added new SDK features.
- Fixed some edge case issues on image parsing.
- Release 3.1.2
- Replace alt in span with title
- Added feed to post compatibility
- Added categories to group urls
- Added filter for author url
- Fixed regex for jpeg images.
- Fixed svn commit.
- Changed deploy mechanism.
- Fixed wrong image regex.
- Fixed image compression.
- Added wraith.
- Fixed wrong empty title check.
Added sizes param to feedzy_thumb_output.
Dont show items with empty title.
Fixed is_new when pro is active.
Fixed redundant auto options.
Fixed auto option in widget for image option.
Added feedzy_feed_timestamp filter.
Fixed issue with edge cases feed urls.
Fixed error when using [] on string vars.
- Fixed issue with google news feeds
- Release 3.0.4
Added compatibility with the new pro options
Added new documentation help
Added legacy filters and functions
- Added default image class back
- Fixed html markup error
- Release 3.0.0 version