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File metadata and controls

192 lines (158 loc) · 3.18 KB

Examples for hooking an API(s).

var ExitProcess = new ApiHook();
ExitProcess.OnCallBack = function (API,ret) {


	var ExitCode = Emu.isx64 ? Emu.ReadReg(REG_RCX) : Emu.pop();



	return true; // true if you handle it false if you want Cmulator to handle it and set PC .

ExitProcess.install('kernel32.dll', 'FatalExit');
ExitProcess.install('kernel32.dll', 'ExitProcess');
ExitProcess.install('ntdll.dll', 'RtlExitUserThread');
ExitProcess.install('ntdll.dll', 'RtlExitUserProcess');
ExitProcess.install('ucrtbase.dll', 'exit');
ExitProcess.install('ucrtbase.dll', '_Exit');

A good use of args prop.

var sprintf = new ApiHook();
int WINAPIV wsprintf(
  LPSTR  ,
sprintf.OnCallBack = function ( API, ret) {

	sprintf.args[0] = Emu.isx64 ? Emu.ReadReg(REG_RCX) : Emu.ReadDword(Emu.ReadReg(REG_ESP) + 4);
	sprintf.args[1] = Emu.isx64 ? Emu.ReadReg(REG_RCX) : Emu.ReadDword(Emu.ReadReg(REG_ESP) + 8);

	Emu.HexDump(sprintf.args[0], 16);
	Emu.HexDump(sprintf.args[1], 16);

	// i think implementing this in JS is hard 
	// so just let the library handle it :D 
	return true; // we handled the Stack and other things :D .

sprintf.OnExit = function(API){

	var buffer = sprintf.args[0];
	var Format = sprintf.args[1];

	Emu.HexDump(buffer, 16);
	Emu.HexDump(Format, 16);

	warn("{0}(0x{1},'{2}') ".format(,

sprintf.install('user32.dll', 'wsprintfA');
sprintf.install('user32.dll', 'wsprintfW');

ApiHook Class

 * @class ApiHook
declare class ApiHook{
	 * Creates an instance of ApiHook.
	 * @memberof ApiHook

	 * @param {Api} API
	 * @param {number} ret
	 * @returns {boolean} boolean
	 * @memberof ApiHook
	public OnCallBack: (arg0: Api, ret: number) => boolean;

	 * @param {string} LibraryName
	 * @param {string} ApiName
	 * @returns {boolean} boolean
	 * @memberof ApiHook
	public install(LibraryName: string, ApiName: string): boolean;
	 * @param {string} LibraryName
	 * @param {number} Ordinal
	 * @returns {boolean} boolean
	 * @memberof ApiHook
	public install(LibraryName: string, Ordinal : number): boolean;

 * @class Api
declare class Api {

	 * Get the name of current API.
	 * @type {String}
	 * @memberof Api
	public name: String;

 * @interface Emu
declare interface Emu {

	 * Is Current PE x64 .
	 * @type {boolean}
	 * @memberof Emu
	public isx64 : boolean;

	 * Read X86 Register
	 * @param {number} Register - REG_{RegName}
	 * @memberof Emu
	public ReadReg(Register : number) : number;

	 * Set Register Value .
	 * @param {number} Register
	 * @param {number} Value
	 * @returns {boolean}
	 * @memberof Emu
	public SetReg(Register : number, Value : number) : boolean;

	 * return the top of Stack 
	 * and Add 4 or 8 to Stack Pointer 
	 * @returns {number}
	 * @memberof Emu
	public pop() : number;

	 * Strop the Cmulator .
	 * @memberof Emu
	public Stop(); void;