An input JSON file includes all genomic data files, parameters and metadata for running pipelines. Our pipeline will use default values if they are not defined in an input JSON file. We provide a set of template JSON files: minimum and full. We recommend to use a minimum template instead of full one. A full template includes all parameters of the pipeline with default values defined.
Mandatory parameters:
Pipeline type
for ATAC-seq ordnase
for DNase-seq.
Experiment title/description
: experiment title for a final HTML report.atac.description
: experiment description for a final HTML report.
Read endedness
if ALL replicates are paired-ended.- (Optional)
: For samples with mixed read ends, you can define read endedness for each biological replicate (e.g.[true, false]
means paired-ended biorep-1 and single-ended biorep-2).
Reference genome
: Use[GENOME]_caper.tsv
.- Supported
s: are hg38, mm10, hg19 and mm9. - We provide a genome TSV file that defines all genome-specific parameters and reference data files. Caper will automatically download big reference data files from our ENCODE repository.
- However, we also have reference data mirrors for some platforms (GCP, AWS, Sherlock, SCG, ...). On these platforms, you can use a different TSV file to prevent downloading such big reference data.
- To build a new TSV file from use your own FASTA (
) see this.
Input files and adapters
Important parameters
: Automatically detect some adapters and trim them in FASTQs.atac.multimapping
: Set it as 0 if you don't have multimapping reads. It's 4 by default.atac.read_len
: Array of Integers. Read length for each bio replicate. If you start from FASTQs simply forget about this parameter. Otherwise you want to get a TSS enrichment plot, then you must define it (e.g.[75, 50]
means 75 for rep1 and 50 for rep2).
- If your FASTQs/BAMs are big (>10GB) then try with higher resource settings, especially for memory (
- If your FASTQs/BAMs are big (>10GB) then try with higher resource settings, especially for memory (
Optional parameters:
Useful parameters
: Subsample reads. This will affect all downsteam analyses including peak-calling. It's 0 by default, which means no subsampling.
: Peak calling and its downstream analyses will be disabled. Useful if you just want to align your FASTQs into filtered BAMs/TAG-ALIGNs and don't want to call peaks on them.atac.true_rep_only
: Disable pseudo replicate generation and all related analyses
IMPORTANT: Our pipeline considers a replicate (
) as a biological replicate. You can still define technical replicates for each bio replicate. Tech replicates will be merged together to make a single FASTQ for each bio replicate.
IMPORTANT: Our pipeline supports up to 10 bio replicates.
IMPORTANT: Our pipeline has cross-validation analyses (IDR/overlap) comparing every pair of all replicates. Number of tasks for such analyses will be like nC2. This number will be 45 for 10 bio replicates. It's recommended to keep number of replicates <= 4.
Pipeline can start from any of the following data types (FASTQ, BAM, NODUP_BAM and TAG-ALIGN).
Starting from FASTQs
Technical replicates for each bio-rep will be MERGED in the very early stage of the pipeline. Each read end R1 and R2 have separate arrays
. Do not define R2 array for single-ended replicates. -
Example of 3 paired-ended biological replicates and 2 technical replicates for each bio rep. Two technical replicates
for each bio replicate will be merged.{ "atac.paired_end" : true, "atac.fastqs_rep1_R1" : ["BIOREP1_TECHREP1.R1.fq.gz", "BIOREP1_TECHREP2.R1.fq.gz"], "atac.fastqs_rep1_R2" : ["BIOREP1_TECHREP1.R2.fq.gz", "BIOREP1_TECHREP2.R2.fq.gz"], "atac.fastqs_rep2_R1" : ["BIOREP2_TECHREP1.R1.fq.gz", "BIOREP2_TECHREP2.R1.fq.gz"], "atac.fastqs_rep2_R2" : ["BIOREP2_TECHREP1.R2.fq.gz", "BIOREP2_TECHREP2.R2.fq.gz"], "atac.fastqs_rep3_R1" : ["BIOREP3_TECHREP1.R1.fq.gz", "BIOREP3_TECHREP2.R1.fq.gz"], "atac.fastqs_rep3_R2" : ["BIOREP3_TECHREP1.R2.fq.gz", "BIOREP3_TECHREP2.R2.fq.gz"] }
Starting from BAMs
- Define a BAM for each replicate. Our pipeline does not determine read endedness from a BAM file. You need to explicitly define read endedness.
- Example of 3 singled-ended replicates.
{ "atac.paired_end" : false, "atac.bams" : ["rep1.bam", "rep2.bam", "rep3.bam"] }
Starting from filtered/deduped BAMs
- Define a filtered/deduped BAM for each replicate. Our pipeline does not determine read endedness from a BAM file. You need to explicitly define read endedness. These BAMs should not have unmapped reads or duplicates.
- Example of 2 singled-ended replicates.
{ "atac.paired_end" : false, "atac.nodup_bams" : ["rep1.nodup.bam", "rep2.nodup.bam"] }
Starting from TAG-ALIGN BEDs
Define a TAG-ALIGN for each replicate. Our pipeline does not determine read endedness from a TAG-ALIGN file. You need to explicitly define read endedness.
Example of 4 paired-ended replicates.
{ "atac.paired_end" : true, "atac.tas" : ["rep1.tagAlign.gz", "rep2.tagAlign.gz", "rep3.tagAlign.gz", "rep3.tagAlign.gz"] }
You can also mix up different data types for individual bio replicate. For example, pipeline can start from FASTQs for rep1 (SE) and rep3 (PE), BAMs for rep2 (SE), NODUP_BAMs for rep4 (SE) and TAG-ALIGNs for rep5 (PE).
"atac.paired_ends" : [false, false, true, false, true],
"atac.fastqs_rep1_R1" : ["rep1.fastq.gz"],
"atac.fastqs_rep3_R1" : ["rep3.R1.fastq.gz"],
"atac.fastqs_rep3_R2" : ["rep3.R2.fastq.gz"],
"atac.bams" : [null, "rep2.bam", null, null, null],
"atac.nodup_bams" : [null, null, null, "rep4.nodup.bam", null],
"atac.tas" : [null, null, null, null, "rep5.tagAlign.gz"]
Using automatic adapter detection
: Our pipeline can detect the following adpaters automatically from FASTQs.- Illumina:
- Nextera:
- smallRNA:
- Illumina:
Define an adapter for ALL FASTQs
: This string will be used for ALL FASTQs unless you define an adapter individually for each FASTQ. Automatic adapter detection will be disabled.
Define an adapter individually for each FASTQ.
: You need to keep the same structure between two arrays (adapters and FASTQs). -
The following is the same 3-bio-rep-2-tech-rep example used in the previous section. Since adapters for bio-rep 2 are blank. Pipeline will not trim adapters for these bio-rep 2 FASTQs unless you turn on the auto-detect-adapter flag (
)."atac.adapters_rep1_R1" : ["AAAAAAAAAA", "CCCCCCCCCC"], "atac.adapters_rep1_R2" : ["TTTTTTTTTT", "GGGGGGGGGG"], "atac.adapters_rep2_R1" : ["", ""], "atac.adapters_rep2_R2" : ["", ""], "atac.adapters_rep3_R1" : ["AAAAAAAAAA", "CCCCCCCCCC"], "atac.adapters_rep3_R2" : ["TTTTTTTTTT", "GGGGGGGGGG"],
WARNING: It is recommened not to change the following parameters unless you get resource-related errors for a certain task and you want to increase resources for such task. The following parameters are provided for users who want to run our pipeline with Caper's
on HPCs and 2).
Resources defined here are PER BIO REPLICATE. Therefore, total number of cores will be approximately atac.align_cpu
because align
is a bottlenecking task of the pipeline. This total number of cores will be useful ONLY when you use a local
backend of Caper and manually qsub
or sbatch
your job. disks
is used for Google Cloud and DNAnexus only.
Parameter | Default |
atac.align_cpu |
4 |
atac.align_mem_mb |
20000 |
atac.align_time_hr |
48 |
atac.align_disks |
local-disk 400 HDD |
Parameter | Default |
atac.filter_cpu |
2 |
atac.filter_mem_mb |
20000 |
atac.filter_time_hr |
24 |
atac.filter_disks |
local-disk 400 HDD |
Parameter | Default |
atac.bam2ta_cpu |
2 |
atac.bam2ta_mem_mb |
10000 |
atac.bam2ta_time_hr |
6 |
atac.bam2ta_disks |
local-disk 100 HDD |
Parameter | Default |
atac.spr_mem_mb |
16000 |
Parameter | Default |
atac.jsd_cpu |
2 |
atac.jsd_mem_mb |
12000 |
atac.jsd_time_hr |
6 |
atac.jsd_disks |
local-disk 200 HDD |
Parameter | Default |
atac.xcor_cpu |
2 |
atac.xcor_mem_mb |
16000 |
atac.xcor_time_hr |
6 |
atac.xcor_disks |
local-disk 100 HDD |
Parameter | Default |
atac.call_peak_cpu |
1 |
atac.call_peak_mem_mb |
16000 |
atac.call_peak_time_hr |
24 |
atac.call_peak_disks |
local-disk 200 HDD |
Parameter | Default |
atac.macs2_signal_track_mem_mb |
16000 |
atac.macs2_signal_track_time_hr |
24 |
atac.macs2_signal_track_disks |
local-disk 400 HDD |
Parameter | Default |
atac.preseq_mem_mb |
16000 |
IMPORTANT: If you see memory Java errors, check the following resource parameters.
There are special parameters to control maximum Java heap memory (e.g. java -Xmx4G
) for Picard tools. They are strings including size units. Such string will be directly appended to Java's parameter -Xmx
Parameter | Default |
atac.filter_picard_java_heap |
4G |
atac.preseq_picard_java_heap |
6G |
atac.fraglen_stat_picard_java_heap |
6G |
atac.gc_bias_picard_java_heap |
6G |