We use conda and renv for managing necessary packages. Note: we recommend using mamba instead of base conda to speed up download times. If mamba is not available, conda should still work.
Install the required packages via conda/mamba:
# The repo directory.
# Install environment using Mamba. Replace 'mamba' with 'conda' if mamba not available.
mamba env create --name sc_diff_expr --file ${REPO_MODULE}/env/environment.yml
# Activate the new Conda environment.
source activate sc_diff_expr
# To update environment file:
#conda env export --no-builds | grep -v prefix | grep -v name > environment.yml
We install base R through the conda environment, but for R package management we use renv
. renv
is installed through the conda file, so we just need to load the rest of the R packages.
cd ${REPO_MODULE}/env
Now, we load the necessary packages using renv
# renv::restore() will load packages detailed in renv.lock file
renv::restore(lockfile = 'renv.lock')
# It will ask whether or not to activate a profile. If you choose 'No', a profile will be activated in home directory. If you press 'Yes', the profile will activate in current directory.
# You can specify location of profile (location of cache to download packages) like:
renv::restore(lockfile = 'renv.lock', project='/path/to/cache/dir')
As an FYI, to build a renv
# initialize renv
# update renv after installing any packages
# add renv.lock to git. Note: Do not add .Rprofile and renv/activate.R to git. This will force R to use the renv directory and not conda meaning the packages will not work in the pipeline.
If renv
does not work, the packages are listed in rpackage_details.txt and can be manually installed with:
Alternatively, we use the Docker image of the environment https://hub.docker.com/repository/docker/letaylor/sc_nf_diffexpression.