java Schema2Proto [OPTIONS] XSDFILE
Generate proto files from xsd file. Either --configFile or --outputDirectory must be specified.
--configFile <outputFilename> name of configfile specifying these parameters (instead
of supplying them on the command line)
--customImportLocations <folder1,folder2,...> root folder for additional imports
--customImports <filename1,filename2,...> add additional imports
--customNameMappings <cake:kake,...> translate message and field names
--customTypeMappings <a:b,x:y> represent schema types as specific output types
--defaultProtoPackage <NAME> default proto package of the output file if no xsd
target defaultProtoPackage is specified
--derivationBySubsumption <true|false> enable derivation by subsumption
--failIfRemovedFields <true|false> when using backwards compatibility check via proto.lock
file, fail if proto fields are removed
--forceProtoPackage <NAME> force all types in this package
--ignoreOutputFields <packageName1/messageName1/fieldName1, packageName2/...> output field names to ignore
--includeFieldDocs <true|false> include documentation for fields in output, defaults to
--includeMessageDocs <true|false> include documentation of messages in output, defaults to
--includeSourceLocationInDoc <true|false> include xsd source location relative to source xsd file
in docs, defaults to false
--includeValidationRules <true|false> generate envoypropxy/protoc-gen-validate validation
rules from xsd rules
--includeXsdOptions <true|false> include message options describing the xsd type
--inheritanceToComposition <true|false> define each xsd extension base level as a message field
instead of copying all inherited fields
--options <option1name:option1value,...> add custom options to each protofile, ie
--outputDirectory <DIRECTORYNAME> path to output folder
--outputFilename <FILENAME> name of output file
--protoLockFile <FILENAME> Full path to proto.lock file
--skipEmptyTypeInheritance <true|false> skip types just redefining other types with a different
Each parameter is explained in the example config file. The parameters have identical name on the command line as well as in the config file.