At least two peer-reviewed publications or conference presentations
- A multidisciplinary survey of theoretical models of work within organizations and the ways that open source software development complicates them
- Public dissemination of open source software used to determine open source community health and sustainability
- Archiving and documentation of repository health and sustainability extracted from Github trace data
- Review of health and sustainability (Theory Heavy)
- Metrics in the past
- How people do this (CII Census project (core infrastructure white paper))
- Signaling theory ??
- Venue: Possibly MISQ or ISR, especially if we frame it through the lens of signaling theory.
- Paper can be viewed and edited on OneDrive
- Guzdial chart outlining paper
- Initial empirical exploration of health and sustainability (Empirical Heavy)
- Hermeneutic circle for the sense making
- Continue to do interviews and outreach
- Asking individuals what they think of as health and sustainability
- What measures and indicators are relevant
- Simultaneously, we are developing systems around these indicators
- We build these out, then run them past informants and use that insight to iterate the indicators, as well as our understanding of what "health and sustainability means"
- for the 3 use cases
- Continue to do interviews and outreach
- Three use cases
- Releasing internal IP as an OSS Project
- Using open source and bringing it in as part of your own internal innovation stream
- You're a foundation, and you're looking to onboard an open source community or help manage the communities you are currently brokering.
- Possibly Fourth Use Case: Understanding the uptake, use, and participation of individual in open source software projects.
- Venue: ACM
- Paper can be viewed and edited on OneDrive
- Guzdial chart outlining paper
- Hermeneutic circle for the sense making
- Multidisciplinary Survey: Short descriptions of the theoretical models. Possibly a classification of the research models. Possibly a framework that relates the theoretical models. Possibly a list of open research questions. (Overall Heaviest Paper: Theory and Empirical Work)
- The work of people and companies in communities
- Changing nature of work ?? Kind ..
- Venue: ISR or MISQ
- Possibly about these communities and the integration of things within communities .. figuring out how work has changed until today ... not about now or looking into the future ...
- Changing nature of work : These are longer pole questions, IMHO ... Kate offered for us to connect with Fossology, and .. perhaps the third paper is about the changing nature of work from a case perspective ... perhaps as a case study of Fossology ..
- Zephyr community may be another candidate, in addition to Fossology ..
- Paper can be viewed and edited on OneDrive
- Guzdial chart outlining paper
- Point metrics across GitHub ecosystem and identify recurring patterns
- Our goal is to create synergies between the Sloan project and the control paper
- Central to our thinking are brokers, which we understand in two ways
- platform as a broker that enables recursive publics, example: Linux Foundation, Reddit
- Could we call this the 'ecosystem' perspective?
- people (group of people) as a broker between otherwise disconnected groups, example: people in the Linux Foundation that talk to more than one community
- A social network perspective
- platform as a broker that enables recursive publics, example: Linux Foundation, Reddit
- Control in open environments
- Control literature is not yet adapted to environments where controls have to account for people who have the freedom to leave at any time and choose what they want to do in recursive public.
- Dynamic and balance of control in open environments
- Contro literature is mostly a snapshot of the control mechanisms in place and we would contribute an account for how controls are changing over time, uncovering the dynamics at play and the balance that community members strive for.
- Control in the inception and evolution of an open source community
- Control literature is exclusively on existing systems and we would for the first time introduce control from the inception of a community and how the controls evolve.
- Control between communities in an open environment
- Control literature does not yet understand how control between communities works.
- Focus on contributions 1-3
- In-depth case study of the LF OSS Health Group
- Source of data: Interviews, history in Wiki and Mailing list, and artifacts produced by the group
- Research question: What are the controls and operations?
- Sub-research question 1 (Dynamics): How do the controls change and are balanced?
- Thought: Maybe we can empirically show early in the paper that controls in open environments exist and are an interesting phenomenon. Then we transition to the in-depth case study to uncover the complexity of the controls.
- Paper can be viewed and edited on OneDrive
- After 1st year of OSS Health Group, because this information is not yet available
- Focus on contribution 1, 2, and 4
- Cross-case analysis of more than one community that are related/interacting
- Source of data: Interviews (why?), and mining software repositories (how?)
- Sometimes people disappear from a project but that is probably not documented but can be the result of deliberate intentions of some community member(s)
- We would conceptualize metrics regarding control
- Research question: What are the controls and operations?
- Sub-research question (between): What are the control tensions and control contradictions
Information and Intelligent Systems (IIS): Core Programs: Information Integration and Informatics (III)
- Due: October 12, 2017
- Rationale: The program is for endeavors that take on the size, diversity, and complexity of data in any application. One area with increasing data is the open source ecosystem, with 57+ million projects on GitHub and an economic value exceeding US-$5 billion. OSS Health breaks down the open source ecosystem data and develops value-driven metrics so that practitioners can exploit the data effectively. OSS Health can make contributions to several stages of the full knowledge lifecycle, including "acquisition, selection, storage, display, and preservation, use, and re-use of data, information, and knowledge for decision-making and action."
- Due: August 18, 2017 and January 18, 2018
- Rationale: The "program supports scientific research directed at increasing the understanding and effectiveness of decision making by individuals, groups, organizations, and society." OSS Health investigates how decisions relating to open source health are informed by metrics and how the use of metrics affects decision making.
Research on the Science and Technology Enterprise: Statistics and Surveys - R&D, U.S. S&T Competitiveness, STEM Education, S&T Workforce
- Due: January 16, 2018
- Rationale: NCSES welcomes efforts by the research community to create and improve indicators of S&T activities and resources, and strengthen methodologies to analyze and disseminate S&T statistical data. OSS Health is a research effort to create and improve indicators of open source ecosystem activities and resources. The OSS Health project develops methodologies for analyzing and disseminating open source ecosystem statistical data.
- Due: October 18, 2017 (preliminary proposal)
- Due: June 21, 2017 / December 20, 2017 (full proposal)
- Rationale: The program financially supports research centers build a long-term partnership between industry, academe, and government. OSS Health is a center that connects with the Linux Foundation and open source engaged companies in industry, as well as with the University of Nebraska at Omaha and the University of Missouri. Maybe is interested in partnering with OSS Health.
- Due: September 5, 2017
- Rationale: The program funds research that advances our fundamental understanding of how organizations develop, form and operate. OSS Health investigates open source projects as a special form of organization that includes systems of coordination, management, and governance. Our contribution to control theory aligns well with this program.