A bit of information here about the CSS and JavaScript that is included with this plugin.
Included are a number of third-party assets such as jQuery plugins, with corresponding stylesheets. These assets files have been changed from their original names to something generic describing their function. The thought behind the renaming is that new assets can be enqueued, for instance, replacing the lightbox JavaScript with another, without having to change the file names in the enqueue functions. However, the original names will remain intact inside the files, as the were downloaded, and the original names are are described below.
The following list of products are ready to use. Some are enabled at all times, some are enabled by default but can be disabled, and others are opt in by setting or by your custom development.
"Lightbox script for displaying images, videos and more." https://github.com/fancyapps/fancybox
"The last carousel you'll ever need." https://github.com/kenwheeler/slick
"Yet another jQuery plugin for tabs." https://github.com/vdw/Tabslet
"Flexible, extensible, and modern tooltips." https://github.com/iamceege/tooltipster
"For creating smart sticky elements." https://github.com/leafo/sticky-kit
"For fluid width video embeds." https://github.com/davatron5000/FitVids.js
"A jQuery plugin for inflating web type." https://github.com/davatron5000/FitText.js
"A lightweight, easy to use Javascript <span>
injector for radical Web Typography."