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1092 lines (776 loc) · 53.7 KB

File metadata and controls

1092 lines (776 loc) · 53.7 KB


All notable changes to this project will be documented in this file.

The format is based on Keep a Changelog, and this project adheres to Semantic Versioning.

[0.14.0] - 2024-09-26

This release enables creation of complex documentation pages, with storybook compatible formats. It has two main features - MDX support for adding react components to your documentation pages, and Snippet Previews - a system for using Handoff's existing html build process to create complex component previews.


  • MDX Support Support for MDX files in Handoff Documentation App
    • MDX Files Markdown files with react components
    • Any react component can be imported
    • Handoff exposes a number of custom react components that you can use in MDX pages to build
  • Snippet Previews Create html snippets that will render as a preview with html, js, css and sass code below the preview
    • Place a file ending with .html in the /integration/snippets file or run the make:snippet [name] cli command
    • Handoff will detect the file and make it available to the SnippetPreview component
    • If Handoff detects a snippet file ending in js or scss, with the same name as the html file, Handoff will automatically use webpack and node-sass to build those files and make the compiled code available to html template.
    • If Handoff detects a css file with the same name, it will use that file for styling the preview
      • The html file is a Mustache template. At present there are two variables that can be used in these files
      • {{{style}}} a compressed inline style of either the compiled sass code or the raw css code provided.
      • {{{script}}} a compressed inline script of the output of the js compilation
    • In your MDX files you can display the snippets using SnippetPreview. This component accepts 2 - 3 properties, plus a react fragment as the children.
      • title accepts a string as the h2 title. Set to false or exclude if you don't want it
      • id is the name of your snippet {name}.html The snippet will load dynamical
      • height accepts a string to set the height of the preview. If you leave it off, Handoff will set the height of the preview automatically from the contents of the snippet.
<SnippetPreview title="A Testimonial Component" id="testimonial" height="725px">
  <p>Render a testimonial inline with other content.</p>

Additional CLI Commands

  • build:snippets <name> will either rebuild all the snippets for you, or if an optional name is passed, will rebuild a single snippet
  • rename:snippet <source> <destination> will rename a snippet and its js and scss files


  • Fixes a bug introduced in 0.13.0 where the integration preprocess would try to execute handlebars insertion even on non text files
  • Fixes a bug in the foundation page templates where the markdown would be included outside of the section wrapper
  • Fixes a bug in the start command where every doc page would be flagged as changed on watch.

[0.13.2] - 2024-09-18

This release addresses several developer experience issues


  • When an integration compiles SASS code, the token injection was injecting components that had no instances in Figma. This causes integrations to fail if the designer had published a component, but not annotated them in Figma with the plugin. This release checks to see if the component has any instances in the Figma export and skips injection for components that are not yet annotated in Figma
  • When running eject:integration or make:integration the default integration is exported, but it is not built. This causes a weird developer experience if you try to build:app without build:integration first. This patch adds the build:integration logic to execute after eject or make as well as before build:app to ensure that if an integration exists, the integration is built before building or serving the app
  • If an an build:app fails while building the integration preview sass code the error messages were not clear, and didn't explain that you could use --debug to make them more clear. The error message has been improved and now alerts users to the --debug flag to help them debug their integration.
  • When ejecting an integration with the --force flag, the force now triggers an overwrite rather than failing.

[0.13.1] - 2024-09-17

This release fixes a couple of small path issues that affect running 0.13.0 from the global path.


  • Fix a path issue in the ComponentDesignTokens component that causes an error when run from the global namespace
  • Prevents typescript compile errors with the react-scroll <Link> component

[0.13.0] - 2024-09-08


  • Integration System Overhaul

    • Local Integrations Only: From this release onward, only local (ejected) integrations are supported. Handoff will automatically use the locally found integration.
      • Create a new local integration using handoff-app make:integration (or eject:integration which is still supported as an alias).
      • Since there is no need to specify integration information, integration options in handoff.config.json such as name and version are no longer recognized, making the integration section of handoff.config.json obsolete.
    • Introduction of integration.config.json:
      • This new file replaces the old figma.options section in handoff.config.json as well as all transformer related options within the legacy schemas as this file now contains all integration-specific details, including those options previously managed manually across different places.
      • This change leaves the figma.options section in handoff.config.json no longer supported and also means that all transformer options have been removed from legacy schemas (exportables), rendering this section no longer supported as well.
    • Documentation App Configuration Changes:
      • View of the component pages is now managed from within the integration(s), more specifically within the newly introduced view.config.json files, located in the respective component’s directory within the integration’s templates folder.
      • As a result the demo options section in all legacy schemas has now been removed and is no longer supported by Handoff.
  • Legacy Schema Updates

    • Local Schema Requirement: Legacy schemas (exportables) are now only supported if ejected. The use_legacy_definitions option in handoff.config.json is no longer supported.
    • Automatic Schema Consumption: Handoff now automatically consumes all locally found schemas. The figma.definitions section in handoff.config.json is deprecated.

Upgrading from Earlier Releases

  • For Projects with Local Integrations:
    1. Temporarily rename your current local integration directory.
    2. Create a new local integration using handoff-app make:integration.
    3. Transfer the contents from your old integration (excluding integration.config.json) to the new directory (merge).
    4. Update options in integration.config.json if needed.
    5. Remove the old integration directory.
  • For Projects Without Local Integrations:
    1. Create a new local integration using handoff-app make:integration. This will use a Bootstrap 5.3 template.
    2. If previously using Bootstrap 5.2, update the integration contents accordingly. Bootstrap 5.2 template.
    3. Update integration.config.json options if necessary.
  • For Projects with Legacy Schemas:
    1. Eject legacy schemas using handoff-app eject:exportables.
    2. If schemas are already ejected:
    • Verify that transformer options are in integration.config.json.
    • Verify that demo options are in view.config.json files of respective components.
    • Temporarily rename the directory containing legacy schemas.
    • Re-eject schemas and move custom schemas into the new exportables.
    • Optionally, update custom schemas to remove obsolete options.
  • For Projects with handoff.config.json:
    1. Merge options from figma.options to the integration.config.json file as necessary.
    2. Optionally remove deprecated sections: figma.options, figma.definitions, figma, integration, and use_legacy_definitions.

[0.12.2] - 2024-08-21


  • Integration bundle used for the docs app is no longer being built during fetch and build:integration steps.

[0.12.1] - 2024-06-18


  • Added support for the cssRootClass property in the Handoff Figma plugin metadata.


  • Enhanced handling of unnamed parts, resolving visibility issues in the documentation previews.

[0.12.0] - 2024-06-11


  • All environment variables now contain the HANDOFF_ prefix.
    • After updating to version 0.12.0, all environment variables need to be updated to reflect the new variable names:
  • The default integration is no longer pre-defined.
    • Bootstrap 5.3 is no longer set as the default integration.
    • To continue using the Bootstrap 5.3 integration in your project, ensure the configuration is ejected (handoff-app eject:config) and update it by setting the integration property to {name: 'bootstrap', version: '5.3'}.
  • All default options specified in the configuration that are used by the exporter and transformer have been removed.
    • To continue using the defaults present before the 0.12.0 release, ensure the configuration is ejected (handoff-app eject:config) and update the figma.options property to the previous default value.
  • The logo placeholder copy showing spacing and orientation has been removed allowing users to add custom content via Markdown.


  • Handoff now appends to existing .env files instead of overriding them if the file already exists.
  • Introduced normalization of numeric values in .css and .scss files, along with correct indentations. This ensures that the generated files are valid for any local linting tools your project might use.
  • Configuration ejected by the handoff-app eject:integration command is now the same as the one ejected by the handoff-app eject:config command.
  • Handoff no longer uses the iframe-resizer package.
  • Resolved potential security issues by updating to newer versions of the axios and next packages.

[0.11.0] - 2024-05-23


  • Issue that was causing the handoff-app start command to malfunction has been fixed.
  • The Reference error: name is not defined issue that occurred when a component specified in the schema was missing from the Figma file has been resolved. The name reference has been replaced with a correct identifier.
  • Icon sizes have been corrected.


  • Integration with Handoff Figma Plugin: This release now seamlessly integrates with the Handoff Figma Plugin by default.
    • As a result, the local schema will not be used by default.
    • If you prefer to continue using local schemas, set USE_HANDOFF_PLUGIN="FALSE" in your .env file.
  • Internal module working directory has been relocated from ./src to ./.handoff

[0.10.0] - 2024-01-16


  • Docs App:
    • Updated docs app to present components without associated content and assets more elegantly.
    • Improved the component pages by showing only the "Tokens" tab when no previews are detected; the "Overview" tab is hidden in such cases.
  • Configuration Handling:
    • Eliminated the need for handoff.state.json file.
    • All required parameters are now passed to the docs app through environment variables (process.env), defined in the project's respective next.config.js file.
    • Replaced getConfig with the more secure getClientConfig function.
    • New function returns only configurations that can be safely exposed on the client side.


  • Handoff Figma Plugin Support:
    • Introduced initial support for the Handoff Figma Plugin.
    • Currently an opt-in feature as development is ongoing.
    • Can be enabled by setting USE_HANDOFF_PLUGIN="TRUE" in your .env file.
    • This functionality allows Handoff to extract metadata directly from the Figma file. Local JSON definitions are completely ignored in this case.
    • Will become the default behavior in the 1.0.0 release!
  • Deprecation Notice:
    • Deprecated local exportable component JSON definitions.
    • Still usable, but will be completely removed and ignored before the 1.0.0 release.
    • Components, parts, and related definitions should be defined with the Handoff Figma Plugin prior to the 1.0.0 release.

[0.9.3] - 2023-11-23


  • It's now possible to declare conditions for exportable component parts. Condition dictates should the part be built based on provided condition (e.g. does a specific variant property have a certain value etc.).
  • Handoff will now process all component sets found within the frame in which the component set that matches the search is found. Previously it was limited to process only one (first) extra component set while others were ignored.


  • Component preview title will no longer default to the value of the first variant property if no distinctive value is found. Empty value is now used instead.


  • Update of the app source will now update the watched app without having to restart the watch process (issue introduced in version 0.9.0).

[0.9.2] - 2023-11-21


  • Handoff now supports both personal access and OAuth2 bearer tokens. If Handoff detects that a access token used starts with "Bearer " it will use the Authorization header to send the token as part of any Figma API request. In any other case, X-Figma-Token header will be used.

[0.9.1] - 2023-11-14


  • Footer component has been brought back into the app and is now visible on all pages.
  • Introduced token maps export feature which exports generated tokens alongside their respective values in form in JSON files (key/value object). Tokens for individual components/foundations are exported into the tokens/maps directory of the designated export directory as individual files while the tokens-map file, which contains all available tokens, gets exported into the designated export directory root.


  • Added additional logging into the app's next.config.js file alongside improved path resolving for custom themes.


  • Updated the .npmignore file to reflect latest .gitignore changes made in the last release.

[0.9.0] - 2023-11-10

This release focuses heavily on better support for environments on which multiple projects are being exported and built. All of the changes introduced in this release should provide better experience when working on such environments as well as resolve some of the issues which would occur when different projects would use same working directories.


  • Handoff exports and builds are now updated to support export and build of multiple projects. Each respective output is now located in the subdirectory that matches the exported project id (e.g. /exports/{figmaProjectId}). This change prevents issues where one project would override handoff output of another project in environments where multiple Figma projects are being handled.
  • Due to the change in the output directory structure, Bootstrap integration has been updated with a @exported alias which is set to point to export directory of the current project for which the integration is being built.
  • Alongside existing support for customized app assets via the public directory, it’s now also possible to create a public-{figmaProjectId} directory which gets used only when the project with the respective Figma project id is being built. If the public directory is used, assets located in that directory will be applied to all projects.
  • Handoff state file now always includes the Figma project id.
  • Initial anonymization of the config file that gets loaded into the app to prevent secrets from being exposed on the client side.
  • Improvements to path resolving for custom app theme(s).
  • Restructure and improvements of the configuration:
    • poweredBy option is now called attribution and has been moved into app config key.
    • next_base_path option is now called base_path and has been moved into the app config key.
    • Following options have also been moved into the app config key: theme, title, client, google_tag_manager, type_copy, type_sort, color_sort, component_sort
    • logo and favicon options have been removed (it’s still possible to use custom assets but their name must match the default names).
  • Misc.


  • Resolved the wrong favicon path issue when app base path was set/used.

Migrate to a New Version

  • Due to the restructure of the configuration, any local configuration (if exists) needs to be updated to match the new structure. Recommended way is to create a backup of the current local configuration(s) and to re-eject of the handoff configuration. Use the backup of the local configuration to update the up-to-date configuration ejected earlier. This process will ensure all the configuration options are defined correctly.
  • Since the export and app output directory structures have been updated, any custom script that relies on the old output path(s) should be updated to support new structure that includes the project id subdirectory.

[0.8.8] - 2023-10-19


  • Fixed the issue build client file issue introduced in the 0.8.7 version.


  • Replaced the wrong date for the 0.8.7 release in the changelog with the correct one.

[0.8.7] - 2023-10-19


  • Improved the way in which the handoff state is being utilized to prevent concurrency issues from occurring.
  • Improved path resolving across the project to prevent issues with wrong export directory being used from occurring.
  • Added more options to easily adjust some of the build process steps.
  • General quality improvements.

[0.8.6] - 2023-10-12


  • Introduced cleanup prior to copying the integration files to the destination directory. This resolves the issue where deleted integration source files would still be present in the destination directory after running the integration build command.
  • Resolved a issue introduced in one of the prior releases where the design token name (variable) rendered in the tooltip of the design token value wasn't being displayed correctly.

[0.8.5] - 2023-10-05

Miscellaneous improvements to ejecting of integrations, integration handling and building of previews to make it easier for the exported integration to be included in a bootstrap project.

[0.8.4] - 2023-10-02

Handoff users reported a bug in handoff-app build:app last week. The bug didn't manifest in regression testing. This error was traced to typings in a dependency of next.


  • Nextjs released 13.5.x which has conflict with the handoff build. This release instructs package.json to stay with 13.4.x while the conflict is resolved.

[0.8.3] - 2023-09-27


  • Added support for custom export path. This allows anyone using Handoff app to specity a path into which a copy of the exported tokens should be placed simply by defining EXPORT_PATH within the .env file.


  • Better handling of ejected themes.

[0.8.2] - 2023-09-21


This release is focused on enabling Handoff users to disable any of the built in components (esentially prevent them from being exported). While this was possible in previous releases, it could cause issues when running the integration builds.

This improvements was achieved by:

  • Moving component specific SCSS variables into respective files which can be included (imported) when tokens used in those files are considered to be present.
  • Implementing the SCSS import tokens which enables the main SCSS integration file to use import tokens in place where the import statements for component tokens, maps and extensions would usually be placed. Import tokens get replaced with actual import statements during the integration build. Following import tokens are supported with this release:
    • //<#HANDOFF.MAPS#>

As a side effect, the node-sass-glob-importer package depenedency is no longer needed as there is no longer need for "globbing" to be used when doing imports of exported component tokens since //<#HANDOFF.TOKENS.TYPES#>, //<#HANDOFF.TOKENS.SASS#> and //<#HANDOFF.TOKENS.CSS#> import tokens now provide basically the same functionality.

Because of changes mentioned above, this release does require some modifications to the already ejected integrations in order for the project to be completely compatible with the new version of Handoff.

Here are the steps that need to be done:

1. Remove glob import statements and replace them with respective import tokens

Replace glob import lines with the respective import tokens. Note that design foundation tokens are manually imported as the tokens only handle imports related to the exported components.

Before the new release:

@import './exported/tokens/types/*';
@import './exported/tokens/sass/*';
@import './exported/tokens/css/*';

With the new release:

@import './exported/tokens/types/typography';
@import './exported/tokens/types/effects';
@import './exported/tokens/types/colors';
@import './exported/tokens/sass/typography';
@import './exported/tokens/sass/effects';
@import './exported/tokens/sass/colors';
@import './exported/tokens/css/typography';
@import './exported/tokens/css/effects';
@import './exported/tokens/css/colors';

2. Include the (exported) component specific variables by using HANDOFF.MAPS import token

Add the //<#HANDOFF.MAPS#> replace token below the @import 'variables' statement. This will ensure that all variables related to the exported (built-in) components are correctly loaded.

Before the new release:

$prefix: '';
@import 'variables';

With the new release:

$prefix: '';
@import 'variables';

3. Replace the imports statements used to extend default Bootstrap components with HANDOFF.EXTENSIONS import token

Replace all import statements used to extend the default Bootstrap components with the new //<#HANDOFF.EXTENSIONS#> import token to ensure that only those files that are related to the components that are actually being exported get imported.

Before the new release:

@import 'extended/alert';
@import 'extended/button';
@import 'extended/checkbox';

With the new release:


4. Eject the latest version of the integration used

Due to changes made to the variables.scss file and most of the scss files in the maps directory for the the Bootstrap version 5.2 and 5.3 interations, it's recommended to do a integration eject (after updating to Handoff 0.8.2) to ensure that your project continues to work correctly. Please remember to do a backup of your current work before doing this.


  • Updated the preview client build to not include the main SASS integration file as a extra integration in order to prevent redundant loading of the integration which caused the client bundle size to be double the size than it really needed to be while also causing few more issues in the new release where the styles wouldn't get applied correctly.

[0.8.1] - 2023-09-06


  • Updated Token interface so that all properties other than property or value are now moved to metadata.
  • Updates to reflect the changes made to the Token interface.
  • General improvements to code quality and consistency.

[0.8.0] - 2023-08-22

This release is focused primarily on improving the way Handoff fetches data from figma. These changes are subtle, and do not bring any major use experience change. As we used Handoff with a wider variety of Figma design systems, we noticed that the schemas couldn't quite capture all of the various component structures.

In Figma, every component has a set of properties. These are used for categorizing the component and declaring use and behavior. These are things like - type, theme, state etc. Handoff's schemas allowed you to choose which of those properties would be pulled from a component, but did not allow you to rename or declare custom properties. This is because these properties often create semantic or behavioral meaning.

This release allows you to name and configure these properties, and map them to the sematic or behavioral meaning. This allows designers to name things according to internal conventions, localize prop names, and declare new custom properties to ingest.


  • Exportable (JSON file) now has a updated syntax to share variant over multiple design components based on the variant props.
    • supportedVariantProps now accepts an object rather than an array. This object has two properties design and layout. Users should declare the props that should be pulled as an array of each of these props. The props should be the name as it is in Figma, not the old key names Handoff used to require.
    • The previous templates for css and scss token patterns have been removed in favor of tokenNameSegments. This a tokenized array of strings that allow you to generate token names for each component following a pattern.
    • In the demo section, under the tabs, you can now declare the default value for each property.
    • In the demo section, under designTokens you can explicitly declare all the values of a property to show on the demo page.
    • Previously you could do State(:disabled) which would automatically apply the "disabled" state to all design components, distinctive only by the theme (which means light theme would have one shared disabled state while dark theme would have a different one).
    • The update allows you to do this State(:disabled/Theme) which removes the need for us to know what the theme variant property is and to allow users to distinct over any variant property they have and desire.
    • This allows handoff to choose NOT to group/distinct by any variant property. Previously this was not possible as if there was a theme variant property present, it would be automatically used to group by it.
  • Paths for preview templates now account for all variant properties, but, if some of them are missing in the integration templates folder for the component, it will be dismissed and we will try starting from the next one (for example, if theme is not there as a folder, we will ignore it and proceed to the next variant prop and so on). This also removes the need for us to know what the theme variant property is as we don't need to filter them out based on if it's a theme variant prop or not.
  • Component titles in the app now have a smarter way of automatically determining the title of the preview component. This is achieved by looking into the filters used to display the previews of the components and decide which variant property you probably want to use in the name of the component preview.


  • Node Sass version has been locked at version 1.64.2. 1.65.0 introduces a breaking change and we need to update the maps before upgrading to it.


  • The repository readme has been rewritten to follow the standard npm readme format.

[0.7.4] - 2023-07-31


  • Allows handoff to load files from a public dir in the working root so that assets can be published to the app

[0.7.3] - 2023-07-31

This release allows custom theme files in the working directory to override the main theme


  • Added eject:theme which will eject the currently set theme into theme/main.scss
  • A new config theme has been added to allow toggling between themes. At present only a single default theme is provided
  • Improvements to cli help text


  • Removes unneeded template files from the root dir

[0.7.2] - 2023-07-31

This release improves existing functionalities and issue detected within the design system app.


  • Component style maps placed in integration/scss are now read in at build time allowing developers to provide custom scss mappings for components.
  • If a folder theme/main.scss is found in the working root of the project, that file will be included at build time to allow styling the app.
  • Globbing is now supported in scss integrations allowing more flexible ingest of component variables
  • Added make:page command to CLI for creating custom pages or editing existing pages
  • Adds a flattening algorithm when color blending on properties that do not support blending like color and border-color
  • Purge the app build cache when restarting the app to prevent cache from holding old copies of customized files.


  • Fixes a bug with a missing border-style property when fetching from figma
  • Resolves issues where scss files in custom integration were not read.

[0.7.1] - 2023-07-21

This release improves existing functionalities and issue detected within the design system app.


  • Added button to download AWS Style Dictionary tokens for exportables and foundations being colors, effects and typography. [CONVHAND-283]
  • Introduced DocumentationWithTokensProps interface to reduce redundancy in the codebase. [CONVHAND-283]
  • Added make:template command to CLI for creating custom templates


  • Ensures design system app didn't check the project path for defined exportables. [CONVHAND-285]
  • Ensures that individual design system app pages read locally defined exportables
  • Corrects bug in capitalization of autogenerated exportable
  • Fixes a typing bug in the app that would throw a build error when running without dependencies

[0.7.0] - 2023-07-14

This release introduces support for AWS Style Dictionaries - Style dictionary is a widely used token format that can be compiled down to a number of application formats using the AWS Style Dictionary CLI tool.

You will find the new style dictionary output in the exported artifact at ./exported/tokens/sd.


  • Added support for Style Dictionary export.
  • ValueProperty is now Token and it can now carry additional metadata (added isSupportedCssProperty metadata property).
  • All transformers now return data as the same TransformerOutput interface type. All other interfaces such as CssTransformerOutput and ScssTransformerOutput have been removed entirely.
  • Updated function and variable names to be more concise and provide more information about what they do.
  • Restructured the documentation app to use CSS variables in preparation for user theming. Following styles can be changed:
    • Global typography, header, side nav and anchor nav. Custom user theme examples coming in the next release.
  • General quality of life improvements.


  • Updated readme to correct quickstart guide for CLI
  • Fixes a bug where the integration is ejected but not read, even when the integration is set to custom.
  • Remove defunct default icons from top of assets page

[0.6.1] - 2023-06-28


  • Resolves an issue with level two paths in the app not rendering right
  • Resolves an issue if the project env is set to production but the app start mode is run

[0.6.0] - 2023-06-28

0.6.0 introduces two major new tools that will make it much easier to integrate Handoff with existing projects and data pipelines. This release also reorganizes the Handoff code to make the pipeline significantly more robust, easier to extend, and easier to use in existing projects. Our goal with this release is to establish a stable Typescript API as we approach a 1.0 release.


Handoff CLI

Handoff now comes with a CLI toolchain that allows you to run Handoff commands in any context. This CLI replaces the installer from previous versions to scaffold up projects in a directory.

  • Can be installed globally as a node binary npm i -g handoff-app
  • Run in any directory using handoff-app <command>
  • Will detect in the current working root and use that config if present
  • Has sane default configs that will work for normal projects
  • All configurations are sparse, so you can override a single config file and the rest of the config will inherit the defaults
  • Allows users to make config or eject the default config into the current working root
  • Can be run interactively to configure a project or non-interactively with env variables
  • Run handoff-app --help for a full list of commands
  • See for documentation

Handoff Typescript API

Handoff now exposes a full typescript API published as commonjs modules. This API will allow you to use Handoff in your Node 16+ javascript or typescript projects. With just a few lines of code you can have Handoff run programmatically.

This API supersedes and replaces the plugin architecture introduced in 0.5.0. The API call structure is maintained, but now the API can be used directly in existing Node applications and can be used with typescript.

Here's a simple example that will fetch the data down. This example expects a DEV_ACCESS_TOKEN and a FIGMA_PROJECT_ID env variable, or those to be provided in process.env. If not supplied, they will be prompted for when the pipeline is run.

import Handoff from 'handoff-app';
const handoff = new Handoff({
  title: 'Handoff Bootstrap',
  integration: {
    name: 'bootstrap',
    version: '5.3',
await handoff.fetch();
  • Fully typed API + full access to all the pipeline functions for transforming the tokens
  • Methods to support fetching tokens, building the documentation app, building the integration, and running the app locally for testing
  • A hook system allowing javascript functions to be passed as callbacks to be executed at points in the pipeline
// This hook will execute after the integration step and allow you to extract
// data from the pipeline and write it to a file
handoff.postIntegration((documentationObject: DocumentationObject, data: HookReturn[]) => {
  const colors = => {
    return {
      value: color.value,
    filename: 'colors.json',
    data: JSON.stringify(colors, null, 2),
  return data;


  • The handoff code base was refactored to eliminate the monorepo architecture and consolidate on a more coherent package architecture. This refactoring eliminated a number of weak points and improves reliability.
    • Sharing code between the data pipeline and the Nextjs documentation app is safer
    • The hook architecture introduced in 0.5 was fragile and less secure than we wanted. This reorganization makes a much more robust API, with full access to the typings
    • The previous structure merged configurations in a way that could fail easily. The new architecture reads and merges the various Handoff configurations in a much more robust manor.
    • Previously handoff required a folder architecture, with the proper files, and could fail if those files were moved. Now Handoff can be run in an empty directory, and can accommodate configs being added and removed during operation.
  • Upgrade Nextjs from 12 to 13 providing cleaner, faster application builds
  • Tailwind integration hook has been added to the pipeline


  • Fixes several style issues in the Bootstrap 5.3 release
  • Corrects a missing caret in Bootstrap 5.2 and 5.3 selects

[0.5.3] - 2023-06-16

This release adds Bootstrap 5.3 support with dark mode disabled by default.


  • Added Bootstrap 5.3 integration
  • Bootstrap 5.3 is now the default integration
  • Updated color preview in the Next.js app to work with color values such as linear-gradient(...) and rgba(...)


  • Resolved a value normalization error in the Next.js app when normalizing value with multiple color layers
How to switch integrations

To use an integration change client-config.js to desired integration and version. For example:

integration: {
  name: 'bootstrap',
  version: '5.3',

Currently supported integrations:

  • Bootstrap 5.2
  • Bootstrap 5.3

[0.5.2] - 2023-06-14


  • Tokens, changelog and previews are now read form the file system using the fs.readFileSync instead of the import statement.
  • Updated the Next.js app pages to utilize getStaticProps for fetching of the configuration and the exported tokens.
  • Removed componentExists utility method as it's no longer used
  • Removed mapComponentSize utility method as it's no longer used


  • By changing the way in which the configuration, tokens, changelog and previews are read and passed into the pages a bug has been resolved that would occur while running the fetch command while the dev command was already running which would cause the app from stop responding correctly and would require app restart.

[0.5.1] - 2023-06-01


  • Minor release to increment the installer default version
  • Adding documentation to exportables folder

[0.5.0] - 2023-06-01

0.5.0 brings two major improvements

  • Exportable schemas for Figma components
    • Allows Handoff to connect to any component set in Figma
    • Defines semantic meaning for components
    • Automatically generates well formed tokens based on object type
  • Javascript plugins for each integration
    • Hooks into the Figma extraction and transformation
    • Allows Handoff projects to customize the artifacts
    • Created to support Tailwind theme.js and Wordpress theme.json artifacts

Also in 0.5.0 is improved bootstrap 5.2 support, a simple tailwind color integration, and a cluster of bugfixes.

Major Features

Exportable schemas

Exportable schemas allows Handoff to connect to any component sets in Figma and generate tokens. In simple json, developers can define the structure of a Figma component and what tokens to extract from each element. This allows Handoff to adapt to the component set of any Figma file, and define semantic meaning for the Figma component. This will enable many features going forward, including -

  • Figma Linting
  • Component Change Detection and Changelog
  • Automatic Figma Schema Detection

Exportables are stored in ./exportables. In 0.5.0 we only support exportable components, so put component definitions in ./exportables/components. An exportable consists of 3 components -

  • Metadata - describe the component (id, group)
  • Options - control how the component is rendered in Handoff (tokens, preview)
  • Parts - define the semantic structure of the Figma component
How to use exportables

Using exportables will allow quick tokenization of new components. For example, here is an annotated exportable for badges, a component not currently supported by handoff. If you add this file to exportables/components and add components/badge to the figma.definitions in your config.js, Handoff will start looking for a Badges component set, and generate tokens, css, scss, and types for you.

With no other changes, handoff will create a set of badge token files for you. For example, it will render something like this for css variables - You can see that creates a comprehensive list of all the tokens you would need to render badges in a css frontend framework.

If you want badges to work in the Handoff component preview as well, you would need to add a badge template to integration/templates/badge/default.html. That file would look like this for Bootstrap 5.2 -

You would also want to map these tokens to the framework. This is how you might do that in Bootstrap 5.2, adding this file to integration/sass/extended/badge.scss

Integration Plugin

Handoff allows users to integrate with particular frontend frameworks. We call these integrations. We currently support bootstrap 5.2 out of the box.

0.5.0 now allows these integrations to hook into the data extraction pipeline and modify the output, and optionally write files to the exported directory. This will allow developers to tailor the Figma data pipeline to their needs.

How to use the Integration Plugin

To use this feature, create a plugin.js in the integration folder of your project. This plugin will have access to any of the core node.js libraries you need. Export a sandbox module like this -

sandbox.exports = {
  postCssTransformer: (documentationObject, css) => {
    // Modify the css variables prior to save
    return css;

In this example, the plugin has the full documentation object available, allowing it to query the object and then modify the css variables as needed.

Here's a simple plugin example that will read the tokens and write a simple json file with an array of colors in it. -

Here is a comprehensive plugin.js showing all the options in 0.5.0 -

Bootstrap 5.2 Mapping Improvements

In 0.5.0 the Bootstrap 5.2 integration was rewritten to simplify and rationalize the way that tokens are being used. Since Bootstrap 5.2 is the first end to end Handoff integration, these improvements will form the template for other integrations.

Simple Tailwind 3.3 Integration

This release has a simple version of a Tailwind integration. It only supports colors and typography right now. Its in this release to start testing with simple tailwind projects.

To test it out, change the integration in the config.js to this -

integration: {
    name: 'tailwind',
    version: '3.3',


  • The new exportable schema has normalized the token output, fixing several small inconsistencies in the way tokens were created.
  • Fixes a warning caused by loading the config into the next app outside of the static properties

[0.4.3] - 2023-04-19

Continuing incremental improvement over the 0.4.0 release. This release fixes a couple of small build inconsistencies, improves debug mode when running the build and fetch, and creates a fast run mode.


  • Errors in the webpack execution will now cause the fetch script to halt and bubble up into the error handling.
  • Running build/fetch with -- --debug will now send the error trace from the webpack when building a preview. This is especially useful when there is an error either in the template or scss maps.
  • Running build/fetch with -- --fast will execute the script but if there is already a built temp directory, it will use the built dir rather than recreating it. This speeds up runtime significantly. If this option is supplied but the temp dir does not yet exist, it will be created.


  • The transformer stand alone pipelines weren't working. This release fixes that so executing npm run transform:preview or node node_modules/handoff-app/scripts/fetch.js preview will properly execute just a single portion of the pipeline rather than the whole pipeline.
  • The default component guidelines were not rendering the <ul> wrapper for the subsequent lists.
  • The bootstrap 5.2 scss mapping had an error that caused the carrot and icon on error and disabled state select boxes to display incorrectly.

[0.4.2] - 2023-04-16

When 0.4.0 was released, we found a structural problem with the way integrations were published into projects. 0.4.1 resolved a couple of issues, but a couple of significant new pieces of code were required to fully resolve the issue.

The resolution is fixing paths so that they work properly when running the handoff source as well as running handoff in a project.


  • Build and Start scripts were restructured to handle sparsely merging sass and templates into the source directory.
  • The integration transformer was restructured to support correct path
  • The webpack config has been altered to support paths in projects
  • The bootstrap templates were updated to use this updated path structure


  • The figma exporter built library built code is now published to the repo to make it easier to test pre release code
  • A default config is now part of the project so that projects that can inherit a config rather than having to keep their config up to date.
  • The installer now has the proper script paths in the package

[0.4.1] - 2023-04-16


  • Fixes a typing error in the project config
  • Fixes an issue where the path of the integrations are relative to the project
  • Fixes an issue where local integrations aren't properly merged on watch
  • Updates the installed template to match the latest desired state

[0.4.0] - 2023-04-16

This release introduces two major new features - framework integrations and much better color support. The color support is straightforward - Handoff now supports much broader color options from Figma including gradients (linear and radial), as well as layered colors, alpha channels and blend modes.

Framework integrations is Handoff's new plugin architecture for integrating tokens with popular web and application frameworks. Previous versions of Handoff were tightly coupled with Boostrap 5.2 as a proof of concept.

To integrate tokens into applications, the tokens need to be mapped to the the files you'll need. In web applications, this means mapping css and sass variables to existing variables, or extending classes with the tokens.

When fetch is run, any files added to the integration folder will be merged with the selected integration. The sass files will be published to /exported/{integration}-tokens

Integrations also move the templates into integrations so each framework integration can define the markup for each component, type, and state. This allows handoff to include default markup for common frontend frameworks.

Frontend Integration Support

  • Creates integrations plugin architecture
  • Extracts Bootstrap 5.2 from the sass and templates into an integration template
  • Sets Bootstrap 5.2 as the default integration
  • Adds an integration configuration to allow projects to define which integration it will use
  • The exported/variables file was renamed to exported/tokens
  • A new directory is exported to exported/{integration}-tokens containing the maps and extended sass integration files.
  • The installer now creates a /integration folder that will be merged with the configured integration sass and templates.
  • A zip file called is exported to the public directory containing all of the exported artifacts - json, integration, sass, and css tokens

Configuration changes

  • integration is an object that contains two properties name and version. If you set to custom and version to null the project will expect a fully defined integration in the /integration dir.
  • figma is an object that allows customization of how components are fetched.
    • figma.components contains a list of the components
    • Each component can be defined. For example figma.components.button will define how buttons are fetched from figma.
    • The search property determines the library component and name of the frame to look in for the component. Setting to Unicorn will try to find a button structure in a library object called Unicorn.
    • The size property of each component will define a size map allowing projects to map figma sizes to token names.

New Color Support

  • Gradient Color Support Linear and Radial gradients are now imported from figma. The tokens JSON structure has changed to make it better support complex color objects.
    • hex, type, and rgb properties were dropped from the ColorObject
    • value contains the CSS set of color values, either as hex, rgb, rgba, or gradients
    • blend contains a set of blend modes as CSS values that map against the colors
  • Blend Modes and Color Layers Tokens are now exported for blend modes and color layers. Handoff can pull multiple layers out of the color styles, and will build the proper blend mode CSS for use in the project.

Upgrade Notes

  • Create a folder /integration in the root of the project to hold integration configuration.
  • Any template customizations should be moved into the /integration/templates directory.
  • Any sass customizations to the existing project structure should be be moved to /integration/sass and modified to match the new structure.

Other Features

  • Each component and foundation now has buttons for downloading the tokens for that component.
  • The dashboard now has a button for downloading all tokens as a zip file.

Security Update

  • Webpack was updated to 5.79.0 to address a security issue
  • node-sass was removed from the figma-exporter library since it is no longer needed by the system.

[0.3.1] - 2023-04-03

This release fixes two small bugs, one that throws an error on builds because of a missing type declaration in the config.


  • Builds against 0.3.0 are failing because of a missing type. Effects is missing from the return type of the DocumentObjects. This adds that type to fix.
  • RGBA Colors are listed on the foundations as percent instead of 255 values. This changes the display values, without changing the generated tokens.

[0.3.0] - 2023-03-31

This release creates base foundation tokens in the /exported directory. This is a major step forward allowing projects to use color, typography and effects as named tokens in projects in addition to component tokens.


  • Adds foundation token css and scss files so projects can reference colors, typography and effects.
    • Tokens are exported to the /exported folder
    • Foundation token files follow the form - {type of foundation}.scss contains the css vars and {type of foundation}_vars.scss contains the scss variables
    • Color tokens are either hex for solid colors or rgba for alpha channel colors
    • Two color map arrays are provided $color-groups and $color-names
    • Color tokens are in the form $color-{group}-{name}: {hex/rgba};
    • Typography tokens support
      • font-family
      • font-size
      • font-weight
      • line-height
      • letter-spacing
      • paragraph-spacing
    • One Typography map is provided $type-sizes
    • Typography tokens are in the form $typography-{size}-{property}: {value}
    • Effects are are currently limited to drop and inner shadows
    • Effects include a map of effect names $effects
    • Effects are in the form $effect-{name}: {shadow definition}


  • Adds the proper sidebar menu icon for effects

[0.2.1] - 2023-03-28

This release fixes a small typo in the installer. The version in the installed package version was set to ^0.1.0 rather than ^0.2.0. This release fixes that.


  • Changes template for installer to match latest version

[0.2.0] - 2023-03-23


  • Significant improvements to the markdown pages.
    • Adds syntax highlighting for markdown pages and blocks.
    • Just wrap your code in single ticks or create blocks with three ticks.
    • Currently support highlighting for CSS/SCSS, HTML, Javascript/Typescript, Yaml and Bash. Use ```{type} to define the syntax. For example ```js.
    • Adds anchor links to markdown h{n} tags to allow deep linking to headers.
  • Adds line numbering to all code blocks.
  • Improves the installation experience with better help text.
  • Provides Node 16+ version checking on installation to make it clear.


  • Improves handling of missing components in Figma. If its not found:
    • An alert is shown in the fetch output.
    • The component page is hidden in the menu and the components list.
    • A 404 page is shown if the missing component is accessed directly.
  • Fixes a grouping issue where opacity was in an undefined group on the buttons page.
  • Fixes a problem with blur radius and spread values on shadow tokens

[0.1.5] - 2023-03-10


  • CONVHAND-196 Installer is missing a package json script


  • CONVHAND-194 Iconography link on Branded Assets page is incorrect & broken
  • CONVHAND-195 Style Guide - has typo & still has a "TODO" mentioned in copy

[0.1.4] - 2023-03-09


  • Fixes a build issue with types on NextJS build
  • Adds a npm script to run the installer for the figma exporter without dev deps

[0.1.3] - 2023-03-09


  • Improving changelog for previous changes


  • Fixes a bug where the installer was deploying with outdated css for custom previews

[0.1.2] - 2023-03-09


  • Fixing installer package json version b2d58c5

[0.1.1] - 2023-03-09


  • Fixes script naming for installed sites

[0.1.0] - 2023-03-09


  • Creates the initial public version of Handoff
  • High level initial feature list
    • Builds pipeline from Figma to generate tokens from well structured file
    • Exports design foundations (colors, typography, icons, logos)
    • Component design tokens (buttons, alerts, modal, tooltips, inputs, radios, checkboxes, radio, switches)
    • Transformers for sass variables, css variables, previews and custom fonts
    • Static web application that can be published to any web host