Releases: Countly/countly-sdk-web
Releases · Countly/countly-sdk-web
Countly Web SDK 20.11.1
- Added new sample app to demo js symbolication
- Added option to control storage (localstorage, cookie, none)
- Bumped dependencies
- Fixed bug when "enable_feedback" called multiple times
- Provided an option to disable domain tracking
Countly Web SDK 20.11
- Add javascript flag to reported errors
- Added React JS sample
- Added explicit remote-config consent
- Added support for Surveys and NPS
- Added wildcard support for feedback target
- Allow creating multiple instances to track different servers and/or apps
- Allow users provide custom metrics
- App prefixed storage, so changing new app key would not continue using old queue
- Boomerang fixes for APM tracking
- Fixed getting attributes of form correctly
- Improved comments and documentation
- Prevent widget duplication and reusing
- Stricter Eslint rules
Countly Web SDK 20.04
- Add APM plugin which uses boomerang js for reporting performance
- Add basic performance trace reporting option
- Add device orientation reporting
- Add feedback button size support
- Add method to report feedback directly without dialog (for custom UI)
- Allow adding and enriching metrics data
- Allow providing custom headers in requests
- Allow providing custom segments for view tracking
- Crashes use a new way to record view name correctly
- Fixed bug of removing feedback sticker in some cases
- Fixed cross tab syncing when using namespaces
- Limited array modification amount when syncing requests for performance
- More error-prone storage clearing (in case of multi-tab data syncing)
- Removed unsafe innerHTML assignments
Countly Web SDK 19.08
- Allow overwriting serialize and deserialize functions
- Allow overwriting a way to provide view name and url
- Allow namespacing shared storage for multiple separate trackers on same domain
- Fixed issue adding feedback widget in some cases
- Fixed expiring session on inactivity and cookie timeout
- Fixed using same ignore CSS class when tracking forms data too
- Allow passing device_id through url parameters for cross domain tracking
- Added internal method to clear queues
- Fixed to always notify loaders, even if tracking is disabled
- Added isUUID method to check if it is Countly generated id
- Implemented proper storage syncing between tabs
- Implement offline mode support with option to delay passing device_id
Countly Web SDK 19.02.1
- Fixed feedback if disabled widgets on panel widgets are still enable.
- Fixed feedback if set “all pages” as target, sticker not appear on all pages.
Countly Web SDK 19.02
- Add remote config support
- Fixed loader for Google Analytics adapter
- Use Array.isArray instead of === Array to avoid context problems
- Added more bots to block
- Remove x, y coordinates from link clicks
- Track hidden inputs only if explicitly enabled
- Allow redefining getters to get view name and url for views and clicks
- Report unhandled promise rejections as handled crashes
Countly Web SDK 18.11
- Added persistence tests to test suite
- Fixed views overreporting duration in some cases
- Added session cookie support
- Google Analytics adapter (reuse implemented Google Analytics code to send data to Countly servers)
Countly Web SDK 18.08.2
Important Fix for regenerated device_id
Update to this version if you use 18.08 or 18.08.1.
- Fixed storing none json data
- Widgets params changed as popups and back-compatability provided.
Countly Web SDK 18.08
- Add crash log breadcrumb limit
- Allow unsetting custom property
- Block Google security scanner
- Empty event queue (into request queue) on device_id change (if user is not merged on server)
- Feedback dialog support
- Fixed bugs on consent checks
- More error handling
- Remove predictive session ends and rely on normal flow
- Removing code duplication to reduce library size
- Track UTM params as custom user properties
- Webpack packaging wrapper
Countly Web SDK 18.04
Version 18.04
- Add GDPR compliant consent management
- Add internal method for creating consents and expose it
- Notify loader listeners for sdk plugins on init too
- Fix opt out functionality to keep event queue empty