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Mailchimp Subscribe plugin for Craft CMS 3.x

MailChimp Subscribe for Craft is a plugin for subscribing to a MailChimp newsletter list.


This plugin requires Craft CMS 3.0.0-RC1 or later.

Craft 3 update notes

The following things has changed from Craft 2 to Craft 3:

  • The plugin no longer is configurable from the control panel, you need to use a config file (see Configuration).
  • The plugin handle used in the action input has changed from mailchimpSubscribe to mailchimp-subscribe (see Example Usage).
  • The redirect url now has to be hashed in the redirect input (see Example Usage).


To install the plugin, follow these instructions.

  1. Open your terminal and go to your Craft project:

     cd /path/to/project
  2. Then tell Composer to load the plugin:

     composer require aelvan/mailchimp-subscribe
  3. In the Control Panel, go to Settings → Plugins and click the “Install” button for Mailchimp Subscribe.

  4. Eat a banana.


To use the plugin you need to create an API key from the MailChimp control panel, and create a list (or use one that you already have).

You configure MailChimp Subscribe by creating a new config file named mailchimp-subscribe.php in your config folder (usually /config), and add the following the config parameters found in the plugin's config.php file.

Example config file

return [
    'apiKey' => 'xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx-us2',
    'listId' => '7fe6ec08ca',
    'doubleOptIn' => true,

If you have multiple lists you want users to subscribe to, each form can have a hidden field with a name of "lid" and the "value" as your list id. The plugin will then use this list id instead of the one in the configuration.


<input type="hidden" name="lid" value="2fd6ec09cf">

If you want to subscribe to several lists from the same form, you can send in several list id's as a piped list.


<input type="hidden" name="lid" value="2fd6ec09cf|5fe66521c0">

Example Usage

The following example shows the plugin in use:

  <form class="newsletter-form" action="" method="POST">
    {{ getCsrfInput() }}
    <input type="hidden" name="action" value="mailchimp-subscribe/list/subscribe">
    <input type="hidden" name="redirect" value="{{ newsletter/receipt | hash }}">
    {% if mailchimpSubscribe is defined %}
      {% if (not mailchimpSubscribe.success) and (mailchimpSubscribe.errorCode!='1000') %}
        <p>An error occured. Please try again.</p>
      {% endif %}
    {% endif %}
    <div class="field-line">
      <label>First name:</label>
      <input type="text" name="mcvars[FNAME]" value="{% if (mailchimpSubscribe is defined) and (not mailchimpSubscribe.success) %}{{ mailchimpSubscribe.values.vars.FNAME }}{% endif %}"/>

    <div class="field-line">
      <label>Last name:</label>
      <input type="text" name="mcvars[LNAME]" value="{% if (mailchimpSubscribe is defined) and (not mailchimpSubscribe.success) %}{{ mailchimpSubscribe.values.vars.LNAME }}{% endif %}"/>

    <div class="field-line">
      <label{% if (mailchimpSubscribe is defined) and (mailchimpSubscribe.errorCode=='1000') %} class="error"{% endif %}>Email:</label>
      <input type="text" name="email" value="{% if (mailchimpSubscribe is defined) and (not mailchimpSubscribe.success) %}{{ }}{% endif %}"/>
    <input type="submit" name="" value="Subscribe"/>

This code assumes that you have a template path newsletter/receipt which the user is redirected to upon successfully signing up to MailChimp. If you want to display the receipt message inside the same template, you just obmit the redirect parameter:

  <form class="newsletter-form" action="" method="POST">
    {{ getCsrfInput() }}
    <input type="hidden" name="action" value="mailchimp-subscribe/list/Subscribe">
    {% if mailchimpSubscribe is defined %}
      {% if (not mailchimpSubscribe.success) and (mailchimpSubscribe.errorCode!='1000') %}
        <p>An error occured. Please try again.</p>
      {% endif %}
      {% if mailchimpSubscribe.success %}
        <p>Thank you for signing up!</p>
      {% endif %}
    {% endif %}
    <div class="field-line">
      <label>First name:</label>
      <input type="text" name="mcvars[FNAME]" value="{% if (mailchimpSubscribe is defined) and (not mailchimpSubscribe.success) %}{{ mailchimpSubscribe.values.vars.FNAME }}{% endif %}"/>

    <div class="field-line">
      <label>Last name:</label>
      <input type="text" name="mcvars[LNAME]" value="{% if (mailchimpSubscribe is defined) and (not mailchimpSubscribe.success) %}{{ mailchimpSubscribe.values.vars.LNAME }}{% endif %}"/>

    <div class="field-line">
      <label{% if (mailchimpSubscribe is defined) and (mailchimpSubscribe.errorCode=='1000') %} class="error"{% endif %}>Email:</label>
      <input type="text" name="email" value="{% if (mailchimpSubscribe is defined) and (not mailchimpSubscribe.success) %}{{ }}{% endif %}"/>
    <input type="submit" name="" value="Subscribe"/>

Any other list variables you have configured in MailChimp can be added with formfields with name values like mcvars[YOURMCVAR].

The mailchimpSubscribe object

When the plugin returns to the origin template, either if an error occured or successfully posting without a redirect, it will return a mailchimpSubscribe object to the template. It contains the following variables:

mailchimpSubscribe.success (Boolean): True or false, depending on if the Subscribe was completed successfully or not.

mailchimpSubscribe.errorCode (Number): If an error occured, an error code will also be supplied. See below for a list.

mailchimpSubscribe.message (String): A message describing the error. This probably shouldn't be displayed to end users, you should display your own depending on error code.

mailchimpSubscribe.values (Object): A structure containing the values that were submitted. For instance and mailchimpSubscribe.values.vars.FNAME.

If you submit multiple list ids are submitted, the mailchimpSubscribe object will contain a listResults array containing the results for each list. If an error occured for one of the lists, the base object will contain the error.

Ajax submitting

If the form is submitted with Ajax, the plugin will return a JSON object with the same keys as the template object described above. Big up to Jake Chapman for implementing this. :)


$('form').on("submit", function(event) {
    $.post('/', $(this).serialize()).done( function(data) {
        if (!data.success)
          // there was an error, do something with data
          // Success


Groups can be added by adding a interests key to mcvars, as an array of interest ids that the user wants to add. You can get the interests connected to a list with the template variable getListInterestGroups. MailChimp lets you create different types of groups, checkboxes, radio buttons, dropdown, etc, but doesn't actually limit the add functionality to the groups depending on the type. You have to do this based on the group type. Example:

<form class="newsletter-form" action="" method="POST">
	{{ getCsrfInput() }}
	<input type="hidden" name="action" value="mailchimp-subscribe/list/subscribe">

	{% if mailchimpSubscribe is defined %}
		{% if (not mailchimpSubscribe.success) and (mailchimpSubscribe.errorCode!='1000') %}
			<p>An error occured. Please try again.</p>
		{% endif %}

		{% if mailchimpSubscribe.success %}
			<p>Thank you for signing up!</p>
		{% endif %}
	{% endif %}

	<div class="field-line">
		<label>First name:</label>
		<input type="text" name="mcvars[FNAME]" value="{% if (mailchimpSubscribe is defined) and (not mailchimpSubscribe.success) %}{{ mailchimpSubscribe.values.vars.FNAME }}{% endif %}"/>

	<div class="field-line">
		<label>Last name:</label>
		<input type="text" name="mcvars[LNAME]" value="{% if (mailchimpSubscribe is defined) and (not mailchimpSubscribe.success) %}{{ mailchimpSubscribe.values.vars.LNAME }}{% endif %}"/>

	<div class="field-line">
		<label{% if (mailchimpSubscribe is defined) and (mailchimpSubscribe.errorCode=='1000') %} class="error"{% endif %}>Email:</label>
		<input type="text" name="email" value="{% if (mailchimpSubscribe is defined) and (not mailchimpSubscribe.success) %}{{ }}{% endif %}"/>

	{% set interestGroups = craft.mailchimpSubscribe.getListInterestGroups(craft.config.mcsubListId) %}

	{% if not interestGroups.success %}
		{{ interestGroups.message }}<br>
	{% endif %}

	{% if interestGroups.success and (interestGroups.groups | length > 0) %}
		{% for group in interestGroups.groups %}
			<strong>{{ group.title }}</strong>
			{% if group.type=='checkboxes' %}
				{% for interest in group.interests %}
					<input type="checkbox" value="{{ }}" name="mcvars[interests][]">{{ }}<br>
				{% endfor %}
			{% endif %}

			{% if group.type=='radio' %}
				{% for interest in group.interests %}
					<input type="radio" value="{{ }}" name="mcvars[interests][]">{{ }}<br>
				{% endfor %}
			{% endif %}

			{% if group.type=='dropdown' %}
				<select name="mcvars[interests][]">
					{% for interest in group.interests %}
						<option value="{{ }}">{{ }}</option>
					{% endfor %}
			{% endif %}
		{% endfor %}
	{% endif %}

	<input type="submit" name="" value="Subscribe"/>

Checking if an email is already on a list

Sometimes you might want to know if a user is already on an email list - for example during a cart checkout.
It's nice not to bother your existing customers with repeated requests to subscribe to your mailing list, so if this check shows they're already subscribed, you can hide your subscribe form.

You can either use the template variable checkIfSubscribed like this:

{% set checkResponse = craft.mailchimpSubscribe.checkIfSubscribed('[email protected]', 'mylistid') %}

{% if checkResponse.success %}
    Email is on list!
{% else %}
    Email is NOT on list!
{% endif %}

Or, you can use the controller action. Here's an example that should get you started implementing such behaviour:

  <p>Check if a user is on our mailing list</p>

  <form method="POST" id="testMCOnList">
      {{ getCsrfInput() }}
      <input type="hidden" name="action" value="mailchimpSubscribe/list/CheckIfSubscribed">

      Enter email to check: <input type="text" id="email" size="40" name="email" >

      <input type="submit" class="btn" value="Check if subscribed">

  <h3> Results: </h3>
  <span id="results"></span>

And some jquery to do the actual check:

$('#testMCOnList').on('submit', function(e) {


          type: 'POST',
          url: '',
          data: $(this).serialize(),
          success: function( response ) {
                $('#results').html("On List");
                 //hide your form here
                 //Also, response.vars.subscriberInfo will contain a bunch of info about the user should you want it
                $('#results').html("Not On List");
                //display your subscribe form here


Error codes

1000: Missing or invalid email.
2000: Missing API key or List ID.

Any other codes are API errors, and the same code that the MailChimp API returned. Refer to MailChimp's documentation.
