id | title | author | sidebar_label |
doc2 |
Become a Contributor |
ThatGuyJamal |
Contribute |
Hey there! Want to contribute to the documentation?
That's great, the project is in alpha also we are always looking to add to contributors.
One: You must have a Discord account and a Github account to join the team. These are both applications we will be using daily.
Two: You must have some knowledge of programming in a Discord supported language - `javascript, python, java etc. We are looking for people who are capable of teaching others how to learn, this means you must have a strong understanding of the content beforehand.
We are willing to accept programmers who don't know Discord API as long as they have the proper skills to learn.
Three: You must be 13+ of age to apply.
Why? There must be a limitation on maturity for our developer team. Furthermore, Discord do not allow people of age 12 or younger.
If you meet all the required skills above then please use this link to submit your application.
If you don't have any programming skills but still want to support our team you can! We have many donation options available such as PayPal and Cash app. ( both coming soon)
If you want to help us or fix a simple error without joining or committing to the team you can. Start a pull request on our GitHub and we will review it. If we like the new content, we will push it to the site!