An adversary may compress or encrypt data that is collected prior to exfiltration using 3rd party utilities. Many utilities exist that can archive data, including 7-Zip(Citation: 7zip Homepage), WinRAR(Citation: WinRAR Homepage), and WinZip(Citation: WinZip Homepage). Most utilities include functionality to encrypt and/or compress data.Some 3rd party utilities may be preinstalled, such as
on Linux and macOS orzip
on Windows systems.
Atomic Test #2 - Compress Data and lock with password for Exfiltration with winrar
Atomic Test #3 - Compress Data and lock with password for Exfiltration with winzip
Atomic Test #4 - Compress Data and lock with password for Exfiltration with 7zip
An adversary may compress data (e.g., sensitive documents) that is collected prior to exfiltration. When the test completes you should find the txt files from the %USERPROFILE% directory compressed in a file called T1560.001-data.rar in the %USERPROFILE% directory
Supported Platforms: Windows
Name | Description | Type | Default Value |
input_path | Path that should be compressed into our output file | Path | %USERPROFILE% |
file_extension | Extension of files to compress | String | .txt |
output_file | Path where resulting compressed data should be placed | Path | %USERPROFILE%\T1560.001-data.rar |
rar_installer | Winrar installer | Path | %TEMP%\winrar.exe |
rar_exe | The RAR executable from Winrar | Path | %programfiles%/WinRAR/Rar.exe |
"#{rar_exe}" a -r #{output_file} #{input_path}\*#{file_extension}
del /f /q /s #{output_file} >nul 2>&1
if not exist "#{rar_exe}" (exit /b 1)
echo Downloading Winrar installer
bitsadmin /transfer myDownloadJob /download /priority normal "" #{rar_installer}
echo Follow the installer prompts to install Winrar
Note: Requires winrar installation rar a -p"blue" hello.rar (VARIANT)
Supported Platforms: Windows
mkdir .\tmp\victim-files
cd .\tmp\victim-files
echo "This file will be encrypted" > .\encrypted_file.txt
rar a -hp"blue" hello.rar
Note: Requires winzip installation wzzip -s"blueblue" *.txt (VARIANT)
Supported Platforms: Windows
Name | Description | Type | Default Value |
winzip_exe | Path to installed Winzip executable | Path | %ProgramFiles%\WinZip\winzip64.exe |
winzip_url | Path to download Windows Credential Editor zip file | url | |
winzip_hash | File hash of the Windows Credential Editor zip file | String | B59DB592B924E963C21DA8709417AC0504F6158CFCB12FE5536F4A0E0D57D7FB |
path=%path%;"C:\Program Files (x86)\winzip"
mkdir .\tmp\victim-files
cd .\tmp\victim-files
echo "This file will be encrypted" > .\encrypted_file.txt
"#{winzip_exe}" -min -a -s"hello" *
cmd /c 'if not exist "#{winzip_exe}" (echo 1) else (echo 0)'
if(Invoke-WebRequestVerifyHash "#{winzip_url}" "$env:Temp\winzip.exe" #{winzip_hash}){
Write-Host Follow the installation prompts to continue
cmd /c "$env:Temp\winzip.exe"
Note: Requires 7zip installation
Supported Platforms: Windows
mkdir $PathToAtomicsFolder\T1560.001\victim-files
cd $PathToAtomicsFolder\T1560.001\victim-files
echo "This file will be encrypted" > .\encrypted_file.txt
7z a archive.7z -pblue
An adversary may compress data (e.g., sensitive documents) that is collected prior to exfiltration. This test uses standard zip compression.
Supported Platforms: Linux, macOS
Name | Description | Type | Default Value |
input_files | Path that should be compressed into our output file, may include wildcards | Path | $HOME/*.txt |
output_file | Path that should be output as a zip archive | Path | $HOME/ |
zip #{output_file} #{input_files}
rm -f #{output_file}
if [ $(ls #{input_files} | wc -l) > 0 ]; then exit 0; else exit 1; fi;
echo Please set input_files argument to include files that exist
An adversary may compress data (e.g., sensitive documents) that is collected prior to exfiltration. This test uses standard gzip compression.
Supported Platforms: Linux, macOS
Name | Description | Type | Default Value |
input_file | Path that should be compressed | Path | $HOME/victim-gzip.txt |
input_content | contents of compressed files if file does not already exist. default contains test credit card and social security number | String | confidential! SSN: 078-05-1120 - CCN: 4000 1234 5678 9101 |
test -e #{input_file} && gzip -k #{input_file} || (echo '#{input_content}' >> #{input_file}; gzip -k #{input_file})
rm -f #{input_file}.gz
An adversary may compress data (e.g., sensitive documents) that is collected prior to exfiltration. This test uses standard gzip compression.
Supported Platforms: Linux, macOS
Name | Description | Type | Default Value |
input_file_folder | Path that should be compressed | Path | $HOME/$USERNAME |
output_file | File that should be output | Path | $HOME/data.tar.gz |
tar -cvzf #{output_file} #{input_file_folder}
rm -f #{output_file}
test -e #{input_file_folder}
echo Please set input_file_folder argument to a folder that exists
Encrypt data for exiltration
Supported Platforms: macOS, Linux
Name | Description | Type | Default Value |
test_folder | Path used to store files. | Path | /tmp/T1560 |
test_file | Temp file used to store encrypted data. | Path | T1560 |
encryption_password | Password used to encrypt data. | string | InsertPasswordHere |
mkdir -p #{test_folder}
cd #{test_folder}; touch a b c d e f g
zip --password "#{encryption_password}" #{test_folder}/#{test_file} ./*
echo "#{encryption_password}" | gpg --batch --yes --passphrase-fd 0 --output #{test_folder}/#{test_file}.zip.gpg -c #{test_folder}/#{test_file}.zip
ls -l #{test_folder}
rm -Rf #{test_folder}
if [ ! -x "$(command -v gpg)" ] || [ ! -x "$(command -v zip)" ]; then exit 1; fi;
echo "Install gpg and zip to run the test"; exit 1;