The book titled, "What Would Buddha Say?" by Barbara Ann Kipfer is a collection passages that unwind the mind. Here are a few pieces of the hypnotic sentences..
Develop patience not for pleasure but to cultivate transcendent detachment. Let nothing that comes your way throw you.
Be soft-spoken
If a relationship has become difficult, it may be because you have nourished your judgment and anger, not your compassion.
Listening is an art. Listen with a still and concentrated mind. Then it is possible to be responsive to what is being.
The blow of a whip raises a welt, but a blow of the tongue crushes bones.
Look for many ways people communicate their love without saying it.
When you avoid people who differ from you, you shut yourself off from different perspectives and reduce your capacity for *creative solutions.*
Your inner stories are based on your openness.
By listening deeply and openly to your inner dialogue, you can replace the inner authority figure with more loving nurturing voice.
The more you practice concentrating on the breath, the longer you will be able to sustain a mindful listener’s composure free from internal distraction.
Anger is like picking up hot coals with your bare hands and trying to throw them at the person you're angry at. Who gets burned first?
Avoid using "should" and absolutes like "never", 'always", and "every". Absolutes are hot-button words that can easily shut down the other person’s willingness to listen.
Poke holes of wakefulness into your mindless communication habits.
What you do not say in a situation is often as important as what you say.
Listening to your words during stressful discussions is essential to avoid fueling the fire.
You can align your speech to the principles of what is truthful and what is most kind and helpful.
Speak only that which you know yourself, see by yourself, and find by yourself.
An alert, calm state of mindfulness, achieved through regular practice, begins to permeate every interaction.
Take the time to express support for someone else’s project or work.
Connection is your true nature, you just have to learn to permit it.
The precept of Noble Silence is practiced with no radio, no phone, no television, no writing, no reading, no Internet.
Remember that how you say something is as important as what you say.
An injury is much sooner forgotten that an insult. - Lord Chesterfield
Is the non stop talker an admired person?
Befriend silence is a process of learning to befriend yourself.
When you get into a conversation with someone, stay away from your own agenda. Ask a few open-ended questions that begin with "Why?", "What?", "How?" to get the other person talking.
When in doubt, go for kindness and postpone saying anything difficult.
When you love in the present moment, you can be aware of your intentions and see their causal relationship with words.
If the point you want to make is sound and well grounded, there is no need for aggression or annoyance.
Meditation siphons off the pools of old collected experience, allowing you to act skillfully and compassionately in the present, instead of reacting to the past. Let go, forgive, and accept.
The Five Precepts of Buddhism are:
Abstain from taking life.
Abstain from taking what is not given.
Abstain from false speech.
Abstain from sexual misconduct.
Abstain from taking intoxicants.
When your speech is kindly, people will be joyful. When it is polite, you will have many friends.
When you are truthful, you can be relied upon. When you refrain from slander or backbiting, you will be trusted.
You can put an issue in the foreground and the noise in the background.
Recognize that words are imperfect, so give them limited importance.
A mindful listener is one who allows the speaker to express his heart and mind and expound on his ideas without censure.
Silence remains, inescapably a form of speech. - Susan Sontay.
Negative speech creates an environment in which it becomes difficult to do anything positive. You cannot feel good about yourself when you intentionally hurt someone else.
You are faced with faced with guilt and remorse when you speak negatively. Why should any one trust you if you speak harshly?
Be mindful and let your speech come from the heart.
Sometimes the most skillful speech is Noble Silence.*
Sitting meditation practice trains your mind to slow down and interrupt the speed of your thought process.
Whenever your are about to do or say something, ask yourself if the actions or words will result in well-being or harm? If well-being then do or say it. If harm, then do not do or say it.
Engaging in harsh, abusive, or sarcastic speech keeps others from trusting in or listening to you. The listener will try to protect himself, avoid the abuse or be equally aggressive.
When you are truthful you will be trusted.
May my words create mutual understanding and love.
Be quite and let your actions speak for you.
How to speak to yourself can have a powerful effect on what happens in your life.
Lower Your Voice
The act of saying something kind, true, and honest is in itself the reward.
Mindful breathing is the first step to mindful communicating because ti relaxes you in body and mind.
If you want others to listen and understand you better think about what makes you want to listen.
Imagine that all comments are opinions are like drops of water falling into a pound and that ripples represent the signals you send out to those around you.
As you connect with yourself, you being, connecting more deeply with other people. Without the first step, the second step is not possible.
Close your lips and say nothing.
Refrain from using speech that is hurtful.
The voice is a second face. - Gerad Bauer
When you are trying to control others, what you are typically doing is watching somebody else instead of being mindful of your own actions.
The reason why we have two ears and one mouth is that we may listen the more and talk less.
Often, when listening to someone who needs your help, the best thing to do is to remain silent and just listen.
Refrain from wrong speech means telling the truth but avoiding useless and frivolous talk.
Summarizing is a technique that sends the subliminal message, "I am repeating what I think you said, because I really want to understand your viewpoint.
Endeavor to make your speech become much simpler, calmer, and more worthy.
Do what you say and say what you mean.
Mindfulness can help make your conversations deeper, more meaningful, more satisfying. It’s a combination of mindful speech and deep listening.
Learning to take care of your speech is learning to take care of your thoughts, feelings, and mind.
Learn to cultivate loving, kindness, compassion, wisdom, and simplicity as these are the seeds from your speech is born.