Q. What is musiQ?
A. This is a musical library application which also scrobbles to last.fm, developed by Dimitar Dihanov.
Q. What is Scrobbling?
A. This is the internet term for logging music you listen to from your devices, which is being added to your music profile on last.fm .
Q. How does musiQ work?
A. The application, fetches it's information from reliable musical sites (up-to-date with information about artists, albums and songs).
Q. What platform does musiQ scrobbles from?
A. It scrobbles from the following players:
- Youtube
- Google play music
- Spotify
- Pandora
- SoundCloud
- Vlc and more.
Q. What are the features of musiQ?
A. It has the following listed features:
- Free
- No ads
- last.fm integration
- Accurate and up-to-date information on artists/albums/tracks works both with and without a last.fm account(though some features are not available without the latter).
- Ability to save and organize favorite artists/albums
- Can scrobble/submit tracks off of practically anything that is a player(Spotify, Pandora, Foobar, Chrome, Google Play Music etc...)
- Scrobbling notifications
- Beautiful graph showing the top tracks and top artists in a time span, which the user can specify profile page where you can view your bio and friends.
- Friend search.
Q. How do i search for a song on musiQ?
A. To search for song/artist ,click on the search icon at the top right of the app homepage and type in your search criteria.
Q. How do i register on musiQ?
A. You are advised to login via your last.fm account details (username and password), this grant you full access to the app features.
Q. How do i check my last.fm profile on musiQ?
A. To check your last.fm profile click the menu button at the top left corner of the screen and select profile. your last.fm profile link is displayed.
Q. How to i add my favorite artist?
A. To add an artist to favorite list, click the star icon at the top right corner of the artist page.
For more questions or contributions:
Email: [email protected]