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12bcon Web Security Presentation

A PHP Application used to demonstrate some basic security.

Security Vulnerabilities

There are many vulnerabilities in this code. We will work through several of the more egregious cases, recognize them and find a way to fix them.

#1: Debug in Production

While so-called "security through obscurity" is nothing that you should rely on, it is generally better to hide sensitive information about how your application works from potential ne'er-do-well's.

For example, try logging in to the site using a username that contains an apostrophe (single quote) like o'malley. You should see an error like this:

pg_query(): Query failed: ERROR: syntax error at or near "malley" LINE 1: SELECT * FROM users WHERE handle='o'malley' AND password='pa... ^

along with a lot of other identifying information (file names, line numbers, etc.) that help an attacker determine that this is a Slim Framework PHP application, using Postgres as a database, and not properly escaping user input.

Fixing this is application dependent, so search around for debug code in your code and included libraries. PHP's error_reporting setting can be used to keep errors from appearing to users. Frameworks and individual applications also can have their own error reporting/debug mechanisms. For example, to fix the issue in this codebase, ensuring that Slim's debug setting was set to false removed the sensitive information and replaced it with a much less revealing error page.

#2: Injection Vulnerabilities

Even after removing the sensitive information, an attacker can still easily see that single quotes are not being properly handled, and can use this to their advantage. By not properly encoding the form fields before using them in a database query, we allow an attacker to rewrite our query to do nasty things.

This particular vulnerability is known as SQL Injection, but SQL is not the only location an attacker can inject their own behavior. For example:

  • echo file_get_contents("/useruploads/{$_POST['username']}"); with the username set to ../etc/passwd
  • exec("file {$userFile}") with the user file set to doesntmatter; rm -fr /
  • echo "<div>Welcome, {$username}</div>", with the username set to <script src="http://evilsite/script.js"></script> (also an example of XSS)
  • and many, many more

In this example application, trying to use the username rocky' -- allows us to login as the law-abiding user rocky, rather than our evil user boris.

The general process to fixing injection vulnerabilities is to properly encode untrusted data before using it. There is no foolproof encoding that works for all places, but many libraries include methods to properly encode user data. Sometimes libraries will provide simple functions for escaping single fields or longer sections (eg., pg_escape_literal, SolrUtils::escapeQueryChars, escapeshellarg). When available, however, it is usually preferable to use methods that bundle in the escaping for you (eg. pg_query_params and other bind param solutions).

Fixing this in our example application means using pg_query_params rather than pg_query.

Note that in our application, we had vulnerabilities everwhere that we queried the database, and boris could have updated his tweet with the description an evil tweet.', user_handle='rocky, and it would have made the evil tweet appear as though rocky posted it rather than him.

It is not just login or checkout forms that need to be looked at. Anywhere that user data is handled, it should be properly encoded. Any of the above examples could have been used to do much nastier things, like '; DROP TABLE tweets; DROP TABLE users; --.

#3: Trusting Client-Side Data

Often, when we are writing web applications, we want to treat our entire application as secure. If our code sets a variable initially, we feel a sense of control over it. But as soon as the data is coming from a potentially untrustworthy source (like the user), we need to treat it as a malicious piece of data.

Cookies are a great example of this. Even when we don't have any javascript (like in this example application) and we set the cookies in our php code, we cannot trust them. They are implemented as an HTTP header and are sent by the user's client (typically their browser) in every request to our site. Nothing is stopping a malicious user from editing the values to bypass our security.

For example, in our example app, we authenticate a user by checking that they have a handle cookie set. If they do, then we consider them as fully authenticated as that user. But if boris sets his handle cookie to rocky, then our app will be none the wiser!

We can fix this vulnerability by sharing a secret with the user when they authenticate using their actual credentials. We need an unguessable value that uniquely identifies the user. A hash of a variety of fields is an easy way to get this (random data can be even better) like in our example. As long as boris cannot guess what rocky's hash is even if they know the hash algorithm used, then we are secure.

The best way to validate this hash is to actually store it per-user. This opens up a lot of possibilities as far as security goes, including:

  • The hash algorithm doesn't have to be repeatable on future requests. This allows for random data that allows the hash to be more secure.
  • The ability to kill someone's session by changing their hash. This helps provide an easy way to force someone to reauthenticate if you think they hacked someone else's account.
  • By storing multiple hashes, possibly with other data attached (IP, Location info, Browser info, etc), you can provide your users with a list of their active sessions and allow them to invalidate other sessions that may not be legit (this step should require re-authentication with user credentials). This can also help save your users when they left themselves logged in on a public computer.

So what data is not trustable? Anything that the client provides is untrusted: form fields, query parameters, urls, request headers (including cookies), request body and websocket data. The security measures to ensure that the data is valid differ from field to field but many can be treated similarly to the handle cookie discussed above, by validating fields as strictly as possible, and by properly encoding the fields before using them.

Not only is that client data untrusted, but you also need to potentially be wary of data that came from a client somewhere else. As your application grows, so does the number of potential vulnerabilities. If one location in your application is weak and allows the client to save unsafe data to your database, then other parts of your application could be affected even if they don't have any external vulnerabilities. Therefore, it is sometimes desirable from a security standpoint to do validation and sanitization even on data from your database - who knows how it got there in the first place!